Chen Yang's voice suddenly lengthened his tone and said, "or, in your heart, there is no solitary existence at all?"

The fourth count and the thirty-six Viscount were stunned.

Chen Yang went on to say: "the old ancestor emperor ordered Gu to be the blood emperor, but he was just right. Since now, standing alone in this position, it can not tolerate the existence of two minded people. If anyone dares to plead for Longtai again, he will be expelled from the blood clan and will not be recalled forever! "

This speech is extremely dignified, and with a sense of cold. Tqr1

people can see that the young blood emperor is really angry.

Prince sorol looked at Chen Yang, and his eyes flashed with admiration.

Originally, he was not going to kill Longtai. But rontai is too ignorant. Prince Soror really wants to kill Longtai. At that time, he was not good at refuting Chen Yang's face. Now that Chen Yang has said this, Prince sorol is relieved.

Prince Soror stood up and said, "did you hear your Majesty's words? Who wants to plead for Longtai again

At this moment, no one stood up, and no one spoke for Longtai.

Chen Yang then went down the steps, he came to Long Tai in front of. Long Tai glared at Chen Yang and said, "little scumbag, dare you!"

"Pa!" Chen Yang suddenly raised his hand and slapped him in the face of Longtai. He said coldly: "nothing can be done alone!"

This time, let the scene be silent. Who did not expect that Chen Yang really threw Longtai in the face.

"Dare you! How dare you Rontai was furious.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "Long Tai, you are dead today. Do you know why you died? Because you're so stupid. If you can be a man, you will not die today. Do you think they plead for you because you are popular and have high prestige? Wrong, they just give your son long Ao Tian a little face. Do you think that Gu Hui is afraid of your son long Ao Tian? You should think about it clearly. Even if you don't kill you and treat you as a guest of honor, you will cooperate with your son long Aotian in the future. In this case, I will give your son an excuse to send troops today! Wallerine, stab it with blood

Walllane hesitated for a moment, and he took a look at Prince sorol.

Prince sorol motioned for wallerin to give Chen Yang. At present, general wallrhine stabbed Chen Yang. Chen Yang took over the army stab, went forward to seize Long Tai's hair, and then stabbed Longtai's throat.

This moment, Chen Yang's face is ferocious.

In an instant, blood gushed out.

Longtai wanted to talk, but when he spoke, he couldn't make a sound.

Chen Yang threw the blood thorn on the ground, turned and left.

Prince Soror said, "let's all go." After he said that, he said to wallerin, "look at rontai, and when his blood runs out, you can cremate him. Then arrange for his ashes to be sent to St. Petersburg, longaotian's fiefdom. "

"Yes, your highness!" Said walllane.

After Chen Yang returned to the Imperial Palace, his anger had gone smoothly.

Lin Bing met Chen Yang and asked, "how is the matter?" Chen Yang sat on the sofa and said, "I killed Longtai myself."

Yun'er went to make tea at this time.

Shen Mo Nong and Lin Bing are surprised to hear Chen Yang say so. Shen Mo Nong said: "Long Tai is the elder of the blood clan. If you kill him at this time, I'm afraid it will make people feel cold."

Lin Bing is silent on one side. Shen Mo Nong has asked her questions, so she just needs to listen.

Chen Yang said: "there's nothing cold. I can see that the dukes and Viscount are all wall grass. Even if I kneel and lick them, they will not submit to me and help me. Once something happens, they will not hesitate to turn against each other. For them, the best way to frighten them is to use strength. As long as I'm strong enough, they'll be loyal. "

"Your Majesty is right." Prince Soror came in, and when he came in, he saluted, "I have seen your majesty."

Chen Yang said, "please sit down, Prince."

Prince Soror was seated.

Yuner just brought the tea. Chen Yang said, "Your Highness, have tea."

Prince Soror said, "thank you."

