After Chen Yang went out to have breakfast with them in blue and purple.

Chen feirong hid in Chen Yang's jiexumi. Breakfast is in the lobby, not many people in the morning. They ate fried dough sticks, millet porridge and so on.

Chen Yang couldn't help being a little strange. He said, "how do the crops grow here? You know, there was no sunshine before. "

"Most of the goods and materials are transported from the sunny world. In places you don't know, there are many trading markets of yin and Yang," blue and purple answered "What can be traded in the shady world?" asked Lin Bing

"There are more things to trade, such as pepper, seafood, abalone, tea and so on!" Said blue purple.

"There are all these things in the sunny world. You don't have to look for the shady world. But there is something in the sunny world, but not in the dark world. " Chen Yang said.

Blue purple said: "you are right about this, but there is a protection agreement between the two sides in the trading market of yin and Yang.". The sunny world must provide something here. Otherwise, there will be big trouble. " In fact, she said, "it's hard for her to dominate the world because of the lack of resources."

Chen Yang said: "this is just like women, born to be weaker. This is the way of yin and Yang! Women are born to rely on men, even if it is a strong woman, once into lactation will become very weak. So that's why marriage has become a popular product of the sunny world. In feudal times, women's status was low, which is needless to say. And even in today's era of rapid development, women also have to face the weakness of pregnancy, pregnancy will also face the loss of work, no source of income and so on

Blue purple took a look at Chen Yang, and she said, "it's not meaningful for us to discuss this now. What about women's weakness? History is not a period without women's rights. Queen bee is still a mother. Wu Zetian was also an emperor. She led the men all over the world. She also led very well. It's true that the shady world is ambitious at the moment, but the sunny side is not prepared to deal with it. In the future, it is not impossible for the shady world to dominate the sunny world. "

The three lowered their voices as they spoke, and Chen Yang was sure no one was eavesdropping.

Although it's better to talk in the room, it's easy to be suspicious of hiding in the room.

Chen Yang was curious: "how do you want to point Yin and Yang in the Yin and Yang world and dominate the sunny world?"

This is something he is very curious about.

Blue and purple shook her head and said, "I'm not sure."

Chen Yang and Lin Bing stayed for a while. Since blue and purple clothes are not clear, they are naturally not easy to ask.

At this time, blue purple again lowered her voice and said, "the necromancer is coming, and it is not one of them. I'm afraid there are more powerful undead members coming. What's more, it's easy to think of the relationship between you and us. I think the city of Hades is very unsafe now. We should leave here as soon as possible. "

"We can change our looks again," Chen said. Leaving Hades will only be more unsafe

Blue purple said: "necromancer, they will focus on the city now, because they think you are seriously injured, or even worse, you are dead. They thought we would never leave. But the fact is that you are not hurt at all. We should take advantage of this time to leave quickly. This is the best policy! "

Chen Yang looks at the blue purple clothes, he must admit that the blue purple clothes words are reasonable.

There are risks in going out of the city or not.

Now it seems that the risk of getting out of town is really smaller.

"You mean out of town now?" Chen Yang asked blue and purple clothes.

Blue and purple nodded and said, "yes

Chen Yang then looked at Lin Bing and said, "elder martial sister, what do you think?"

Lin Bing is no idea, she said: "I listen to you."

Chen Yang's heart is not from a happy, it seems that his injury this time, the elder martial sister to his attitude is too good, it seems that the elder martial sister does not hate himself.

Chen Yang then knew that he had occupied the initiative.

If you say you don't go, you can't go.

Now it's up to Chen Yang to make a decision. Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "in this case, I'm also in favor of leaving the city."

Blue purple smell speech slightly relieved, she knew that she did not have the absolute right to speak, so she was afraid that Chen Yang would stick to the city.

Now that we have made a decision, we will discuss how to get out of the city.

Blue purple said: "our identity was not registered when we came in. If they found any clues and asked to search when we went out, we would show our flaws immediately. So I think we should go out of the city the way you come in. It will be a lot of insurance. "

Lin Bing said, "when we came in, we didn't bring you. When I went out, I added your weight. I don't know if it will go well

Chen Yang said: "this is not a problem. Chen feirong's accomplishments have increased a lot. It is not a problem to take the three of us in the past."When Lin Bing heard the speech, he said nothing more.

At present, several people after eating, they packed up and left the inn.

Before leaving the inn, Chen Yang's dress changed again.

