Let's cry for blood.

All this is like a humiliating reincarnation! No matter how hard Chen Yang tries and how hard he tries, there will always be a mountain on his head to suppress him. Whatever he did, he was suppressed below.

So is Shi Yonglong, Chen Tianya, Chen Yihan, and jiaoshen!

Destiny? At this moment, Chen Yang could not help but doubt himself. If the fate of the man appointed by heaven is always like this, then what am I going to do?

It's just a pity, no matter what Chen Yang thinks. The way of heaven is there to look at him coldly, and the way of heaven will not change its will because of any joy, sorrow or anger.

As the saying goes, heaven is as old as love!

In fact, it is also like that when a person sees that the house is full of ants, he will only think about how to get all the ants away or kill them. But never to consider the emotional needs of ants or resentment and so on. Even more will not notice that there is an ant shouting at him the injustice of fate.

Gazing eyes will not pity Chen Yang and yun'er, she will be blue silk into the storage ring locked up. Her storage ring is naturally breathing. And there's a prison for prisoners. That's where Dorrance and fickle are.

Staring at yun'er with a sneer, he said, "do you mean he loves you? It's just a man's dignity. He can stand your death, but he can't stand you being insulted. Because you are his woman and his last bottom line and dignity as a man. " Tqr1

staring at this, he paused, then faced Chen Yang and said, "do you say you are willing to obey me? Sorry, I don't know what I need to trouble you with? The only thing you can do for me is to see your pain, which will make me feel a little happy! "

At this time, the eyes should be said to teach God. She seems extremely cold and merciless, although she has the means, but she is also a person. Selfishness and coldness of human nature!

Probably, saints always exist only in legends and biographies.

Or, saints are all human imagination.

Chen Yang looks at yun'er, and yun'er also looks at Chen Yang. Chen Yang couldn't say anything. He was tied up by the green dragon rope. As long as he struggled, the pain immediately intensified.

"Silver clothes Hou, don't you like this woman? It's right here. What else do you want to do? " Then he said.

Silver clothes hou can not help but stay for a while.

Chen Yang was struck by lightning.

This is actually from the mouth of the God of religion, this high-ranking woman, vicious and despicable, really disgusting.

Silver clothes Hou is a little embarrassed, although he is romantic, but he is not that kind of small punk, so he immediately refused to stare at the proposal. "God, I'd better take it back and enjoy it."

"If you still want me to help you repair the jade shuttle, you'd better do it right away," he said

Silver clothes waiting for this depressed ah! He took a deep look, then bit his teeth and said, "forget it, although this is a bit ugly. But you are a bad enough God. This matter, this Chen Yang is dead, that is heaven knows the earth, you know I know. Think again, it seems exciting to do this in front of a woman like God Zun. "

Yinyihou thought so, and his eyes flashed with excitement. He came at once, hugged yun'er and got up and down.

"Stop it!" Chen Yang saw the red blood in his eyes. He became angry and immediately struggled violently.

Green Dragon rope immediately began to contract, the barb immediately grew up, toward Chen Yang's flesh and blood ruthlessly twisted.

This pain is absolutely inhuman.

What is it like to use a screw driver?

At the moment, Chen Yang is the taste.

But Chen Yang did not flinch. If, I can not even protect their own women, if I want to watch their own women insulted, then, I might as well die in such pain.

Chen Yang's whole body began to overflow with blood, the flesh and blood rolling, his voice tearing and roaring, such a sad roar, such a struggle makes people feel frightened, also shocked to the silver clothes waiting.

For the first time, Yin Yihou could be cruel to himself.

He couldn't stretch his hand any longer, and he had a feeling that he would go on working. So if the person in front of me doesn't die in the future, he is definitely in great trouble.

What's more, in such an environment. Chen Yang tortured himself like this, and yinyihou is not abnormal. How can he go on?

Silver clothes wait for hand.

Chen Yang saw this, his heart a little less indignation, then also stopped struggling. And at this time, the pain is more obvious, he can't help but make a sound of pain.

The blood was dripping. Chen Yang's body soon formed a pool of blood. He was bathed in blood, just like a blood man.

The eyes are still cold.

She said to Yin Yihou, "why stop? Not yet? "

Yin Yihou took a deep breath and suddenly said, "God, I can't continue.""Why?" I asked.

