However, Chen Yang was moved and moved. But he still has a ruler in his heart.

Chen Yang distinguishes right from wrong. He said, "sister Qing, you have been hurt by your ex husband Xu Zhi. I know you are a proud princess. In my heart, you are indeed a princess. I've been running away from it, and I know I'm not the person you want to be. You said you would wait for me, but I really don't know how long I need you to wait. Maybe, you wait ten years, or I will be killed directly in heaven and earth. If I promise you, I will only give you endless pain. "

Speaking of the car, Chen Yang stopped for a moment and then said, "besides, I went to situ's house with Shen Mo Nong yesterday. If I want to solve this problem, I must ask for help from the situ family. The master of the situ family promised to help. But there is one requirement: let me marry his granddaughter, situ linger. I didn't promise, but I didn't. Before I promise, I will tell you that this is my respect for sister Qing. Whether I love miss situ or not, as long as I get married with her and get the certificate. Well, I have to be loyal to her. So, your waiting is meaningless. Before, I didn't promise to marry you because I didn't like the shackles of marriage. I didn't like to be alone all my life. But now, this is the condition. Since we have agreed, as a man, we should perform, and even more, fulfill the sacred responsibility given by marriage. "

Su qingjiao's body was shaking, and tears were in her eyes.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I hope you can be good, really, sister Qing. If you are not happy and unhappy, I will feel very unhappy

"I will." Su Qing's tears dripping, she did not hate Chen Yang. Instead, he looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, thank you for telling me so much. Thank you for doing so much for me. I will always remember your good, but also appreciate your good. You didn't cheat me from the beginning to the end. You are definitely a man worthy of my love

Chen Yang listen to her say so, can't help but slightly relieved. At the same time, his heart is also slightly melancholy.

Chen Yang, Chen Yang, even if you are a gold elixir? You still have so many helpless, so many involuntarily.

Su Qing suddenly into Chen Yang's arms, she kisses Chen Yang's lips.

Chen Yang slightly a stay, he saw Su Qing eye corner pan tear, beautiful eyes close.

But her kiss was so warm and crazy.

Chen Yang put his arms around her waist, and he also gave her a warm kiss.

This is a very mellow kiss, like a strong wine, this kiss has been brewing for too long.

I don't know how long it took, and the two just separated.

Su Qing, with a sad smile, got up and left.

Chen Yang takes a deep breath. He can smell the smell of Su Qing in the room.

Unspeakable melancholy lingered in his heart, and he knew that from this moment on, he was really breaking up with Su Qing.

He had to break it!

Su Qing, even if he can wait. But he couldn't be so selfish, and he couldn't apologize to situ ling'er who didn't meet.

This is also his bottom line.

After a long time, Chen Yang shook his head, then walked out of the room, and then came to the yard.

Lin Qingxue, Tang Qingqing and Qin moyao are still waiting for Chen Yang.

Su Qing did not come out.

After Chen Yang came out, he said to Xiaoxue, "Xiaoxue, go inside to find her mother, and listen to her words."

Xiaoxue Er, cleverly went in.

Chen Yang faces the three girls.

Seeing that Chen Yang's face was not very good-looking, Qin moyao asked with concern: "what's the matter? Is there something difficult to solve? "

Chen Yang forced a smile, then said: "I should say, I want to announce a good news to you."

The three girls of Qin moyao suddenly felt strange.

"If there is no accident, I will get married soon," Chen said. The object of marriage is miss situling'er of the situ family. It is said that she is the first beauty in Yanjing. You are my good friends. Bless me. "

Qin moyao and Tang Qingqing are trembling. Their beautiful faces turn white. They naturally know that Chen Yang can't be joking.

Lin Qingxue should be calm. First of all, she has a light temperament. Second, she was Chen Yang's brother.

But Qin moyao and Tang Qingqing love Chen Yang.

"Why?" Qin moyao immediately asked.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "if I want to solve the problems in front of me, I must rely on master situ. The old man promised to help me, so he asked. I decided to agree. "

Tang Qingqing lost his soul.

Qin moyao was angry and said, "what kind of trouble is so big that you have to take your marriage as a condition? Is my grandfather not as good as some kind of Shitu family? "

What she was most annoyed about was that she said she would marry Chen Yang and help him. Chen Yang flatly refused, but now, Chen Yang is willing to marry a situling er who has never seen him before.

Chen Yang said: "the power of the master Qin is naturally greater than that of the situ family, but only the situ family can help in this matter.""What if I don't allow you to do that?" Said Qin moyao, gritting his teeth.

Chen Yang was silent for a moment and said, "I'm sorry."

Qin moyao's eyes were red. She said, "it's always your decision. No one can make you change. I don't blame you. Really, I can only blame Qin moyao for being so stupid. " She turned around and hurried into the room.

