The head of Nie Zheng is not shocked by his body.

Chen Yang sneered, he then said: "I also know, Nie Zheng, you are looking at all this in the dark. You also go to find someone to arrest Qiao Ning, the little emperor and Zhuoma. Right or wrong? I can think of your tricks even with my toes. The reason why I am still here today is to tell you one thing. None of these people you are looking for can't stop me from killing you! " Tqr1

the complexion of God and wind sword changed slightly.

The fake Nie Zheng of the head said in a deep voice: "but you should also know that as long as the king orders, all these people will die. Don't you care about their life and death? "

"Kill if you want to!" Chen Yang said: "as long as Nie Zheng is willing to fight with his life, I don't care. I'll be with you if you want to get rid of it. "

The fake Nie Zheng kept silent.

At this time, the wind sword Xuan slowly got up.

And God rose up.

They face Chen Yang. Chen Yang was still sitting there, motionless.

"You sit still?" God's eyes were astonished.

Chen Yang light said: "when you come in, I am sitting."

Sitting down and being attacked is extremely lethal. But Chen Yang in the face of these two top experts, he is to make such an incredible thing.

You think too much of yourself

Chen Yang said: "it's not that I think too much about myself, but that you are one level behind Feng Jianxuan. When you promised to kill me in partnership with others, you had fallen into the altar. But in the covenant of today, if I fear you and do not come, I will also fall from the altar. This is the reason why I came here. There is a saying that "one goes up and another goes up and down."

God said, "is it?" All of a sudden, he and Feng Jianxuan shot together.

It's like lightning when the two top masters shoot at the same time.

God's feet, like plowing, are like the giant claws of dinosaurs galloping toward Chen Yang. The strength of this foot can open the mountain and crack the stone.

God's momentum also broke out. It was a place to suppress the mountains!

What's more, God's foot kicks out, and there's a backhand. No matter how Chen Yang changes, his backhand is always on the run.

As for Feng Jian Xuan, he took a steep step and blocked Chen Yang's back road.

The siege of the two masters is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

At this time, Chen Yang is still sitting, the banquet table in front of him has been kicked to pieces by God. The power of the Dragon elephant in that foot burst out, just like the mountain collapsed in front of you.

Chen Yang's feet suddenly kicked on the ground, but the man retreated. At the same time, he crossed his fists into heart protecting fist, which directly blocked the foot strength of the Dragon elephant.


Chen Yang galloped back. Behind that is the wall.

But the wind sword Xuan is suddenly a palm toward Chen Yang's head. He took the opportunity and hit it hard. This is the seal of heaven!

Standing on the ground with feet and holding the sky with hands!


Chaos, mountains and rivers lose color. The violence of this palm already has a kind of natural disaster.

As soon as the mysterious giant seal of the wind sword came out, Chen Yang felt that the top of his head was black, and Mount Tai collapsed.

At this time, Chen Yang's head suddenly shrunk.

The tortoise shrinks its head!

All of a sudden, Chen Yang's head seemed to disappear.

Chen Yang's people are retreating, so this instant gap allows him to escape from the mysterious giant seal of the wind sword.

More importantly, Chen Yang's body suddenly bows. His spine was like a punch.

Originally, Chen Yang had no choice but to retire. Because behind him is the wall, but this moment, his spine directly smashed the wall.

Chen Yang clapped his hands on the ground, and then turned his body like a top to the back of the wall.

The wind sword was so mysterious that he immediately shook his shoulder and smashed the wall and killed him. Such a master fight, it is like a bulldozer fighting.

But God's eyes slightly changed, but he suddenly flashed behind the fake Nie Zheng.

"Back off!" God said to the false Nie Zhengning voice.

At this time, the wall behind the fake Nie Zheng was smashed by Chen Yang.

The fake Nie Zheng was surprised.

Then God stopped Chen Yang. "Get out of here Suddenly, Chen Jingguang was angry. At the same time, Chen Yang plowed the field with his feet and was like a mountain of Yuanyue. Suddenly, he punched him to death.

Chen Yang's fist carries the momentum of the whole person. If the fist is Wanjun, the intention of killing will burst!

As he rolled away with the sound of drinking, his throat puffed violently, and the airflow seemed to be ejected from his throat by a concentrated bomb. God only saw Chen Yang's throat knot rolling, the sound just entered his ears, the air in front of him suddenly exploded, and the huge air wave and sound resounded into a whole.

Chen Yang's exhaled voice, the jet of air, in half a foot violent, and the real compressed air bomb almost no different!

At this moment, God felt extremely dangerous, but he was a top master level figure. In a moment, his ears were close to the ear holes, and his eyes were closed. His hands were pushed forward and whirled vigorously, which scattered the violent air.He pushed this straight, but also fierce! The arm muscles and muscles flicked and vibrated, and a series of thundering and rumbling murmurs broke out. And as fast as lightning. Almost synchronized with Chen Yang's voice. As a result, Chen Yangsheng was just blowing out, and the air explosion was still roaring. He broke up with his fists and lost his fire!