Chen Yang took a sip of tea with Prince sorol. After that, Chen Yang put down the tea and said, "this time, we have completely torn our skin with long Aotian. We must plan as soon as possible. "

Prince sorol said, "I don't know how strong long Aotian will be when he comes back." Your Majesty must go out and ask them to support him for a few days. As long as they support you together, long Ao Tian is not afraid. "

Chen Yang said, "don't the princes want to come by themselves?"

Prince Soror said, "the princes are watching the change, especially now that you have killed Longtai, and the news will soon spread. The news that the ancestor has gone is also known to all, so everyone is waiting to stand in line. They won't come so soon. ""Do they dare not come to the coronation meeting a month later?" Chen Yang said.

"At that time, everyone will come," said Prince sorol He paused and said: "the old minister faintly feels that long Ao Tian is likely to have come back. Otherwise, Long Tai won't be so arrogant, so the old minister must go out for a visit. "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "prince, you'd better not go there. I always feel that there is something wrong with it. If long Aotian comes back, why doesn't he show up? Maybe, he did come back. But he's waiting for an opportunity, as it is now, to create some kind of pressure that you feel you have to go out and contact the princes in person. As soon as you go out, he will do it to you. "

Chen Yang stopped and said, "you are here, occupy the land, and the blood kings are all here, so we have a better chance of winning."

Prince sorol looked at Chen Yang more, and he felt that Chen Yang's thinking was really sharp to the extreme.

But immediately, Prince sorol said, "but at this time, what if long Aotian first contacted other princes?"

Chen Yang was in a daze.

In fact, long Aotian disappeared for a long time. He should not have come back so soon.

But all kinds of sensitivities made Chen Yang and Prince sorol aware of the crisis.

Chen Yang believes that he is sensitive. He feels that long Ao Tian is really back.

Now, it seems that it is not easy to stay in the castle and not go out, or take the initiative to go out of the league.

Shen Murong was listening, and she said, "no, if we all go out together. If there is no us here, it will be an empty castle. Wherever we go, we will be orthodox of blood clan. "

"No way!" Prince Soror said, "no, how can your majesty abandon the base camp at will?"

Then he sighed and said, "well, everything depends on the will of God. Those princes are not fuel-efficient lamps. They will still watch on the wall to see who wins and who loses, and then they will support who. "

The idea that Prince Soror wanted to go out was thus dismissed.

"It's a pity that the Moro is not here." Chen Yang had a headache secretly. He said to Prince sorol, "if the Moro is here, what is proud of heaven is not enough to fear."

Prince sorol is also a wry smile, before he was afraid of the death of the Moro. But now it's really the geomancy turns around. How eager he is for the sudden appearance of the Moro!

There was no reason for this, and then Prince Soror left.

Chen Yang then said to Shen Mo Nong and Lin Bing: "Mo Nong, elder martial sister, you can leave here today. You are not of the blood race. There is no need to be involved in this. "

He is afraid that if he can't control it, he can't protect Shen Murong and Lin Bing.

Shen Mo Nong and Lin Bing look at each other, but their eyes are firm.

If they don't know that Chen Yang is in danger, they can leave without fear. But now that they know, how can they leave?

Shen Mo Nong said, "you don't have to say much. You want to live together and die together."

Lin Bing also said, "yes."

Chen Yang saw that the two women were so resolute that he knew that what he said was useless.

He was moved.

Lin Bing also smile, said: "don't worry, I think it will be OK. You're a real lucky guy

Chen Yang said: "I really don't worry about myself very much. I can eat a little bitter at most, and my life will not be in danger. But I'm afraid something will happen to you

Shen Murong and Lin Bing said in unison, "we are not afraid."

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Capital of country Y!

It's late May, the best time of the year for LD.

Blue sky and white clouds, sunny, but not too hot.

LD is a bustling and bustling city. Many buildings are relics of the old Victorian era. The tallest building in the city is the post and telecommunication tower, 189 meters high. There are royal society, LD University, museum, Britain, library (7 million books) and so on.

At this moment, in the outskirts of LD, behind a green lawn, there is a beautiful white castle.

The building is beautiful.

In the living room of the castle, Prince O'Connor is drinking coffee with a handsome man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!