On Li Kangtian's body, it can make people feel the warmth and coldness of human feelings!

Prince O'Connor remembers that long Aotian was not his majesty before. At that time, Li Kangtian was respectful in front of him. Now, although Li Kangtian politely called out his royal highness, even a fool can feel that Li Kangtian didn't take him seriously.

Prince O'Connor felt cold in his heart. He began to think that maybe it was a wise move to join Chen Yang himself! Just, Chen Yang, can they really get rid of long Aotian?

Prince O'Connor is really not sure about Chen Yang!

Long Aotian is such a good man. Prince O'Connor is very familiar with long Aotian. This guy is very suspicious, and he is very keen and intelligent.

Long Aotian is an absolute old fox! And it's strong.

According to Chen Yang's current strength and experience, it is impossible for him to defeat long Aotian!

But Prince O'Connor has no way. Now that he has been on Chen Yang's ship, he must try his best to help Chen Yang.

Prince O'Connor is also an old fox naturally. With his character, he will never stand in line casually. He remained neutral, so he was a free king in London. He didn't care who won or who lost. This is the best!

But now, because of Chen Yang's sudden arrival, he has to make a choice.

Li Kangtian and others were arranged by Prince O'Connor to rest in the guest room.

Li Kangtian has a single room, and the four blood kings live in the same room. The two rooms are next to each other!

Prince O'Connor asked Li Kangtian how many rooms he wanted in advance. He didn't want to allocate rooms to Li Kangtian. Li Kangtian, a dogleg, did not learn the wisdom and courage of long Aotian. But he learned to be suspicious and aloof. If Prince O'Connor assigns them how to live, Li Kangtian must feel a problem again!

Originally, there are many rooms here. Four blood kings and four big men need at least two rooms. However, due to the lack of suitable, adjacent three rooms. Therefore, Li Kangtian was selfish and let the four blood kings squeeze a room.

The night is deep!

Li Kangtian and the four blood kings are sleeping.

Prince O'Connor and Chen Yang met in the basement.

Chen Yang and others naturally did not sleep.

Everyone watched Prince O'Connor come. "How about it?" Wallerine was the first to ask.

Prince O'Connor said, "Richmond is very suspicious. Now he lives in a room. The four blood kings next door all live together. Once we make a noise, we will certainly disturb the four blood kings. "

Chen Yang pondered for a moment and said, "the four blood kings are handed over to me. You don't have to worry about it. Go and try your best to capture Li Kangtian."

Shen Murong was surprised and said, "how can you suppress the four blood kings alone? What's more, this time, we have to subdue Li Kangtian unconsciously. If we let the four blood kings know that we have moved Li Kangtian, then even if Li Kangtian goes back, long Aotian will be suspicious of him! "

Chen Yang said, "you can do it in a proper way."

When people saw Chen yangchengzhu in his chest, they didn't say much at the moment.

A group of people quickly out of the basement, Chaoli Kangtian and the four blood King's guest rooms lurk past.

The crowd breathed into the stillness and showed no hostility. In this way, even Li Kangtian can hardly detect the danger.

Only when people really want to enter the house can Li Kangtian and others feel the danger.

Chen Yang opened the door of the guest room directly and quietly.

As soon as he entered, the four blood kings immediately jumped up.

"Who is it?" The blood King pike yelled!

The swords in the hands of the four men were bright and fierce. But soon, they saw Chen Yang.

For a moment, all four were stunned.

Pike is an old acquaintance. He swore allegiance to Chen Yang in front of his old prince. So this moment, he was a little embarrassed, and even said that he was a little embarrassed.

These people are old acquaintances!

Among them, there is blood Wang Ruilin. Chen Yang also robbed his commandment Xumi.

The Dragon binding gloves are also Ruilin's.

But before they had time to react, the fighting in the next room had already started!

Chen Yang smiles.

Then Pike said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, you should not have come." Although they recognized Chen Yang, they did not put down the knife in their hands.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I know it's impossible for you to follow me right now," Chen said. However, I have no plans for the time being. In addition, after I killed long Aotian and regained the throne of blood emperor. I will not blame you. You are the kindling of blood clan. You can't die

The four were stunned, but they didn't know what to say.

It can be imagined that these four people are contradictory and complicated now.

Chen Yang then said, "I have a Chinese talisman in my hand. Once it is pasted, it can isolate everything in the room. So what you're going to do now is act like you don't know anything. The talisman in my hand will come to Li Kangtian's hand, and Li Kangtian will give it to long Aotian. At that time, Li Kangtian will become my person, while long Aotian will doubt you. I mean, let Li Kangtian kill long Aotian. Do you understand? "He paused and said, "if you really care about the old prince, you'd better do it. I don't want to go to the last step with you

Pike and Ruilin, the four blood kings, understood Chen Yang's strategy at this time. After a look at each other, they finally nodded.

