"Good!" Chen Yang answered. Then he beckoned the waiter to pay.

But Mr. Ling didn't fight for the bill. In Mr. Ling's eyes, these are trivial matters.

After paying the bill, they went out of the bar.

At this time, both of them had drunk a lot of wine. It was very difficult to deal with the police when driving.

L.A. is very strict with drink driving.

"Shall we walk back?" Mr. Ling said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was stunned. He was lazy and wanted to take a taxi. Because there is a long way to go from here to Xiangshan.

However, he felt that since the elder had opened his mouth, he naturally had to comply with it, so he immediately said, "good!"

Ling said with a smile, "let's go."

Chen Yang didn't want to lose face in front of his predecessors. He kept a certain speed.

But soon, Chen Yang found that Mr. Ling's speed was almost the same as his own. Besides, he seems to be walking leisurely.

At this time, there is not much traffic on the main street.

The street lights are bright and the north wind is like a knife.

The cold wind in January is the most tormenting.

Chen Yang secretly a little unconvinced, he quickened the pace.

However, Mr. Ling is still so leisurely and keeps pace with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang can't help but work harder. He exerts the power of Qi and blood. There is a subtle movement in his footwork.

At this moment, Chen Yang was walking like a 60 yard car.

Mr. Ling still followed Chen Yang's side, and he walked leisurely step by step.

Chen Yang can be regarded as following Mr. Ling on the bar, he continues to urge the power of Qi and blood.

Mr. Ling has been following.

Unknowingly, Chen Yang extended his skills to the limit. He even urged the power of blood core.

The strength of six thousand jin is running with all one's strength, which is faster than the speed of any sports car.

After a while, he was twenty miles away.

"Little brother, are you going to race with me?" At this moment, sir, she said with a smile.

He is still so leisurely, and has always been parallel with Chen Yang.

You can see that he hasn't worked at all.

At this time, Chen Yang can only be convinced. He slowed down his speed and said to Mr. Ling with a bitter smile, "master, you are so powerful that I admire you!"

"It's just a trick!" Mr. Ling also slowed down the speed, a faint smile.

Chen Yang didn't understand, and said, "but you look very leisurely. You don't have the appearance of promoting qi and blood. How could you be so fast? "

Ling smiles and says, "there are magnetic fields in the air, molecules. Many of the same molecules are connected in series, and two of the same molecules can be connected in one step. It's like walking through the void. In fact, people sometimes have this effect when they walk. " After a pause, he continued, "sometimes we go the same way, and suddenly it will take a long time to get there. But all of a sudden, very quickly, it's the invisible chain of molecules

Chen Yang slightly surprised, he did have this feeling.

"But the time is the same." Chen Yang said: "it usually takes 30 minutes to travel. It is impossible to have a big difference in time."

"There's not much chance of inadvertently crossing molecules in tandem," Ling said. But once it's crossed, it's time molecules. So, time has passed. Sometimes, you will feel that the time is very long, but when you look at the time, only a few minutes have passed. Sometimes, you think it's not long before, but a month has passed unconsciously. That's all the truth! "

Chen Yang suddenly realized that there was such a relationship. You said these, we will meet in our daily life. But no one expected such a relationship. "

With a smile, Mr. Ling said, "everything happens for a reason and has a result. Anything magical has a scientific basis. Science doesn't mean anti myth. Science is from an objective point of view to explain this event in scientific terms. Man can't fly up in the air. If he can, he has to demonstrate from gravity why he can get rid of this gravity? There must be a reason for that. " He paused and continued: "the real core of scientific theory is not to worship blindly, question and question everything that happens. The truth is indistinguishable! But the feudal myth does not talk about the scientific basis, everything comes out of thin air, deceiving women and children, which makes people dare not dialectically and question. "

Chen Yang listened very seriously. He had a kind of sincere feeling to Mr. Ling's speech.

Because what Mr. Ling said is to pay attention to the basis, and will not have the feeling of relying on the old and selling the old.

By this time, they were already on the road of Xiangshan.

There is no more traffic here, but there are still street lights on both sides, which are bright.

There is no bright moon tonight.

There are thick woods on both sides.The woods were dark.

At this time, Mr. Ling suddenly stopped.

Chen Yang slightly surprised, he also stopped to look at Mr. Ling. "What's the matter, master?"

Mr. Ling's face was dignified. He said, "I can't believe that I won't come back for a long time. As soon as they came back, the gang came. "

Seeing Mr. Ling's face, Chen Yang immediately guessed that it was the enemy of his predecessors. Tqr1

he can't help but feel anxious. He must be an extraordinary big man who can be the enemy of his predecessors in the world and dare to seek revenge.

