Chen Yang can't help but be surprised. He can't help but say, "as far as your highness knows, what powerful magical powers and races are there?"

"As far as I know, I know that there is a dragon Banshee in the East China Sea. The dragon was drawn from the human world and absorbed the essence of heaven and earth. At last, it did not transform into a dragon on the day of the Jiao, but finally it passed through thunder and became a walking Jiao. After that, the Zou Jiao continued to practice, and then hid in the East China Sea. This dragon female demon had been in a rage for a period of time, injuring many creatures in the sea. We mermaids in the East China Sea are also regarded as order keepers, so we sent experts to subdue the Banshee. That knows, this banshee is extremely good at cultivation, and there is also a magic weapon called soul eating mirror. All our masters were defeated. Finally, it was my father who seriously injured the Banshee. The father and emperor could have killed the banshee, but he thought it was not easy for the Banshee to practice at this level. So not only did not kill her, but also gave her the magic formula of breaking the heart demon. After that, the Banshee did not make trouble again. This should be a good story in the East China Sea

Chen Yangting's relish.

"As for other intelligent races, I've only heard that there are golden dragons in the deep sea on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean."

"Golden dragon clan?" Chen Yang was surprised.

"Why, Mr. Chen Yang, do you think it's incredible?" he said

Chen Yang said: "it won't, but at first hearing it, I still feel a little surprised."

Baili Buqi said: "the golden dragon is the most intelligent and magical race. Their body is more perfect than human beings. So you can see that those walking Jiaos and other goblins are all thinking of turning into dragons. If you want to turn a dragon into a dragon, a carp will jump into a dragon's gate and so on. But it's too hard to turn into a dragon. So a lot of goblins are retreating and seeking the next best and choosing to transform people. "

Chen Yang said: "I can't imagine that there is such knowledge in it. "

Baili Buqi said:" the golden dragon can turn into human form at any time, and it's the same with many dragon people who turn into human form and travel in the world. Maybe you can meet Mr. Chen Yang if you have a chance in the future

Chen Yang a smile, said: "I'm afraid even if met, but also can't recognize."

Bai Li didn't give up a smile and said, "I know that even if the Golden Dragon people turn into human beings, they also have their own characteristics. But I can't say it. "

Chen Yang didn't give up when he saw a hundred Li, and he didn't force him.

"In fact, there are many mysterious creatures in the basin on the other side of the Amazon," he said

Chen Yang was stunned and then said, "even on our land, we have heard a lot about the mysterious creatures in the Amazon basin."

The ocean is indeed a mysterious place, and it is also a place difficult for human beings to conquer.

The Loch Ness monster, the Amazon basin, the Bermuda Triangle, etc., are all mysterious.

Chen Yang will not tangle with these things. The world is so big that all living creatures have the right to live. You don't have to interfere with other creatures.

"We mermaids can't leave the water for too long. Moreover, my father ordered us not to appear in the shallow water. If it was not for Haizhu, we would not have come to meet Mr. Chen Yang. Therefore, I also ask Mr. Chen Yang and his subordinates to explain that the matter of mermaid family can not be spread to the land. "

Only then did Chen Yang understand the purpose of Baili Buqi. He said: "I don't want to go out and I'll tell my people. However, there is no guarantee that no one will say anything about it. "

"Mr. Chen Yang can do his best. Anyway, there are many legends about meeting people. It's no surprise that there's a little more. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "that's right. In any case, few people will believe it. Even if there is a video, there will be a lot of people who think this is fake. "

It has to be said that this is the progress of modern scientific knowledge, but also a kind of retrogression.

Because people are already idealism, only believe in their own education. People will question everything that is not scientific. Tqr1

at this time, Tiesheng also said: "Mr. Chen Yang, it is said that the world has been killed and robbed. I don't know what's going on on on land now? "

Chen Yang knew that he was full of curiosity about the ocean. And Tiesheng, they are also full of curiosity about the land.

Therefore, a hundred Li does not abandon many things. In exchange, I have to say something about the land.

Chen Yang is a man who loves to make friends. Now he begins to talk about some legends and historical progress on the land. He talked about some famous changes in history.

This makes Bai Li Bu abandon and Tiesheng feel deeply. Baili Buqi said: "my father said that wisdom is a very magical cell. The wiser a man is, the easier he is to be enslaved by wisdom. Because the smarter people are, the more they want to take. Even if one person can see it, others won't. As long as there are people, the fight will never stop. "

Chen Yang said, "can mermaids never fight in the depths of the ocean?"Baili Buqi said: "of course, there will be struggles, but not as frequent and tragic as human beings. We are at the bottom of the sea. We are a little bit more sober. As long as the desire is not so strong, the struggle will naturally be less. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "this is the truth indeed."