Tang Qingqing takes a deep look at Chen Yang. She follows Mo Yao and goes in.

Lin Qingxue came to Chen Yang and whispered, "brother!"

Chen Yang looks at Lin Qingxue, but Lin Qingxue's eyes are soft, with a trace of heartache. This heartache is for his brother.

Chen Yang heart a warm, he slightly wry smile, said: "I should not be Chen Shimei?"

Lin Qingxue said: "of course you are not. You are a real hero, a man."

Chen Yang couldn't help chuckling and said, "it's still my little sister. I always think your brother is the best."

Lin Qingxue came forward and hugged Chen Yang. Her face was pasted on Chen Yang's chest and whispered, "you are the best."

Chen Yang also holds the fragrant shoulder of Lin Qingxue.

The friendship between the two is pure and strong, which is a strong feeling of brother and sister.

"Sorry, brother. I know it's all because of me Lin Qingxue said with red eyes.

Chen Yang patted her fragrant shoulder and said, "silly girl, how can it be because of you. It's destiny. I'm a man of destiny. I'm doomed to this fate. Besides, you are my sister. I will protect you even if I try my best not to. "

His words are absolutely from the heart.

Lin Qingxue felt Chen Yang's sincerity. She held Chen Yang tightly and felt that her brother Lin Nan really came back.

Later, Chen Yang left the courtyard of the old man of Qin.

He would be embarrassed if he stayed any longer, so he might as well leave.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning when I got out of the courtyard, and the sun was shining.

With his memory, Chen Yang walked through several hutongs and finally got out of the old Yanjing quadrangle area ten minutes later.

There is a road ahead. There are some remote places and there is not much traffic.

However, Chen Yang's luck was very good, and a taxi came soon after standing.

Chen Yang quickly waved.

The taxi stopped in front of Chen Yang. Chen Yang saw that the driver was a woman. She was in her thirties. She was very ordinary. She was wearing a plump down jacket. She couldn't see her figure.

Chen Yang didn't think much about it. He opened the door and sat in the back row. "Go to Guohua Road, Manchester district."

The woman driver didn't reply and started the car.

Chen Yang secretly said: "are Yanjing's drivers so cattle?"

The taxi sped out.

Chen Yang lies with his eyes closed. In fact, he also understood the thoughts of Qin moyao and Tang Qingqing, but they did not ask for anything. I think it's OK to be a friend. But when they suddenly marry others, they are still hard to accept.

Don't think about so many messy things, or think about how to deal with the God domain exam.

There is no doubt that the road ahead will be difficult. Moreover, even to kill Xiao Bingqing is not so simple.

The game is just beginning.

Chen Yang fell asleep, and he slept at ease.

I don't know how long it took him to wake up. He woke up with a start, and he felt something was wrong.

No, there are tranquilizing drugs in this car. It is because of this drug that Chen Yang feels particularly quiet and stable, so he sleeps at ease.

He looked out of the window and was shocked.

Shit, where is this?

Chen Yang saw that all around were wasteland, where there were countless earth graves.

The fallen leaves are withering. It's a random burial mound!

At the moment, I've been sleeping for two hours!

At this point the car finally stopped.

Chen Yang looked at the female driver in front of him. He suddenly thought of something and said in a startled voice, "Xiao Bingqing?" At the same time, he popped a kick into the driver's seat.

The force of this foot weighs 2000 Jin.

Like a shell!

The driver's seat pressed forward violently, and the front part was deformed in an instant, and the windshield was also broken.

But at that moment, the woman driver had already kicked open the door and flashed out.

Chen Yang was in a cold sweat, and he got out of the car with lightning.

The car is very restricted, and he certainly can't let himself be trapped in it.

After Chen Yang came out, as soon as he stood still, he saw the female driver five meters ahead.

The female driver turned her back to Chen Yang.

"Xiao Bingqing, is it you?" Chen Yang took a deep breath and said.

The woman driver suddenly took off her down jacket. Her slim figure was immediately revealed, and she was wearing a strong black dress.

Her hip line and waist curve are perfect, waist like devil!At the same time, the woman driver suddenly turned around.

at that moment, she tore off the mask on her face. Her original face was shown in front of Chen Yang.

This face is matchless and white. But a pair of eyes is full of crazy resentment.

This woman is Xiao Bingqing.

Chen Yang knows Xiao Bingqing. He adjusted the information from Shen Mo Nong and read it. Tqr1

the murder weapon on Xiao Bingqing's chest is quite spectacular. She is a mature woman and a charming woman. But at the moment, she let Chen Yang have a shudder feeling.

Xiao Bingqing's eyes are really crazy. She just stares at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang felt like a frog caught by a snake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!