Almost at the same time, lornin woke up with a start.

Two people look at each other, eyes are a kind of inexplicable emotion.

"I had a dream," Chen said "I had a dream, too," lornin said She is slightly excited, way: "you say first."

Chen Yang then said, "I dreamed that King Solomon reversed time and space and changed the situation of war through the ark of the Lord. Finally, he wanted to change his luck with the help of the Sinai code. As a result, he was directly killed by evil consequences. A general named Houston recorded the situation. It's on this sacred stone. "

"I have the same dream as you," lonin said excitedly. That's not wrong. The ark of the Lord and the law of Sinai are real. "

Chen Yang is also a little excited, things to now, finally have some progress.

They quickly climbed out of the cave and came to the side of the sacred stone.

Chen Yang carefully observed that place in the dream, as expected, there are many fine ancient characters.

These ancient texts are what Dr. kunglin said.

At this moment, they no longer have any doubts about the existence of the ark of the Lord and the law of Sinai.

However, they still face a big problem.

That is Where to find the Sinai code?

There is obviously no Sinai code.

"Elder martial sister Ning, I think we should change our thinking." Chen Yang said.

Luo Ning looks at Chen Yang, and she admires Chen Yang now. Because this dream can do, also thanks to Chen Yang's wisdom.

Lornin gradually understood that this time, even if we could find the Sinai code. It is likely that Chen Yang's wisdom is not his luck.

Chen Yang continued: "we have been looking for the wailing wall and the holy stone. But let's not forget that the tip of the mission is the Third Temple. I don't think the ark of the Lord and the law of Sinai have gone out, nor have they come into anyone's hands. Such a deity should always be in the Third Temple. "

Lornin said, "you're right. But the most difficult thing for us right now is, "where can we find the Third Temple?"

Chen Yang said: "there won't be any other discoveries here. Let's leave here first and go back to have a good bath. Then eat and drink, and then think about the Third Temple. "

Lornin nodded and said, "good!"

Their clothes were already wet with sweat and dried again.

Before leaving, they took a nostalgic look here, and then left from the corridor.

This holy stone, this place used to be a place full of history and supernatural powers. Tqr1

Chen Yang even had a moment's thought in his heart. If one day, I could leave a good name for the supernatural powers, and the places I had experienced would be admired by later generations. What kind of state would it be?

By this time, it was five o'clock in the morning.

When they arrived at the end of the corridor, they found that the hole in the ground was tightly covered.

However, this can not stop Chen Yang and Luo Ning, Chen Yang will be similar to the well cover of things to split. Then, they climbed out.

"If you don't come out, I'll take your corpses." Said Iveco, lazily coming in from the outside.

He had been worried for two days, and he was really angry. He also knew that the two men must have been inside looking for treasure. There are more people like this.

"Ten thousand dollars more!" Lornin and Iveco were too lazy to talk nonsense.

Ivek was overjoyed and said, "it's a deal."

Out of the dome of the mosque, Chen Yang and Luoning once again saw the blue sky.

The air seemed very fresh, which made them have the illusion of reincarnation.

After settling the account with Iveco, Chen Yang drove Luoning back to the hotel.

The moon gradually faded away, and the sky gradually showed the fish belly white.

In a twinkling of an eye, it has been seven days since the two took over the task.

There are twenty-three days left.

It still looks like it's full. But compared with people who have been looking for thousands of years, that's not enough time.

Luo Ning is sitting on the co pilot this time, and her relationship with Chen Yang seems to be closer.

After returning to the hotel, Chen Yang and Luo Ning went back to their respective rooms.

Chen Yang or check the room, to make sure that no one came in before he put his heart down.

Later, Chen Yang had a good bath and changed into clean clothes.

For a moment, he felt a lot fresher.

However, the stomach is still a little hungry.

Chen Yang found the instant noodles and made a bowl.

When the dough was ready, he wolfed down the soup.

After that, brush your teeth.

After that, Yang was so comfortable in bed.

Soon, Chen Yang fell asleep.

This sleep, Chen Yang has been sleeping until 5 p.m., very comfortable.

When I wake up, I feel that I can kill a tiger with one fist.However, he could have killed the tiger with one punch.

When Chen Yang gets up, he opens the curtain.

The afterglow of the setting sun came in at once, setting off the balcony and the room like a layer of golden light.

Standing in front of the balcony, Chen Yang looked at the holy city of Jerusalem, which is full of magic beliefs. He felt as if he was in an era of time and space crisscross.

Standing here, you can clearly see high-rise buildings, modern technology.

But Chen Yang always felt that the temple was once glorious, with missionaries and Muslims everywhere, Crusaders surging and iron armor invincible. King Solomon stood in the midst of all men.