After that, Chen Yang talked about killing and robbing.

The two sides had a wonderful chat.

In the end, Baili did not give up and said, "we have been here for a long time, so we have to say goodbye to Mr. Chen Yang."

Chen Yang said, "goodbye today, I don't know if I'll have a chance to see you again."

"The sea and the land, this is the eternal separation, see or not see, all with fate."

It is very precious for me to know his highness Chen Yang

"Mr. Chen Yang, you are also a good friend. Today, I have prepared a gift for you After he finished, he said to Tiesheng, "Tiesheng, take it out."

Tie Sheng said, "yes!" He took something out of his armpit, but it was a blue diamond the size of an egg.

"Here you are, Mr. Chen Yang." Tiesheng said.

Chen Yang can't help but be surprised, this is a natural blue diamond, and still so mellow. The value of this diamond is immeasurable. At least more than 10 billion yuan, which is Chen Yang's preliminary estimate.

"This..." Chen Yang couldn't help saying, "this gift is too expensive for me to accept."

"Don't be polite, Mr. Chen Yang. This eternal star is really valuable in the world. But deep in our ocean, it's just a beautiful stone. "

"But it's too expensive," Chen said

Tiesheng laughed and said, "Mr. Chen Yang, you don't care about money. This eternal star to you, is also a kind of intention, does not care about the precious or not. Take it

Chen Yang said, "in this case, I would be disrespectful. Thank you, your highness, and brother Tiesheng

Later, Chen Yang received the eternal star in the Xumi Li.

He added, "it's not polite to come but not to go. In a hurry, I didn't prepare any gifts. This pair of dragon gloves is for your highness. "

Chen Yang said, and he will ring Xumi in the long gloves taken out.

"The gloves?" A hundred miles do not abandon a tiny Zheng.

Chen Yang is actually very reluctant to tie the Dragon gloves, but he is such a man, not willing to let his friends suffer losses.

And the Dragon binding gloves are not very effective for him now. They just sent it out.

Baili did not give up and took the Dragon gloves. When he took the gloves to his hands, he was shocked. "There are dragon tendons in it?"

Chen Yang Leng a Leng, said: "Your Highness is saying what?"

Baili did not give up the surprise and excitement in his eyes. He said, "my father has always wanted magic weapons about the golden dragon clan, so as to make the magic power higher. But I can't find it all over the East China Sea. Now, Mr. Chen Yang, you sent me this dragon binding glove, which is a great help to our Mermaid family! "

Chen Yang could not help but feel embarrassed and said, "I really don't know that this dragon binding glove is such a key thing."

Bai Li Bu abandon was so excited that Tiesheng couldn't help saying, "Your Highness, can you let me have a look at this glove?"

Bai Li Bu abandon hands tie long glove to tie Sheng. Tiesheng was excited after seeing it. He said: "there is a dragon nationality flavor in the Dragon binding gloves, and it is very strong. If your majesty gets this treasure, you will certainly be greatly appreciated by your highness. God has helped us

Baili did not abandon the excitement of Chen Yang's shoulders, he said: "Mr. Chen Yang, you are really a friend. We will always remember your great kindness. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Your Highness, you are so polite."

Bai Li didn't give up and also laughed. His face turned red and said, "I'm so happy."

At last, Baili did not give up the gloves and said to Chen Yang, "Mr. Chen Yang, wait, we will go back to our father's order. After that, my father will have a good report on Mr. Chen Yang. Goodbye

"Goodbye!" Chen Yang has nothing to regret. If it can bring great benefits to friends, it just plays its role.

It's good to make the best use of everything!

After that, Bai Li didn't give up and left with Tiesheng.

Chen Yang drank the coffee in front of him. Then, he took out the blue diamond and looked at it carefully.

Although the blue diamond is not a magic weapon, it is an excellent diamond.

Chen Yang secretly thought that if he took it for processing, made it into a diamond pendant or something, and then sold it, it would surely maximize the value.

With such a large blue diamond, it is estimated that 30 treasures like ocean star can be developed. It's no big problem to sell a piece of 500 million yuan.

Chen Yang then laughed again. What is money to him?"Women love things like this. I'm going to work for my sister-in-law, my second sister-in-law, ling'er, Su Qing and Luo Ning. Isn't it better?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!