Then, the three men went to the middle of the city wall.

It's sunny at eleven in the morning. The three men came to the city wall, which was still towering, and there were no pedestrians around. Although the security here was not too strict, it was indeed forbidden to enter.

This time, Chen feirong is familiar with the road.

In fact, her accomplishments have quadrupled! She rolled up Chen Yang and flew over the wall. Moreover, Chen feirong covered up the three Chen Yang people with material changes, just like a gust of wind.

Later, the three were taken out of the city wall by Chen feirong.

After landing, the three men have been out of the ghost city, and from the city wall has been 100 meters away.

Chen feirong took three people to fly more than 300 meters this time, but it was not difficult at all.

This also proves that Chen feirong's cultivation has made great progress. After looking back at the towering city wall, Chen Yang three people continued to embark on the road of progress without any nostalgia.

"The city wall of Fengdu city also encloses Fengdu city. We can use the same method to block the waist and fly in from the city wall. Now, with Chen feirong in, we don't need to climb the canyon. Because Chen feirong's ability has been able to take us directly across the city wall Blue purple clothes slightly excited.

With Chen feirong in, everything becomes much simpler.

Both Chen Yang and Lin Bing agreed. Chen feirong can't help but come out to ask Chen Yang for credit. Chen Yang's cold words sent Chen feirong back.

Chen feirong finally returned to jiexumi.

Lin Bing couldn't help but say to Chen Yang, "Fei Rong really helped us a lot. Without her, we couldn't have come to the present. Can't you just praise her? You're not afraid she's going to leave

Chen Yang light smile, said: "she will not give up."

Lin Bing said, "Why are you so sure?"

"I believe in her!" said Chen Yang

Lin Bing see Chen Yang said naturally, she is not good to say any more.

They went on their way and soon came to the official road.

A long official road is also a commercial road leading directly to Fengdu.

Generally speaking, people are riding horses or riding carriages!

Only when transporting materials will buses and ghost buses appear.

In the eyes of people in the shady world, buses and ghost buses are very mysterious and magical.

Moreover, during the day, there are few buses and expensive water.

There are a lot of riders and riders on horseback and forth!

All the way, it was peaceful, and did not encounter any danger and unusual place.

In the evening, the three people are still more than 100 miles away from Fengdu. In fact, I can't walk far in the daytime. The main reason is that the blue and purple clothes drag down the speed. But the official road is relatively safe, and the three people are not good enough to be too shocking.

At night, it was as dark as ink.

At this time, Chen Yang three people finally speed up.

An hour later, the three arrived under the city wall of Fengdu.

Three people did not go to the main entrance, Chen feirong with three people involved into the Feng capital inside.

After entering Fengdu City, the three first went to the inn to complain.

After all, people are iron and rice is steel. We should have a good rest to eat before we can make our way.

Moreover, after arriving at Fengdu, the three people also had a long sigh of relief.

It is dangerous to be in and out of the capital, while Fengdu is relatively safe. Because the enemy's attention still stays in the underworld city and outside the underworld city. But no one could have imagined that Chen Yang, the three men, had entered the Fengdu City unconsciously.

Fengdu city is larger than Mingdu City, but the specific architectural facilities and geographical distribution are all of the same style.

At night, there are few pedestrians in the street. They found a place called Lin Yue Inn in the street, and then went in to sleep.

The bartender was very enthusiastic about the door-to-door business, and immediately arranged hot meals and hot dishes for the three people, as well as hot bath water.

After eating and drinking, they went back to their rooms to take a bath. Lin Bing and blue purple clothes or a room, they two people together is also a care.

When Chen Yang takes a bath, Chen feirong floats around in the room, not avoiding at all. Tqr1

Chen Yang had no way to deal with this girl, so he simply did not care.

"Hee hee, brother Yang, you have a good figure." Chen feirong suddenly said with a smile.

Chen Yang also ignored Chen feirong, he quickly jumped out of the bath, wiped dry body, and then put on clothes. "It's stingy. If you look at it, you won't lose a piece of meat!" Chen feirong pouted and said.Chen Yang ignores Chen feirong. He fights with this girl too much these days. He is really tired. When it is a Tang monk in the ear crea how calculate, endure a tolerance, also get used to.

But just then there was a knock on the door.

"Elder martial sister?" Chen Yang heard that it was Lin Bing coming, and his heart couldn't help but jump. It's so late, what's the elder martial sister doing alone? , the fastest update of the webnovel!