Then, Liu Xiang said to me, "you knead and scolded me when I was drinking. Do you dare to give face? Do you dare to try one by one? Do you dare? "

Chen Yang grinned bitterly and said, "I dare not!"

So Chen Yang drank three more bottles. After three bottles, he looked a little confused.

Liu Liang said, "come on, son of a bitch, I'll drink with you."

He also took out a bottle of beer.

"Forget it, Liangzi!" Wang Xiang stopped Liu Liang. He smiled and said, "there are many interesting things behind. How can we just drink?"

When Liu Liang smiles, he is no longer forced.

"Thank you, brother Xiang," Chen said

But what people didn't expect was that at this time the fish BeiYao stood out. She took a bottle of beer and said to Chen Yang, "I respect you."

Chen Yao asked to die. It's really going to kill you. You can't drink it. "

"Isn't it best that you die?" Yu BeiYao sneered and said, "if you don't drink today, you won't give me face."

"OK, I'll drink it!" Chen Yangyi gritted his teeth and drank another bottle.

At this time, Liu Liang said: "I suddenly think of a funny thing. I haven't seen a man do a striptease, or let this son of a bitch dance? "

Yu BeiYao was the first to agree and said, "great."

Wang Xiang said, "this is not very good. Yao Yao, do you really want to see it

Yu BeiYao blushed slightly, then gritted his teeth and said, "as long as I can humiliate him, I will. I don't want to watch the big deal. Just look at it. "

"Well, let him jump." Mr. Chang made a fuss.

Mr. hang and Mr. Gao also made a fuss.

"No way!" Chen Yang shook his head and finally stood firm. He said, "I can't dance. I'm a big man. Even if you kill me, I won't jump. " He looked at Yu BeiYao and said, "Yao Yao, are you really going to force me to death?"

Yu BeiYao sneered and said, "it's best if you die."

The coldness was to the extreme.

"Son of a bitch, jump!" Liu Liang said: "if you dare not jump, today I will let you go to the bathroom to eat excrement."

"No, I don't jump!" Chen Yang seems to have been called back.

One side of Jin Qiang said coldly, "Liang Zi, since he doesn't jump, you'll beat him to jump. There are so many young masters here today. If your words don't work, it's our Xiangge's face. "

Liu Liang looked at Chen Yang and said, "son of a bitch, do you want to jump?"

Chen Yang's face turned pale and said, "I don't jump."

"Damn you!" Liu Liang scolded and said, "I'll give you a face." When he finished speaking, he collapsed directly and rushed to Chen Yang like lightning.

Liu Liang is the highest level of cultivation. He is incomparable!

He made this move with anger.

The fist is fierce.

If an ordinary person is hit by Liu Liang, he will definitely spit blood and die.

At this time, Chen Yang's eyes suddenly burst out of senhan's killing intention.

Liu Liang hit his chest with a blow, and Chen Yang seized Liu Liang's fist with a heart warming fist.

Then, Chen Yang sneered, a palm oblique cut, fold again!

With a click, Liu Liang's arm was directly broken by Chen Yang. The white bones of that forest are all exposed.

Liu Liang screamed bitterly. Chen Yang kicked Liu Liang to the ground again, and then stepped on his cheek.

Liu Liang immediately puffed and spat out a tooth.

This change is actually unexpected.

At the scene, everyone was stunned.

Chen Yang suddenly pointed to Wang Xiang and said, "grandchildren, do not move. If you move again, I will kill him."

His murderous spirit suddenly revealed, not just that cowardly guy.

"To die!" Jin Qiang is no matter Chen Yang's threat, directly.

Then Yuan Bin did it.

What's more, Wang Xiang also found that Chen Yang is a top expert. He made a swish.

In an instant, the three sides besieged, killing the sky!

Chen Yang roared and all the great saints burst out.

He runs the blood core, and the power of six kilos bursts out.

Terrible momentum erupted!

The first one killed was Jin Qiang.

Chen Yang doesn't look at it, but he kills him with a rolling thunder fist.


Jin Qiang and Chen Yang's fists collide with each other, and Jin Qiang feels that the martial spirit of the other side is like a torrent of invincible force. His fist spirit is suddenly disintegrated, and the whole person's blood and blood are surging and being knocked out.

At the same time, Chen Yang has a great emperor's seal in his heart, and he is calm and incomparable.

When Wang Xiang killed him with one blow, he just moved his form and changed his shadow to avoid it. Then, without waiting for Wang Xiang to react, Chen Yang roared and lay down!He took a step forward and suppressed it with a great seal.


Wang Xiang also immediately flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

In the end, only Yuan Bin was left.

"Kneel down!" Chen Yangchao and Yuan Bin roared.

At this time, Chen Yang was like a demon God,

Yuan Bin was shocked and actually knelt down.

"All on your knees!" Chen Yang's eyes were cold, and his voice, like spring thunder, bloomed in everyone's ears.

All the young men and women knelt down.

Chen Yang finally looks at Yu BeiYao, who is so scared.