There are stories everywhere, but the stories here are especially wonderful.

At this time, he was a little hungry, so Chen Yang went to Luoning.

Lornin was up this time, and he was dressed up.

This time, both were dressed in white.

But again, it happened that both of them were white T-shirts, and they looked very much like lovers' clothes.

"What?" "It doesn't look like black and white, right?" lornin said She seems to have some hindsight.

Chen Yang touched his nose, and suddenly he laughed and said, "but it looks like a couple's outfit."

Luo Ning suddenly speechless, she simply opened the topic, said: "let's go down to dinner, after dinner, go to the wailing wall. This time, no matter what, we're going in. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

They had dinner in the hotel.

In the private room, I ordered a big dinner table.

They were drinking red wine and eating lobster.

If there may not be many days left, don't treat yourself badly. Who is left with so much money?

This is the real thought of Chen Yang and Luo Ning.

"Chen Yang, do you think we can find clues to the third temple when we go to the Wailing Wall this time?" Asked lornin.

Chen Yang pondered for a moment and then said, "I'm not sure. But the only thing I can be sure of is that the Third Temple must be in the city of Jerusalem. "

Lornin was in a good spirits, but still asked, "why?"

"Jerusalem is famous for its temple, so it is also called the holy city," Chen Yang said. There's the first temple, the second temple. Only in Jerusalem can the rebuilt temple be called the Third Temple. If you go elsewhere, the meaning of the temple is no longer there. It should not be called the Third Temple. "

Luo Ning felt that Chen Yang's words were very reasonable. She said, "but Dr. kungreen said that if the Third Temple is built, it can't be hidden. Because the temple is the Jewish faith, faith will not be hidden in private places. "

The third is the temple of Jew

Lornin said, "is the law of Sinai and the ark of the Lord hidden in the wall of weeping?"

Chen Yang could not help but smile and said, "the ark of the Lord and the law of Sinai disappeared completely after the destruction of the second temple. How can these two things be hidden in the wall? Now the instruments are very developed. If it was in the wall, I believe the official power of Jerusalem would have been found out. "

Lornin was slightly depressed.

After dinner, Chen Yang and Luo Ning came out, and the sky was already dark.

Chen Yang drove his car to Luoning. He first went to the gas station to refuel, and then went to the wailing wall.

At seven o'clock in the evening, they arrived in front of the wailing wall. The wailing wall is closed!

Chen Yang and Luo Ning still cover the principle that money can make the devil move the mill. They go to find the gatekeeper, saying that they just admire the wailing wall and want to watch it closely and individually.

The gatekeeper was a Jew with a lot of principles.

But at the end of the day, lornin made $100000. At the beginning, the goods were still relatively persistent. Later, Chen Yang pulled Luoning's rouyi and said, "in this case, let's go."

The Jew was in a hurry and couldn't give up so much money!

After receiving the money, the Jew kept drawing a cross on his chest and reading something like Lord, please forgive me.

Chen Yang and Luo Ning also smoothly entered the wailing wall.

The gatekeeper asked Chen Ling and Luo Ning to disguise as Jews, put on Jewish costumes and came to the wailing wall.

There's surveillance. There's security. But they don't care if they see the Jews coming.

Many Jews used to come to pray quietly at night.

For the wailing wall, Chen Yang and Luo Ning have been here before, and have not found anything.

At the moment, they are also planning to sleep here. Maybe you can find it in your sleep.

It's like in front of the sacred stone.

Yesterday, dreaming under the holy stone, Chen Yang thought that it should be the holy stone that retained the magnetic field of what had happened, and finally played back in Chen Yang's and Luo Ning's minds.

It's like a camera recording something.

Chen Yang and Luo Ning just want to see if they can find some interesting things here, such as the whereabouts of the ark of the Lord and the law of Sinai. Or the whereabouts of the Third Temple.Seeing that they were not leaving, the Jew wanted to urge them.

At this time, Chen Yang is tough. He said, "leave at daybreak. If you are nagging, report to your Lord that you have collected money."

The Jew soon lost his temper.

Chen Yang naturally understood the principle of beating a snake at seven inches.

After a while, Chen Yang and Luo Ning were in a state of mind and fell asleep.

No one ever sleeps in front of a wailing wall. No one thought of sleeping here.

Chen Yang and Luo Ning did such a thing, which is also true that there are no ancients before and no one after.

Finally, Chen Yang had a dream.

His dream was muddled, as if there were countless people crying in his ears.

It was all Jewish Voices, some weeping, some whispering.

Chen Yang was conscious in his heart, and he tried to write down several voices.

He can't understand the Jewish language. He decided to write it down and find someone who could understand to translate , the fastest update of the webnovel!