As soon as Mr. Ling's words fell, there was a rustle in the woods.

After a while, four black shadows surrounded Chen Yang and Mr. Ling in four directions.

"Chinese dragon, you are all right!" In front of the two people, one of the elderly voice is still.

Chen Yang looked at the old man, but he was a Chinese. He was dressed in a black robe and looked about sixty years old. His face was as wrinkled as a knife, but his eyes were as sharp as a falcon! Chen Yang faintly felt that there was a very strong breath on the black robed old man.

This breath should be said to be intuitive. Chen Yang thinks that if he is facing the old man alone, he may even have difficulty breathing.

This old man's cultivation is not under the influence of his grandfather situ Yan. This is Chen Yang's conclusion in a flash.

Next to the old man in black is an American. The American has a very white face and blonde hair. He seems to be in his forties, too.

However, the forties are appearances. Chen Yang can't tell how old he is. The American's eyes are blood red, which is very strange in this dark night. His lips are also bright, just like the legendary vampire.

Chen Yang looked at the two men in the rear, both in their fifties. They are also Chinese.

These four people, as expected, are transcendent saints. All of them are the existence that Chen Yang needs to look forward to.

If Chen Yang meets anyone alone, it will be the slag of the second.

Is Yue Dapeng powerful? But if Yue Dapeng were in front of these people, he would be like a three-year-old child.

Not to mention this, the American also spoke, he said: "Mr. Zhonghua long, you still have no change in 20 years?"

With a smile, Mr. Ling said, "the blood clan was completely destroyed by the God Emperor. I thought there would be no blood clan in the world, but I didn't expect there were real golden blood clan in the holy land of the West. Twenty years ago, you wanted to compete with Huaxia, but you were defeated by us. I thought you should be honest. Now that you are together, it seems that you still have a good conscience. " After a pause, he said, "I'm really sorry you said you'd like to leave me for 20 years. I just see that you are of blood, but I don't remember who you are

That means you're not qualified for me to remember.

Chen Yang was very nervous at one side, but when he heard the authority of his predecessors, he could not help but be bold and bold.

Anger flashed in the American man's eyes, and he said, "remember, my name is Kirsten. I am the prince of the golden family and the leader of the blood clan in Los Angeles. You also have to remember, because today, I will give you a very deep impression

With a faint smile, Mr. Ling said, "OK, OK, OK! I'll remember your name He looked at the old man in black again and said, "you are the new leader of Tantra, the unknown ancestor?"

The old man in Black said, "yes, it is! At that time, our tianzhangjiao was killed by Mr. zhonghualong, and our Tibetan secret school was in chaos. Now, if I kill you, I will find a place for Tantra. "

Mr. Ling said: "the farmers in the fields were so greedy that they destroyed countless creatures. I killed him for heaven's sake. "

Listening to the dialogue between the two sides, Chen Yang could not help feeling excited. He felt that if he could live like his predecessors, he would die without regret.

The nameless ancestor said: "there is no need to say much about what happened in those years. Now that the cause and effect will come to an end today, it is time to end the cause and effect of that year."

Mr. Ling sighed and said, "you shouldn't have come."

But the words did not pay any attention to these two people.

Later, Mr. Ling looked at the two people in the rear.

He asked faintly: "do you and I have hatred?"

The Chinese man on the left said in a cold voice, "Mr. Ling, I am snow boundless. You must have never heard of my name. But my son died at your hands. "

Mr. Ling couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "there are too many people killed, and I can't get a seat one by one. Your son is

Snow boundless said: "snow in repair!"

Mr. Ling shook his head and said, "I don't remember this person at all. Are you looking for the wrong person?"

Snow boundless eyes flashed an extremely angry color and said: "Mr. Ling, you are too deceiving. My son joined the Holy See of light, loyal to the devil emperor and surrounded you. You killed him with one blow

Mr. Ling said, "Oh, that's possible. But if your son wants to encircle me and I want to kill him, that's right. ""So it's natural that I come to kill you today." Snow boundless anger road.

Mr. Ling sighed slightly and said, "you really shouldn't have come, because you can't get revenge, you'll follow your son's footsteps." He paused and said, "well, I'm sorry to miss you. If you leave now, I won't kill you."

Snow boundless anger extremely counter smile, way: "Mr. Ling, you are really arrogant to the edge, today is your death date."

Mr. Ling said, "well, there's no way." He looked at the last one and said, "I have a grudge against you, too?"

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