LAN Hong's first time to return is not home, but the company.

In the taxi, LAN Hong revealed to Chen Yang that her family made car engines. The name of the company is Zhongyu Tieying Group Co., Ltd.

When he heard the name, Chen Yang could not help but be surprised and said: "depend on, your family is the manufacturer of Iron Eagle engine?"

Blue rainbow's face glowed red, which was a kind of pride integrated into his bones, and said, "yes!"

Chen Yang had to say, "cow!"

The automobile engine made by Tieying group is the best in China at present. There is a tendency to catch up with and surpass Britain and America. Moreover, in China, many Chinese people have begun to recognize the engine of Tieying group. This brand effect is taking shape.

In the domestic automobile industry is generally called decline, Tieying group is a shot in the arm of the market. Tieying group has reached a long-term cooperation with the mainland automobile companies in Duojia. Even some joint ventures have reached strategic cooperation with Tieying group.

This is not to say, even the well-known foreign automobile enterprises have also made a sky high price to acquire Tieying group and obtain the core technology of Tieying group's engine.

But obviously, Tieying group refused.

Iron Eagle Group today's wealth value has reached 10 billion US dollars.

But it is surprising that Tieying group has not been listed.

In the words of the person in charge of Tieying group, that is, Tieying group does not understand the stock market and the market, but only knows how to make engines.

Just do the engine, then!

In view of the taxi, Chen Yang did not ask why LAN Hong was chased. So they were silent afterwards.

Half an hour later, it was seven o'clock in the morning.

At this time, the morning sun shines.

The taxi also stopped in front of Zhongyu Tieying Group Co., Ltd.

Chen Yang and LAN Hong get off the taxi, and Chen Yang gives the taxi money.

This is a thirty-six story building. Its name is Tieying building!

Production line, assembly line, design department, R & D department, marketing department, etc. all the core of Tieying company are in this Tieying building. The high price hawk group is also in charge of the high-cost iron group. These masters are in the dark monitoring, find suspicious people, immediately lock.

Besides, there are security patrols up and down.

These security guards are also looking for a group of veteran, such as retired mercenaries, special forces and so on.

Such a high level of security can ensure the safety of Tieying group.

After all, the competitors of Tieying group are some companies and enterprises, and it is unlikely that there are many masters among them. It's not a kuwu family!

At this time, Chen Yang and LAN Hong enter the first floor lobby of the building.

The security guard saw LAN Hong and respectfully called out LAN Zong, then released.

At this time, the blue rainbow also recovered the high cold air field, and faintly responded.

Chen Yang on one side is looking around like a curious baby.

Blue rainbow with Chen Yang came to the elevator, directly up to the highest building of 36 floors.

"To where?" In the elevator, Chen Yang asked LAN Hong.

LAN Hong said, "take you to my sister, who is the chairman of the board here."

Chen Yang said: "see your sister Gansa, she is not a beauty."

LAN Hong couldn't help being speechless. She said, "you saved me this time, and also helped us Iron Eagle Group. My sister will be grateful to you."

Chen Yang immediately said, "you don't want to deny it?"

Blue rainbow Leng Leng a Leng, did not expect this goods actually to own kiss so nostalgic. "I am a married woman, how can you..."

Chen Yang ha ha a smile, said: "or you give it to me now, I also easy to go, I still have something to do." After he finished, he directly pressed the blue rainbow on the back wall of the elevator.

His strong arm encircles the blue rainbow.

It's a wall thumping position that makes women blush and heartbeat.

What is bidong?

Wall Dong is to support the wall with hands, surround the woman inside, let her go, can only face the masculine atmosphere of men. At this time, kiss again, so it is the wall Dong.

LAN Hong was so suddenly attacked by Chen Yang that she was immediately shocked.

"Don't mess around. This is the company. There are monitors in the elevator." Blue rainbow flustered said.

He he said, "what are you afraid of. I'm getting my reward back! "

"My husband will kill you when he sees it." Blue rainbow said in a rage.

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang laughed, then let go of the blue rainbow, said: "I'm joking with you, don't mind."

LAN Hong realized that this guy was making fun of himself. She couldn't help being annoyed, but at the same time she felt a little funny.

Soon, the thirty sixth floor arrived.LAN Hong and Chen Yang get out of the elevator.

This is a luxurious office building, and the floor of the corridor is covered with golden silk carpet.

LAN Hong brings Chen Yang directly to the chairman's office.

LAN Hong knocks on the door, and a woman's pleasant voice comes from inside. "Come in!"

LAN Hong pushes the door in, and Chen Yang follows in.

This office has a huge French windows, everything is full of modern technology texture, decoration luxury.

The floor is carpeted and there is a large screen on the left to watch movies and play games.

