Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Shen Mo Nong continued: "Wen Tian must be only 18 years old. He looks very shy and introverted. At first sight, I felt that the boy had no connection with the white monk Hu Gang had mentioned. He is no different from some mental patients. The only difference is that he loves sleepwalking. "

"It was ten o'clock in the morning and it was sunny. His face did not have a trace of blood in the sun, he did not dare to look at us. He answers whatever we ask him. Asked if he knew Hu Gang, he shook his head blankly and said he didn't know him. When asked how old he was, what he liked and what he was afraid of, he answered one by one. He likes to eat scallion cake and drink soybean juice. I'm afraid of sleeping alone, and I'm even more afraid of wandering around when I sleep. He said that every time he sleeps, he hopes that the outside can be locked back. "

"So sleepwalking?" Chen Yang felt a little inconceivable.

"There are countless sleepwalkers all over the world, and many of the minor ones are ignored." "The medical explanation is that sleepwalking is mainly the result of human cortical activity," Shen said. Brain activity includes two processes: excitation and inhibition. Usually, when people sleep, the cells in the cerebral cortex are in a state of inhibition. If a group or groups of nerve cells that control the movement are still in an excited state, sleepwalking will occur. The range of sleepwalking action is usually the most familiar environment of sleepwalkers and the actions they often do repeatedly Shen said: "but there are also sleepwalkers who are particularly bad. For example, according to our data, there is a sleepwalker named Yong ario in state F, who sleepwalks for 20 years. After a five-year-old came to London and his wife got up and left one night. He found a job there, married another wife and had a son. One night more than 20 years later, he suddenly realized that he returned to country f in a hurry. The next morning, ario woke up. When his wife of F saw her white haired husband who had been missing for more than 20 years, she asked bitterly and happily, "dear, where have you escaped? For more than 20 years, there has been no news. " However, ario stretched himself and said as if nothing had happened: "don't be kidding! Didn't I sleep well last night

Chen Yang a smile, said: "this ario is smart enough to come up with such an excuse."

"Maybe, we can't define whether what he said is true or an excuse," Shen said

Chen Yang said, "go on, what kind of trouble does Wentian bring you?"

"During the day, we didn't ask for anything," Shen said. We even think that he is an ordinary patient and has no connection with Hu Gang. But Hu Gang's death is always a question in our hearts. On that night, we received a call from President Hong Jinbo. Hong Jinbo said on the phone that Wentian would like to see us. "

Shen Mo Nong said this, changed his tone, and then said: "after hanging up the phone, I and Yuan immediately set out. At that time, it was late at night. We saw him in his ward! Wen Tian must be quite different from the day. He was still wearing white clothes and bald head, but his eyes were very divine, and there were some mysterious factors in him that people could not see through. "

"When we saw Wen Tianzhun, I asked," what do you want from us? Wen Tian Zhun smiles and says, "actually, I am sleepwalking now."

Chen Yang can't help but be surprised, said: "still have oneself to know oneself in sleepwalking?"

Shen Mo Nong said, "I said the same thing. I said that Wen Tianzhuo, you should not be mystical. Wen Tian is sure to say, I know, I said you will not believe. But it doesn't matter, just do you believe it? I have saved the earth several times. "

"It's really a mental patient!" Chen said.

What to say to save the earth and so on, this is m country science fiction blockbuster just like to appear.

Shen Mo Nong said, "yes, so I had the same reaction as you at the moment. Yuan Chu also lost patience and said, "you came to us in the middle of the night just to listen to you talking about these nonsense?"

"At that time, Wen Tianjun shook his head and said," your patience is so bad. I always thought you would be different. You know, it's not easy for me to see you. I met you through Hu Gang and President Hong Jinbo. Do you think this is just a simple coincidence? "

Chen Yang listened patiently. He thought it was more and more interesting.

"Yuan Chu and I were shocked at this. Chen Yang, you should know. It's really hard for ordinary people to see us. " Shen Murong said.

Chen Yang said, "how did Hong Jinbo see you again?"

"Because Hong Jinbo and Yuan Chu are old acquaintances." Shen Murong said.

"Then, how can Wen Tianzhun be sure that Hu Gang will be sent to the mental hospital where Hong Jinbo is located?" Chen Yang said

"There are three mental hospitals in Yanjing." Shen Mo Nong said: "generally, such criminals will be sent to Hong Jinbo's mental hospital."

