Chen Yang's whole person entered into a kind of no self state, just like falling into a deep sleep!

And all the chaos in his brain went into sapphire.

Chen Yang must let the whole person into a state of selflessness, otherwise, his head will be sober. However, the time of chaos is obviously not equal to each other, so the rules of time and space can not be created. It's like, when you're dreaming, you suddenly realize that you're dreaming. What happens? Will wake up!

Later, Chen Yangquan was convinced that he was in the chaos!

The air of chaos burst in the sky of the lost land.

And the sky is golden, because the sun has come out.

The lost land here is also the lost land in reality, so the time is consistent.

Later, Chen Yang found the chaos of time and space from the perspective of God.

He quickly cut in with the air of chaos.

During this period, Chen Yang's magic power was quite terrible.

Fortunately, the air was full of elemental forces, which he could barely resist.

Through the chaos of time and space, Chen Yang quickly absorbed the force of elements and space-time molecules, and then according to the principle of five-dimensional space, formed a five-dimensional space between space-time molecules and physical three-body!

This is a precise and complicated process!

Chen Yang calculated with great magic power and his own great wisdom. This is also thanks to Chen Yang is a studious person, although not much reading, but physics, quantum science, relativity and so on have very deep research. Especially in three-dimensional space, four-dimensional space, five-dimensional space, he is in-depth understanding.

Before, just theory! Now it's time to turn theory into reality.

In addition, Chen Yang has a deep understanding of magic array, so now, he can support such a delicate five-dimensional space!

An hour later, the construction of the five dimensional space was completed.

It was a very wonderful sight.

It is around Chen Yang that time has formed a three-dimensional bookcase!

However, although the bookcase surrounded Chen Yang, it did not affect Chen Yang's ability to absorb elements from the outside world.

Chen Yang can open any time period of books, then look at the past, will be what happened in that era!

At present, Chen Yang is in a space-time rule bug.

Chen Yang does not dare to do anything beyond the rules through bug, which will lead to cause and effect. Now he can only strengthen his practice in the rules.

At present, Chen Yangjing is in a state of mind. He knew that he was facing a very lonely and cruel thing.

That's to spend a long, long time here like a prisoner.

Chen Yang sat down and began to practice. One day passed, two days passed

One month passed, two months passed

In the third month, Chen Yang opened his eyes. He felt very bored, very lonely, he wanted to leave here and return to reality.

It was like a cat's paw scratching in the bottom of his heart, which made him itch unbearably!

But Chen Yang also knows that this is a rare opportunity, he can not miss.

There is no matter how big loneliness, pain, have to bear!

Chen Yang continued to concentrate and began to practice, which is a kind of life practice!

In this period of time, Chen Yang only practiced everything about the Qi of chaos, including understanding the whole lost land!

Because here, there is no way to cultivate the cultivation in the Lord's world. The body is not here. How to cultivate is bullshit?

The only thing that can be cultivated is the Qi of chaos!

Lonely practice!

With great perseverance, Chen Yang overcame all his difficulties and suppressed all the mental confusion in his mind. He practiced for a year.

A year later, he suddenly felt less miserable.

So two years, three years, five years passed.

In the end, a long decade has finally passed.

At this time Chen Yang, he finally slowly opened his eyes.

Ten years, as if he had experienced the vicissitudes of life, he even became dull in thought.

It seems that all of a sudden there is no interest in everything.

But in the outside world, it's only an hour at this moment.

The sun is still so fierce, Lu Yuehua has been patiently waiting for Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang finally opened his eyes.

Originally, Chen Yang also worried that the Qi of chaos was too strong to integrate into the brain. But now it seems that Chen Yang is worried.

The Qi of chaos is not like the previous brain, the more it develops, the more it grows. Five years ago, Chen Yang's brain was the size of a small house in sapphire. But in the next five years, the brain is getting smaller. It's not that the cultivation is degenerating, but that Chen Yang's chaotic Qi begins to really understand the rules of elements.

This development is like the development of computers, the more sophisticated the development, and the faster the speed!Chen Yang looked at the sun in the sky. Through the shade of the trees, the sun was shining on his face. It was really a sunny afternoon.

It's easy to make people tired and want to sleep in a big way.

Chen Yang looks at Lu Yuehua dully. His eyes seem to have no spotlight.

Lu Yuehua immediately found something wrong with Chen Yang. She was surprised and said, "what's wrong with you? What happened? "

Chen Yang didn't answer Lu Yuehua. He was trying to think about something.

At this time, it's easy to understand why teaching God is a bit stupid every time.

Because a person does not think about these worldly things for a long time, his mind will be really dull.