Silver clothes Hou looked at Chen Yang, he said: "although I am not a good man, but always pay attention to your love I wish. What's more, I think Chen Yang is a respectable enemy even if he is an enemy. I'll tell you straight. I can't go on. Because I am afraid, as long as Chen Yang does not die, I will be afraid of such an enemy. I have a lot of women. I don't have to make such a terrible enemy because of a woman. "

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, you also saw it. I didn't really do anything to your woman, so I hope you don't think of me as your enemy even if you escape one day. How about it? "

Chen Yang looked at the silver clothes, and he nodded painfully and said, "good."

"Joke!" "Silver clothes wait, you think he can still escape from the palm of the Lord alive?"

Yin Yihou said: "although this possibility is very small, my grandfather said that the change of all things can not be stopped by manpower. As long as he's not dead, it means there's change. Nothing in the world is absolute. "

Gazing at him, he said, "you tell me so much. Aren't you afraid that I won't repair the jade shuttle for you?"

Silver clothes Hou said: "God, I respect you and fear you. But before that, our condition was to catch Chen Yang. Now that Chen Yang has caught hold of it, you have no reason to repent, right? What's more, the jade shuttle was damaged because it helped you! "

"You don't have to say that. Now you can go. The jade shuttle of fortune will stay. After three days, you will return the jade shuttle completely. " Staring eyes interrupted the words of Yin Yi Hou.

Silver clothes Hou's eyes flashed with joy, and he took out the jade shuttle.

The jade shuttle was full of cracks, which made the silver clothes waiting for light to look at all distressed.

Gazing at the jade shuttle in the storage ring.

The silver clothes Hou then said: "well, God, I'm going to leave."

"I hope you don't mention it to anyone today!" She said with her eyes fixed.

The silver clothes wait to nod, say: "I understand this truth!"

I know the seriousness of the matter. I understand this truth, so you don't have to worry.

This answer makes Ning Mou feel very satisfied.

After that, the silver clothes waiting to leave the window.

As for how to find Ning Mou after three days, this naturally does not need silver clothes to wait to worry about.

After Yin Yi Hou left, Chen Yang also understood one thing. That is, gazing eyes actually didn't intend to let silver clothes wait to belittle Yuner. She just wanted to see how she suffered and suffered.

So, after really seeing yourself in pain. Staring at him, he didn't insist on letting him go on.

"Do you think you have a chance to escape?" Gaze light ask Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's whole body aches, and the thorn of the green dragon rope is still twisted in the flesh and blood. If it was not for his physical strength and incompatibility, this kind of torture to other magicians would have died.

At this time, facing the problem of gazing eyes. He just said lightly: "I think I have a chance to escape, and one day, I will let you become my prisoner, I will let you in my crotch..."

"Little thief!" Staring at the cold light in her eyes, she suddenly uttered a curse. The green dragon rope immediately grew up again.

Chen Yang was in pain.

"Brother Chen?" Yuner can't help exclaiming at the situation. She is extremely distressed.

Staring at her eyes, she said, "little thief, you were still begging for mercy just now. Can't you forget your cheap mouth? There are many men in this hotel. If you dare to be mean, you will ask all these men to serve your woman

Chen Yang was so sore that he gasped for breath. He gritted his teeth tightly and did not make a sound of pain.

Fortunately, at this time, green dragon rope stopped the growth of barb.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "there's an old saying in my hometown, it's called this moment, that moment!"

Staring at him, he said, "I can't see what changes have taken place in your situation just now and now."

Chen Yang said: "there is a big change, that is, I want to open up. I'm no longer afraid of death. You just want to strike me with Yuner. I do care about her, but I do care more about my dignity. But if you do that again, I'll die. After I'm dead, let it be, the flood is torrential

Chen Yang said this very ruthlessly. He didn't show any affection for yun'er. He said it clearly, that is, after my death, whatever you do to yun'er.

Yuner naturally understood the meaning of this, but she did not blame Chen Yang. She knows Chen Yang in her heart and knows that Chen Yang's words are purposeful. However, yun'er was shocked and sad.

I have a deep look at Chen Yang.

"Why don't you kill me?" Chen Yang suddenly said. This question made his eyes stay in a daze.

Chen Yang grinned bitterly and said, "the only chance you have to win me now is to kill me. Kill me, and you can really win. Because, as long as you don't kill me, I will be able to turn over. Since you have the original Scripture, you should be able to infer that I am the one appointed by heaven! What is the mandate of heaven, to be ordered by heaven, is also the fate of heaven. So, I can do magic, you can't. I have the air of chaos, you don't. And now, you are just a kind of disaster for me, this kind of disaster can let me go to a higher level. But you can't kill me under the influence of heaven. "

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