"But he's not afraid. Hong Jinbo doesn't care about these things, and he just asks him?" Chen Yang said."But the fact is, Hong Jinbo went to ask. Perhaps, Hong Jinbo is also curious, and Hu Gang usually behaves too normal, so Hong Jinbo asked Shen Murong said.

Chen Yang said: "Wen Tianjun is not afraid, Hu Gang was directly sentenced to life imprisonment, and then put in prison for a lifetime?"

"It's a good question, so I asked Wen Tianzhun," Shen said

"What did he say?" Chen Yang asked.

"He said he could see the future," Shen said. Hu Gang will die in this mental hospital

"If he didn't say Hu Gang would die in a car accident, he wouldn't have put himself in a mental hospital." "Will the future change because of his words?" Chen Yang said

Shen Mo Nong said: "I also asked this question. He said that some sleepwalking are sick, some are psychic. Hu Gang's fate has decided that there will be a ring of him, and everything is just right. "

"Well, even if he's right!" Chen Yang said, "so what is the reason why he has made every effort to see you?"

"This is also a question we are curious about. Instead of answering, Shen said," I have saved the earth three times. If you don't believe me, you can check my personal records. I said, we've checked your personal records. When you were eight years old, you suddenly went mad, bit the clerk in a gold store and tried to take the necklace from the shop. Later, the incident alerted the police. You were taken away by the police and then sent to the hospital for treatment. It turns out that there is nothing wrong with you. Is this a saving the earth

"At this time, Wen Tianzhun gave a mysterious smile and said," you are really right. This is my first time to save the earth. I can't get the gold necklace at all, and I'm not a fool, but why should I do it? As soon as he finished, Yuan immediately asked, "why is that because you are sleepwalking?"

"It's really sleepwalking! Wen Tian must have said that, but the sleepwalking time has been longer, from last night to now. Do you know, if I don't alarm the police this time, there will be a young man named Bai Cangshan to rob. It was very difficult for the young man in baicangshan to live in. He had been hesitant. If I don't alarm the police, he will become a fugitive because of robbery, and eventually he will become the world's first bandit, and even set up his own terrorist organization to make trouble in the world. "

"Yuan Chu immediately said," will this change happen in the future? Can you change the future? Wen Tianzhun immediately said, maybe you don't understand the mystery and magic of this world. The human body has a self-healing immune system, which can repair its own pain. Destiny is an immune mechanism, and I am also an immune mechanism, specifically to kill these events that may endanger the whole earth. Of course, I am not Heaven is also the way of heaven. "

"Are you kidding me?" Chen Yang has really lost his color when he arrived here. "He is a sleepwalker and knows the destiny. And he also claimed to be the heaven, the way of heaven, is not a person? How could it be? "

Shen Mo Nong looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, don't be excited. Listen to me slowly. Naturally, we also asked this question, and our ideas are the same. "

"What does Wen Tianzhun say?" Chen Yang's tone is already a little urgent.

Shen Mo Nong said: "Wen Tianzhun said that the way of heaven is a kind of Qi, a kind of magnetic field that we can't feel. Therefore, he said that the way of heaven is the body's immune system. But if you say what the immune system is, no one can tell. And the way of heaven is such a thing. Heaven can see the future. There are too many people on earth. If a group of dogs are locked together, a lot of things will happen every day, and if human beings are on the earth, they will be more able to make trouble. Many troubles can be solved by human beings themselves. But some things, seemingly trivial, can form a powerful butterfly effect. For example, some people who have cancer can be cured. Some people were just stabbed and then died of infection. Therefore, in the self-protection of the heavenly way, there will be part of the magnetic field to form the original God, which will be bred in ordinary people. These spirits are subconscious. They will wake up at a certain time and then go to solve the butterfly effect Tqr1

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile and said, "he said as if it was very reasonable. I didn't even know what to say."

Shen Mo Nong said: "by this time, yuan and I have no idea what to say." She paused and said, "Wen Tianzhun has said something about saving the earth for the second time. I saw in his records that he was an orphan, and his first crime was to rob a necklace at the age of eight. The second time was because... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!