Yalina, the God of religion, has always been superior and diligent in practice. Therefore, she has little defense against human tricks and tricks. I'm too lazy to think!

A person there will go to care about what a dog is doing to her?

Chen Yang now belongs to long-term cultivation, and his memory has degenerated. He thought for a long time before he said to Lu Yuehua, "how long have I practiced?"

"An hour!" Lu Yuehua said.

"Shit Chen Yang suddenly thought of a sentence. That is, the years in the mountains are easy to pass, and the world has been prosperous for thousands of years!

Lu Yuehua could not help but anxiously said, "what's the matter with you?"

Chen Yang said, "I have practiced in sapphire for ten years." He finally got his words straight.

At first, he was very difficult to speak, and he almost forgot how to speak.

"Ten years?" Lu Yuehua felt incredible and said, "did you really succeed?" Chen Yang nodded. He looked at the sky and said, "what should I do now?"

"Where are you now Asked Lu Yuehua. Tqr1

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "I'm not sure."

Lu Yuehua was speechless.

Chen Yang then said to Lu Yuehua, "wait, don't talk to me first. I'll take care of my thoughts... "

Lu Yuehua nodded. She understood Chen Yang's confusion at the moment.

Chen Yang should first think about what happened before he was settled down.

And at this moment, pan Huang and Ning Mou are still entangled, Ning Mou can't catch up with Chen Yang, then only find pan Huang to magic weapon.

Those can be the magic weapon of the ancient emperor, even if it is gazing at it can not help but heart!

Ning Mou even wants to snatch the magic weapon that originally belongs to pan Huang.

Finally, after an hour's chase, he caught up with Pan Huang.

The two men continued their decisive battle over the sea.

Pan Huang to the netherworld map, as well as archery bow, sky arrow to resist staring.

Two people you come and I go, even if it is staring at the emperor can not take down.

In the fierce battle between the two, the real body of the Religious God yalina could no longer resist and shuttled through the void.

In the scene, yalina came out of the door.

She was dressed in white, like a nine day Xuannu. She was breathtaking. But it's too cold to get close to!

Yalina instantly took back the original Scripture from her eyes!

So this moment, it became Ning Mou and yalina two people attack pan Huang.

Yalina is not comparable to her eyes, although pan Huang has a great reputation. In ancient times, he was indeed a god like existence.

But now, he is not as good as a chicken!

When yalina faced the emperor, she had already defeated him in momentum.

"Plate, I will ask you again for the last time. Do you want to hand in the magic weapon? Now hand it in. I'm willing to leave you some family background! " Yalina said coldly, "if you are fidgety with me again and don't know the current affairs, you will be blown away!"

Pan Huang took a look at yalina. His eyes flashed with deep fear.

He knew that he was in an awkward situation, and he had no chance of winning when she came in person.

Pan Huang said, "well, yalina, I can give you the archery bow, the arrow, and the flaming Rune sword."

"Just two?" Yalina said, "pan, I see you still don't understand the situation. You are the weak side. I can kill you at any time. Do you want to take advantage of me

Pan Huang said, "yalina, don't be aggressive. You are very clear in your heart, I have the netherworld chart in hand, once I really fight with you, even if I can't kill you, it will hurt you. It's something we don't want to see. "

Yalina looked at Pan Huang more. Although she was domineering, she was not stupid. She knew that it would be difficult to subdue emperor pan, and there would be many variables. That's why she's willing to negotiate!

"It's just the archery bow and the sky shaking arrow, absolutely not!" "At least you have to hand in the chart of the nether world," said yalina

Pan Huang said, "yalina, this is it. I will give you the archery bow and the sky shaking arrow first. Then, I help you to find Chen Yang and seize the Taiyu Scepter in his hand! When the time comes, I will give you all the other magic weapons as long as you have the netherworld chart and the scepter of Taiyu. ""You are dreaming!" Yalina said, "you can only have the same in your hand as the chart of the nether world and the scepter of the universe. Do you really think I'm a fool? "

After all, Alina is not very calculating. However, she was devoted to cultivation, and knew the level and quality of magic weapon. How can the emperor take advantage of it!

Among these magic weapons, the most powerful are the nether world chart and the Taiyu Scepter!

The emperor wants to occupy both of them. Isn't it a dream?

Pan Huang pondered for a moment and said, "well, let's talk about it now. I want the Taiyu scepter. You have the nether nether world chart, the flame God sword, the star shooting bow and the sky shaking arrow. How about it

Yalina looked at the emperor pan and said, "although I don't know how powerful the Taiyu scepter is..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!