As long as a normal person is a normal person, he can recite the syllable in his mind. However, when people are in the water and have difficulty breathing, it is extremely difficult to calm down and recall this syllable, and to ensure that each syllable is the standard pronunciation frequency.

Soon, another ten days passed.

Chen Yang was finally able to read this syllable completely under the river. Of course, it's in the mind, and it meets the brain waves. Finally, a twisted rope is formed!

The power of syllables!

It's a very mysterious thing.

Listening to thunder in a silent place, it will be a special feeling, will feel the power of thunder.

Feel the subtlety of syllables in miscellaneous places, so as to feel the real subtlety. Because only by heart can we hear the real voice.

Chen Yang is at the bottom of the river. At this time, he doesn't need the sun and moon rhyme to get great peace in an instant.

All the feelings of the body are abandoned and the mind is quiet.

Later, Chen Yang began to meditate in the brain.

"The immortality of the grain God is called Xuan female. The gate of Xuan female is the root of heaven and earth. If you keep it, you don't use it frequently. The five colors make people blind, the five sounds deafen, the five flavors make the population happy, the galloping hunting makes people crazy, and the rare goods are harmful to people's behavior... "

Wonderful syllables jump up in Chen Yang's brain domain and resonate with brain waves!

At this time, Chen Yang was quiet and his thoughts moved. The brain waves immediately put all the syllables into one force.

Just like a breath!

Now is the real mystery.

This is the reason why the so-called door of all kinds of wonderful things is mysterious and mysterious!

Once this force of syllables was formed, Chen Yang felt as if he had a congenital Qi in his body. He can control the innate Qi to walk in the body.

Sound is the oldest power. Every syllable represents a different power.

The power of this section of syllable is like a light, which opens the door to the magic in the body, and then goes to find the mysterious blood hole.

At this time, Chen Yang also understood the reason of the existence of poor and poor blood orifices.

This poor blood orifices are the brain nuclei in the brain domain.

The poor and poor blood orifices are the blood nuclei in the body, and are the root of wanjian Guizong!

At present, Chen Yang is equivalent to lighting a lamp in his body to look for the existence of blood nuclei.


Don't know how long, Chen Yang's body issued a warning. He can no longer bear the pressure of the river.

After all, there are limits to the human body.

Knowing that there was no delay, Chen Yang came to the surface immediately.

At the same time, Chen Yang went ashore.

He is a very clever man. Drawing inferences from one instance is his strong point.

Chen Yang couldn't help thinking: "I practiced the magic formula of soul returning to God at the bottom of the river, in order to listen to thunder in silence, and feel the subtle syllables in miscellaneous places. But now that I feel the mystery of syllables, I don't have to go to the bottom of the river. Master situ didn't go to the bottom of the river every day. The bottom of the river is just a means of cultivation. I have to have my own discrimination

With this in mind, Chen Yang sat on his knees by the river.

Whether it was the roar of the north wind or all kinds of cold attacks, Chen Yang had forgotten for a moment and entered the realm of forgetting things and me.

There was great peace in the brain.

The force of syllables formed quickly, and Chen Yang drove the power of syllables to wander in the body and dig out the place of the poor and poor blood orifices.

This force of syllables swam wildly in Chen Yang's body.

Unfortunately, even if he was wandering around, Chen Yang didn't find out where the poor and poor blood orifices were.

Chen Yang opened his eyes and stopped practicing.

At this time, the power of the syllables immediately disappeared.

For the power of syllables is like a breath, which dissipates as soon as it is no longer closed.

Chen Yang thought again. "Why can't I feel the poverty? Why? "

He thought for a long time, and suddenly he realized something.

"Yes, it is hidden in the deep. If many masters find it so good, then maybe. This poor blood hole should not be a search, but a feeling. The syllable power of soul returning to God is complementary to the poor and poor blood orifices. I should feel it, not look for it! "

Chen Yang's eyes brightened. He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

The power of syllables formed quickly in Chen Yang's brain domain, and then Chen Yang did not move.

In this way, Chen Yang has always maintained.

Three hours later, Chen Yang suddenly felt that there was something subtle that seemed to be pulling the power of syllables.

Damn, it's a poor blood hole!

Chen Yang immediately drives the syllable force to follow this subtle force.

Finally, the power of syllables stays at a cellular level!

"Broken!" Chen Yang let the power of syllables pierce this cell layer.

As soon as the cell layer is broken, a strong force in it instantly absorbs the syllable power."It's a poor blood orifice, it's a blood core!"

Chen Yang was overjoyed. At this moment, he felt the center of the whole blood.

This is the sea where rivers flow.

And the soul to God is to hide all the blood in the blood nucleus, to be condensed, hidden.

This moment, Chen Yang has opened the door of magic power.

His poor blood hole, the blood core, was opened.

Chen Yang suppressed his ecstasy, and then he collected the blood of his body towards the blood nucleus.