Chen Yang slightly relieved, turned around and went out.

In Chen Yang out of the room, Li Kangtian's room has also fallen into calm.

Although Li Kangtian was highly cultivated, Prince O'Connor was not under the heaven. Lin Bing and Shen Mo Nong helped.

So the result was expected.

Li Kangtian was beaten to death directly. He woke up in the basement.

In the basement, the lights were dazzling.

Li Kangtian, who is full of arrogance, is in a mess at the moment.

He was pressed to kneel on the ground, and the person sitting in front of him was Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is surrounded by Lin Bing, Shen Mo Nong and yun'er.

Wallerine and Prince O'Connor hold down ricontian.

This is what you see when you open your eyes.

When Li Kangtian saw Chen Yang, his eyes flashed a sharp light, and then said with a grim smile: "my lovely majesty, it's you! What a surprise that you are not dead yet

"I'm not cute, I don't know." Chen Yang light smile, said: "but I know, you will not be very happy next!"

He paused and said, "I know you are a man of the highest spirit, so I have nothing to talk to you about. Now I don't want anything else. I just want to torture you and have fun

After Chen Yang finished, he took the gasoline that had been prepared earlier. Then he took a piece of wet cloth and put it directly on Li Kangtian's face.

Later, Chen Yang pinched Li Kangtian's cheeks and poured the gasoline in!

It's torture for interrogating prisoners. You pour gasoline all the time. You have to open your mouth to breathe. Once you breathe, gasoline goes into your stomach. Even if Li Kangtian can close his breath, but Chen Yang pinches his cheeks, and gasoline can enter directly.

Li Kang began to struggle violently.

This taste is absolutely uncomfortable! It's worse than any knife and gun!

After pouring for a while, Chen Yang stopped his hand, pulled out the wet cloth, and asked with a smile, "boss Li, how do you feel?"

Li Kang said, "I'll fuck your mother!"

Without saying a word, Chen Yang continued to pour gasoline. Tqr1

Likang Tianao's disorderly struggle, but he can not.

Chen Yang opened the wet cloth again and asked with a smile, "how about boss Li? You see how good I am to you, I will never spend your face, nor let you have scars. But I still have 108 ways for you to survive or die. Tonight, we'll try all of them. Anyway, you have a good constitution, and you are not easy to be killed by me. "

"What do you want?" Li Kang asked angrily. He didn't dare to scold.

"What do you want?" Chen Yang said with a smile: "don't say what I want. You just scolded my mother, which makes me very unhappy. Come on, knock me three times first, and let me calm down

There was an imperceptible chill in Chen Yang's eyes.

His mother is his scale, he can not tolerate anyone abusing.

"I knock you..." Li Kang's world consciousness wants to scold Chen Yang's mother again. Fortunately, she finally stops speaking.

Li Kangtian turned his head and ignored Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smile, said: "you don't knock is right, because you knock is not fun."

"Guess what I'm going to do to you next?" Chen Yang asked with a smile.

Li Kangtian doesn't speak.

Chen Yang said: "the axillary nerve is a place where people feel the most pain. You are a super strong man. Ordinary people can't live like death with 110 V current. I don't know how much current you can withstand. "

He paused, and then took out the tools he had already prepared. Electricity is connected to the battery!

If you really use too strong current, it will directly electrocute Li Kangtian.

After all, the body has its own shackles and limits.

How strong is Li Kangtian? If torture is too strong, it will still die.

Chen Yang will two iron Nie son directly aimed at Li Kangtian's armpit!

At this time, wallerine and O'Connor also wore rubber gloves to isolate the current.

You've got all this ready.

"Ah..." At that moment, Li Kang's spirit trembled and shrieked.

All the people saw were frightened. Can let Li Kangtian such an expert so scream, from this also can see how terrible the pain is!

Chen Yang ignored Li Kangtian's scream and electrified three times in a row.

After the third time, Li Kangtian had rolled his eyes and foamed at his mouth.

"No, no!" Li Kangtian lay on the ground and said weakly, "I kowtow, I kowtow!"Chen Yang then stopped to continue the torture. He said with a smile, "it's not fun. There are many props behind me that are not useful. You should hold on a little longer! "

Li Kangtian looks at Chen Yang with fear in his eyes. He gets up without saying a word and kowtows to Chen Yang three times.

"Am I still cute?" Chen Yang seriously asked Li Kangtian.

"You..." Li Kangtian doesn't speak.

"I really want to say," ha ha Chen Yang said.

This is really Li Kangtian's words, but Li Kangtian dare not say it at this time!

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