On this hand, it is enough to show that the strength of this God is absolutely terrifying.

He pushed Chen Yangsheng into a Duhuo, then he held back and pulled backward, and his feet rubbed forward. He didn't retreat but went forward instead. He made a package of "holding tiger back to mountain".

God's whole body is more sensitive than people's eyes. After a push to disperse the air flow, he immediately felt Chen Yang's fist intention. He held the tiger back to the mountain to connect the push back pull in front of him, which was ingeniously used.


As soon as the two fists were exchanged, God felt as if he had been hit by a road roller thrown down from several floors. The Qi and blood of the whole body was almost shaken. There were prickles in the bone marrow, numbness in the gums, and signs of teeth loosening.

But this is far from over. He just received the blow, and his chest beat violently again. It turned out that Chen Yang hit the chest again.

God summoned up his strength and changed his feet. One after the other, he took another punch.

Chen Yang said again, "get out of here!"

And the third punch goes with it.

God can't help it. Take the third punch! Under such a strong fist, it's a joke to use softness to overcome strength. In addition to dodging, it's hard connection.

What a proud man God is. He didn't want to get out of the way, so he chose the hard one.

Originally, God could have other moves to entangle Chen Yang. But Chen Yang opened his mouth to get rid of it, which hurt the dignity of God. That's why he's fighting hard.


God will Chen Yang's third fist, at this time he finally can't help, a mouthful of blood and two fangs spurt out. At the same time, he dodged, and he finally got away.

This moment, God thoroughly experienced Chen Yang's terror.

That wind sword Xuan just attacked and killed again from the rear. Chen Yang also free hand to deal with the wind sword Xuan.

The rest of the four masters together to fight this way.

For a moment, the wind and clouds were surging.

Wind sword Xuan just a fight over, Chen Yang suddenly turned back, body tall. It's another move. The seal of the great sage pats the head of the wind sword Xuan. His body is as high as Mount Tai.

Such a fierce blow makes the wind sword Xuan also lose color. He immediately takes a hard blow.

After the fist slapped, the wind sword snorted. He felt the Qi and blood of his whole body trembled. The power contained in Chen Yang's great seal is too terrible.

This does not count, Chen Yang step forward, it is a slap down.

After two palms in a row, Feng Jianxuan quickly fell back and spat out a mouthful of blood with teeth.

The wind sword Xuan only felt the whole body blood in the violent surge, could not restrain at all. And all over the body, the pain is incomparable, as if the intensity of exercise to exhaustion.

In Chen Yang's body, it seems that there is an inexhaustible violent power.

The God and the wind sword Xuan were shaken back by Chen Yang in a moment.

Then, the remaining four masters just kept up with the rhythm and killed them. Chen Yang's body flash, but directly through their crevice to wear out.

The body method of antelope hanging horn!

The fake Nie Zheng is running away, and Chen Yang suddenly appears behind him like a big bird.

Chen Yang smashed the fake Nie Zheng's head.

Fake Nie Zheng died on the spot!

Chen Yang then turned around Huoran, and he roared violently!

In front of the air burst, the four masters immediately covered their ears. The whole house was buzzing and shaking, and the wine glasses on his banquet table were all cracked by Chen Yang's sound waves.

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Yang laughed.

In this moment, he is the ancient devil. Who dares to fight against him like this?

This man is no longer a man, he is the real God!

At this time, people have such ideas in their hearts. The killer King's eyes darkened, and he knew he was really wrong. When he promised Nie Zheng, he fell completely to the altar. Now the gap between him and Chen Yang is growing.

The four masters did not dare to step forward at this time.

Chen Yang raised his voice and said, "Nie Zheng, I know you are hiding nearby. I warn you, before I go back to the palace, if I can't see the little emperor, Qiao Ning and Zhuoma. Well, I'll take them all dead. Next, the first thing I did was to tear down your palace. Then I'll kill you for the rest of my life. If you think you can avoid me, you can kill them. "

After that, he left with his head raised.

Chen Yang came and went freely, just as if he had entered an uninhabited state.

Chen Yang returned to the palace an hour later.

In the palace, he went to Qingxin palace for the first time. In Qingxin palace, Qiao Ning and Zhuoma are safe and sound.Chen Yang was relieved to see that they were safe and sound.

Zhuoma saw Chen Yang, and immediately ran to cry. "Brother Chen, we were just arrested. Where have you been? "

There Qiao Ning is a light smile, said: "you Chen elder brother went to save us."

Zhuomaton was surprised and said, "why didn't I see elder brother Chen?"

Chen Yang laughed and said to Zhuoma, "OK, it's OK. Go and have a rest." , the fastest update of the webnovel!