"Maidservant, kneel down!" Chen Yang rushes up and slaps the fish BeiYao in the face. The two slaps will make the fish BeiYao's eyes burn with gold stars and hematoma on the cheek.

Fish BeiYao suddenly froze, then went mad and said: "you dare to hit me, my father has never hit me." She actually wanted to pinch Chen Yang.

Chen Yang suddenly reaches out his hand and pinches the fish BeiYao, and then forks her up.

"What's more, I'll kill you if you dare to be upset." Chen Yang throws the fish BeiYao out.

Then, he turned to Liu Liang and lifted him up.

Chen Yang at this moment is frightening and shocking.

Wang Xiang and Jin Qiang were all solved by him in an instant.

Chen Yang mentions Liu Liang. Liu Liang screams bitterly. His eyes are full of hate.

"Say, are you a dog scum?" Chen Yang immediately asked Liu Liang.

He has never been a magnanimous person. It's his nature to report his revenge!

Moreover, people who practice Taoism have this nature.

A person who cultivates Taoism pays attention to an idea that is accessible.

If you dare to provoke me, if I don't go to you for revenge, I will have no idea.

Liu Liang hated Chen Yang very much and said, "you are..."

Chen Yang didn't wait for him to say it, and directly slapped him in the past. Then another finger suddenly stabbed out, but directly pierced Liu Liang's eyes.

Suddenly, a blood hole appeared in his eyes.

Liu Liang screamed.

Chen Yang coldly said: "dare to call again, your other eyeball also don't want."

Liu Liang immediately held back.

It was then that everyone realized what was meant by heartlessness. Tqr1

Chen Yang, what kind of gentle sheep. Clearly, he is a murderer!

"You mean, dog?" Chen Yang asked.

"I am, I am!" Liu Liang cried.

"Ha ha..." Chen Yang laughed.

After that, he pointed to the beer on the table and said: "ten bottles for one person. Anyone who can't finish drinking today will be ready to be broken by Laozi." After he finished, he threw Liu Liang out.

Liu Liang fell heavily on the ground and screamed.

"Drink Chen Yang roared. These childe brothers immediately drink, and those female companion.

Finally, Chen Yang looked at Yuan Bin, "why don't you drink it?"

"Kill me Yuan Bin said.

"Kill you?" Chen Yang sneered, and then went straight forward, click, and stabbed his eyes blind.

Then Chen Yang broke his hands.

The scene was bloody to the extreme.

Chen Yang's eyes again to Jin Qiang, he sneered: "do you want to drink?"

Jin Qiang was so scared that he said, "I'll drink it."

"Take off your clothes, drink on your knees, and sing the National Anthem while drinking. If you have any hesitation, you will be worse than him at once Chen Yang's voice is full of iron and blood.

Jin Qiang was so scared that he immediately did it.

Chen Yang turned his eyes to Wang Xiang.

Wang Xiang suddenly shivered.

He looked at Chen Yang and said in a deep voice, "you probably don't know who my grandfather is. If you really punish me, you won't get away from it. As long as you dare to move me, you will be the enemy of the whole China in the future, and you will be pursued endlessly. "

Chen Yang laughed, he said: "Wang Xiang, you think you are very smart, you have no match for wisdom? Do you have gullies in your chest He paused and said, "you are wrong. You are just a clown in my eyes. You and your brothers surround Yu BeiYao, an idiot, just for her father's property. You want to marry yubeiyao and kill yuwancheng, so you can take over the industry of yuwancheng. This plan is very thoughtful, but how much is the fish city? Less than 50 billion dollars, such a small amount of wealth, let you worry. From this point of view, how big can your pattern be? Where can your grandfather be? You can scare the fish with your grandfather. But if you want to scare me, I'm afraid you have made a wrong calculation. "

Wang Xiang's face changed dramatically.

Yu BeiYao is a little confused.

"You don't want to be bloody!" Wang Xiang said immediately.

Chen Yang gave a cold smile and said, "you, kneel down to drink and sing. If you don't do it, I'll kill you now, and let you have a dream of hegemony. Believe me, I can do it. If you are killed, I will leave Huaxia again. Who can help meWang Xiang was silent.

Chen Yang sighed slightly and said, "I'm not patient. If I do, you won't have a chance."

When Wang Xiang came into contact with the cold light in Chen Yang's eyes, he shivered. After that, I got down to my knees and started singing.

Chen Yang then looked around the people, all kneeling, embarrassed.

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing. He finally looked at the crowd with disdain and said, "do you deserve to be a man?"

After he finished, he came to the fish in front of BeiYao, directly put the dull fish BeiYao in the ribs, and then left the KTV place.

Yu BeiYao is now quiet to Chen Yang. She doesn't dare to be presumptuous.

After Chen Yang throws the fish BeiYao into the Maserati, he sits in the cab.

After that, he started the car and called Shen Mo Nong.

That's a quick connection.

Chen Yang then said: "ink thick, I may have caused you a big trouble." , the fastest update of the webnovel!