After a while, Chen Yang felt dizzy.

Because the body's blood is losing, in the crazy toward the blood core.

It's like losing too much blood.

Chen Yang stopped practicing.

He needs to rely on the body's mechanism, bone marrow, to start blood production.

Bone marrow hematopoiesis, blood nuclear store blood!

Mysterious gate, wonderful gate!

This body is really abstruse enough, can't ponder!

At this moment, Chen Yang had such an idea.

He also felt that ordinary people's blood nuclei have not been used, only to help produce small blood plates and strengthen the body mechanism.

Bone marrow hematopoiesis is made according to the volume of the body.

At present, Chen Yang's body is equal to more than a warehouse of blood.

Three days later, Chen Yang's blood nucleus was finally full.

If Chen Yang practises properly, he can burst out the strength of 4000 kg in an instant.

This force must erupt perfectly in a flash. Or it could explode!

What's more, the reason why the blood nucleus is full is not because the blood nucleus has only such a little capacity. But because Chen Yang still needs to practice, needs to continue to strengthen the body, then the blood nucleus can continue to strengthen.

The volume of the blood nucleus is as unimaginable as the cell development in the brain domain.

Three days later, Chen Yang's body finally reached a balance.

Now, in front of the river. Chen Yang suddenly burst a drink, issued a move of great holy seal, followed by rolling thunder seal!

His body Qi and blood are crazy, his eyes are red, and the whole person is in a state of madness.

Chen Yang's every move has the strength of 4000 kg.

The power of 4000 kg is equal to the peak of transforming God.

Ten seconds later, Chen Yang stopped. He passed out in a flash.

It's because his body can't withstand such a powerful force.

After a long time, Chen Yang finally came to his senses.

After waking up for a moment, Chen Yang felt that his body was exhausted to the extreme and his whole body was in pain. Tqr1

he frowned and remained motionless.

But the body began to recover.

Qi and blood flow back slowly, the blood into the blood nucleus, the distribution of the whole body on the whole body!

After half an hour, Chen Yang just returned to full bloom.

Chen Yang secretly said: "this can't do, in case and the master on, ten seconds did not kill each other, then he will die. Even if you kill the other party in ten seconds, you can kill yourself as soon as you faint

He stood up and took a deep breath. This time, the time is directly fixed to eight seconds.

He exerted his strength of 4000 Jin, and his blood gushed wildly.

Eight seconds later, Chen Yang settled down.

The blood is surging in the body, and the blood in the brain is also surging up.

Chen Yang felt dizzy.

No way!

Still not!

After Chen Yang recovered again, he continued to practice.

After several experiments, he found his own strength of four thousand pounds that could support five seconds.

Once passed, the body will not be able to bear, there are side effects.

Chen Yang's heart is still happy, five seconds for the master, can do too many things.

Moreover, with the progress of self-cultivation, the body is constantly strong. It's going to be a lot longer. When he reached the peak of the transformation of God, at that time, it was estimated that eight thousand pounds of power could be broken out.

Eight kilos, ha ha!

Chen Yang can't imagine how strong he will be at that time.

He felt that his current situation was like a sports car with hydrogen devices, which could produce incredible power in an instant.

Those who have played the best flying car know that after the accumulation of power, the hydrogen device will start, and the speed will increase fiercely.


Chen Yang took a long breath. He looked up at the sky. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

The night in Yanjing came very quickly. Now the sky is dark.

Chen Yang felt a little cold, so he got on the bus and went home.

When they returned to the residence, they were having dinner.

Chen Yang called out his grandfather, ling'er.

Situ ling'er looked at Chen Yang lightly and continued to eat.

Situ Yan said with a smile: "come and have a meal. I don't know when you will come back, so I didn't wait for you."Chen Yang smiles and says, "it's OK."

Wu Bo immediately gave Chen Yangsheng a bowl of rice.

After Chen Yang sat down, he looked at master situyan and said, "grandfather, my poor blood hole has been opened."

"Oh?" Situ Yan was not surprised and said, "that's good."

He actually knew it.

And Chen Yang never said. The reason why he didn't say that was because Chen Yang felt that he had not practiced well, and he had already achieved his cultivation. Naturally, he had to report to situ Yan.

Situ ling'er was a little surprised and said, "have you got through the blood hole of poverty and famine?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "that's right."

Situ Yan laughed and said, "ling'er, you are a genius. But Chen Yang doesn't need you at all. "

However, situ ling'er did not speak, and continued to eat in silence.

Chen Yang said to master situyan, "grandfather, can the spirit of my town be passed on to others?" He thought of Mu Jing and Shen Mo Nong.

This is the character of Chen Yang. What good things he has, the Jedi will never forget his friends.

With a smile, situ Yan said, "in the future, you will be the helmsman and master of the situ family. Therefore, the spirit of the town is also the treasure of the situ family. What you want to do with it, grandfather will respect your decision. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!