On the right is the gym.

Damn it!

Chen Yang just glanced at it roughly. He couldn't help but sigh that the life of rich people is so luxurious!

What attracted Chen Yang's eyes most was the woman behind the luxurious desk.

LAN Hong's sister is also the chairman of Tieying group.

The woman looked about twenty-five years old and wore a small purple suit.

Her hair was curled up and she looked sharp and mature.

Her figure is very good, like blue rainbow, exquisite and beautiful. Moreover, she is as beautiful as blue rainbow.

The difference between the two is that blue rainbow is full of mature charm, which is the maturity of the body, like a peach. Make a man see, there is a kind of impulse to want to press her under the body.

But this woman is that kind of atmosphere is very strong, after seeing, the man can't help but have a kind of self abasement, dare not climb up the feeling.

The woman saw blue rainbow, she immediately got up, a face of concern came over. "Sister, you are back. I've called you several times, but I can't get through. "

The woman said and took LAN Hong's hand.

Blue rainbow immediately felt palpitation and said, "purple clothes, I can hardly see you this time. If it had not been for the help of this little brother, I would have died at the hand of the killer. " She then pointed to Chen Yang and said, "purple clothes, I'll introduce you to you. This is my little brother, Chen Yang."

Later, LAN Hong introduced her sister to Chen Yang. "This is my sister, blue and purple!"

Chen Yang in the face of blue and purple clothes, unconsciously stood up. "Hello, LAN Dong!" he said solemnly Tqr1

blue and purple clothes held out his hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Chen. Thank you very much for your kind help."

Chen Yang then also stretched out a hand, and blue purple clothes hold together.

He's a man, so if a woman doesn't reach out, he won't shake hands first. It's a matter of etiquette!

Although Chen Yang is usually very naughty, but serious occasions, or some small details, he is very attentive.

Of course, he has no scruples about LAN Hong.

The most important thing is to meet LAN Hong for the first time. LAN Hong has a close contact with him directly. Therefore, he also has some unscrupulous.

Chen Yang and blue purple clothes a grip that points, just like dragonflies skimming the water, so far, very measured.

But at this moment, Chen Yang's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because the hands in blue and purple are too cold.

It's like a thousand years of ice.

"What's the matter?" Blue purple see Chen Yang look different, can not help asking.

Chen Yang is more strange blue purple look, she does not know her own hand is very ice?

So Chen Yang said, "your hands are very cold."

"No?" One side of the blue rainbow said: "my sister is born a little cold, but also not very ice ah!" She said and took the hand of blue and purple clothes and said, "it's not very cold. It's just a little cooler than normal people."

Damn it!

Chen Yang wanted to say that it was a little bit cool there!

I can't stand it.

Is it really my own illusion?

Chen Yang shook his head and said to blue and purple, "can I hold your hand again?"

Blue purple clothes did not answer, blue rainbow's face first strange. Said: "Chen Yang, you don't want to take advantage of my sister!"

Chen Yang said solemnly: "I never have such a mind, just feel very strange."

LAN Hong said, "what's so weird? I grew up with my sister and no one ever said she was weird. You say it's weird when you meet. I think it's you who are eccentric. "

Chen Yang could not help but smile bitterly, and he said, "forget it." After a pause, he said, "I have nothing to do here. I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute!" The expression of blue and purple clothes is bleary, as if it is associated with something.

Chen Yang looks back to see the blue purple clothes this look, then knew that she must be really some strange.

Blue and purple clothes stretched out her pure white hands.

Without hesitation, Chen Yang grasped it.

This time, Chen Yang did not immediately release.

Immediately, a cold sense immediately rushed to Chen Yang's heart pulse.

Chen yangqiang could not let go. He was surprised and looked at the blue purple clothes.

In fact, situ ling'er was born with cold body, but that was a normal category. Chen Yang never felt anything.But this blue and purple dress is different.

"Hello, Chen Yang, do you still want to let go?" LAN Hong said on one side.

Blue purple said: "sister, don't rush him." She looked at Chen Yang seriously, and then at Chen Yang's hand.

At this time, a strange scene happened.

Chen Yang's hands began to produce ice, a thin layer of ice.

"Damn it!" Chen Yang yelled, and finally couldn't help letting go of his blue purple hand. He couldn't stand the cold.

This release, Chen Yang quickly shake hands, version Yun Qi and blood.

Soon, the ice on my hands disappeared.

Blue purple clothes and blue rainbow were stunned.

LAN Hong realized that Chen Yang really didn't want to take advantage of her sister.

"How could that happen?" LAN Hong asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is also puzzled, he said: "this question should be asked LAN Dong." , the fastest update of the webnovel!