Situ linger wants to return to Yanjing immediately.

Song Lingshan said she wanted to go with situ ling'er, but she didn't refuse.

Soon, song Lingshan and situ linger cleaned up a little, and then called the counselor to report the situation. After that, he quickly left the campus of NTU.

The night in Shanghai is particularly cold. It is near the new year's day. The weather has been completely cold.

Song Lingshan and situ linger didn't wait too long. After that, situ linger's father, situ Xinyi, and his mother, Yang Jie, drove to come.

Situ linger and song Lingshan get on the bus, and situ Xinyi drives directly to Yanjing.

Whether it is by train or by flight, there are not so suitable flights at this time. So it's faster to drive.

Along the way, situ Xinyi drove the car very fast, and his face was very dignified.

Situ linger couldn't help asking her mother Yang Jie. "Mom, grandfather, his health has always been very good, and he is still an expert. How could he suddenly get seriously ill?"

Yang Jie said in a deep voice, "ling'er, your father and I don't know more about your grandfather than you do. I called over there and said that your grandfather was dying and wanted to see you for the last time

Situ ling'er burst into tears.

In her life, grandfather played a very important role. No matter what the grandfather did to his parents, his parents would never forget. However, from the first time he saw situ ling'er, his grandfather showed extraordinary love and even doting on him.

There are so many brothers and sisters in situ's family, but his grandfather, situ Yan, only favors situ ling'er.

Situ ling'er couldn't accept his grandfather's sudden departure.

After a 12 hour journey, the family finally returned to the residence.

Situling'er was always afraid. As soon as he got to the house, he would see the funeral. She was afraid that she would not see the last side of her grandfather.

Everything was quiet in the house, but there were a lot of cars parked.

All the uncles, uncles, cousins, cousins, aunts and sisters have arrived.

With his wife, daughter and song Lingshan, situ Xinyi quickly steps in.

When he came to the hall, situ ling'er saw that all the relatives were there.

"Where's dad?" Situ Xinyi asked his elder brother situ Jing.

Situ Jing's face was very gloomy. He looked at situ Xinyi indifferently and said, "in the inner room, you can go in and have a look."

The old man got angry and asked everyone to go out. He only said that if situ Xinyi's family came back, they would let them in.

This is also the reason why situ Jing and others are not comfortable.

All his life, the old man preferred his youngest son, situ Xinyi, and his daughter.

Situ Xinyi didn't say anything else, so he took Yang Jie and situ ling'er in.

Song Lingshan stayed outside.

Inside the room, belongs to master situ Yan's bedroom, the light is very dark.

Only one candle was lit.

Wu boshu, the housekeeper, was beside the bed of situ Yan, who was lying on the bed with a thick quilt on his body. But his face was too old to look like.

"Grandfather Situ ling'er cried, and she could not help crying when she saw her grandfather's old appearance.

At this time, situ Yan slowly opened his eyes. When he saw situ ling'er, his eyes suddenly lit up and said, "ling'er My good grandson, you are back He held out his hand.

Situ linger quickly grasped situ Yan's hand.

In this scene, even Yang Jie, who had always hated situ Yan, couldn't help feeling sour and tears fell down.

No matter how hurtful the old man's words were, he was sincere to his daughter!

Situ Xinyi, a man who had been beaten by iron, cried out. He knelt down in front of the bed and said, "Dad, I'm wrong. My son is wrong."

"Ling'er, help your grandfather to sit up." Situ Yan took a look at situ Xinyi and Yang Jie, but finally he said to situ linger.

Situ ling'er nodded in tears, and she helped him sit up.

Situyan always grabs situ linger's hand. Instead of paying attention to situ Xinyi, he looks at Yang Jie. He suddenly laughed and said, "Yang Jie, you still hate me in your heart, right?"

Yang Jie shook her head and said, "no more hate. Now, at least, it's no longer hate. "

"After so many years, Xinyi was desperate to be with you. Now it seems that he was right. Although you... " He held back and said, as if he didn't want to let ling'er know some secrets. After all, Yang Jie is situ linger's mother. If Yang Jie did anything wrong when she was young, she should not let ling'er know.

Situ Yan continued: "but you are different from a Jing and a Yun's daughter-in-law. Their daughters-in-law are all well-known families and people in this big dye vat. Even their children are the people in the VAT. You are not only the one who refuses to enter the VAT. You've also pulled out the faith, which makes me have such an excellent little granddaughter as linger. ""I've always liked ling'er." Situyan laughed miserably and said, "it's not because of other things, but because linger is different from them. Ling'er is a very clean, pure child, without so many purposes. She is just my granddaughter. She respects and loves me, but nothing else. "

Sima Yan spoke from his heart, but what he said was a kind of sadness of a big family.

The larger the family, the more indifferent the kinship.

What situ Yan wanted most was affection.

This moment, Yang Jie's tears also fell like a broken thread bead. Not because of anything else, but because the master finally fully understood her and understood her.

"Dad Yang Jie called out.

Situ Yan happily answered.

Then, situ Yan's eyes came to situ Xinyi. Tqr1

"Dad!" Shouts situ Xinyi.

Situ Yan said: "you are my youngest son. Since I was a child, I have loved you most. You are also the most ambitious. You will listen to me. I don't want to argue with your brothers and sisters. But I didn't expect that you would end up sticking to your marriage. You are the proudest son of Si TuYan. You jumped out of this circle and chose a correct way. "

"Dad Situ Xinyi cried.

Si Tu Yan then waved his hand and said, "don't cry. There are immortals. I'm old enough to die. "

"Dad Situ Xinyi and Yang Jie both knelt down. They have seen that the old man is indeed to the point of exhaustion of oil and light.

Situ Yan took a deep breath. After this breath was inhaled, his complexion was better.

Then he went on, "originally, I had nothing to worry about. Faithfulness, your family also has the ability to support themselves. If they want to lose, let them lose. But now, there are some bad things I have to tell you. "

"Dad..." Situ Xinyi was puzzled.

Situ Yan's words are not very sharp. He said to Wu Bo, "Lao Wu, tell me what I mean."

Situ Xinyi and Yang Jie, as well as situ ling'er, are puzzled to look at Wu Bo.

Wu Bo's eyes were heavy. He said, "young master Xinyi, linger, the old man is not ill. He was hurt by the internal force

"What?" Situ Xinyi was shocked.

Yang Jie and situ ling'er were also disgraced.

Wu Bo said: "the other side is for the old man, and they will not give up. Today, since you have met the old man, the old man also has his last wish. Now you can leave. After leaving, don't be in charge of the affairs of the situ family. In the future, no matter what happens to the situ family, you should treat it as if you don't know. And don't come back. "

"No way!" Sima Xinyi suddenly rose, and he said angrily, "who hurt dad? Wu Bo, tell me. "

Wu Bo shook his head and said, "master Xinyi, don't get excited. The strength of the other side, even the old man is not an opponent. Young master Xinyi, what's the use of knowing it? It's just a suicide. "

"But..." At this moment, situ Xinyi hated himself for not practicing hard these years. Otherwise, this situation would not be faced. He knew that his father had been bullied, but he could not stand up for him.

"Is there no royal law?" Situ Xinyi said angrily, "we can contact the military and let them take charge of justice for us."

Wu Bo said, "young master Xinyi, the affairs of the river and the lake are now in full swing."

Situ Xinyi said: "no matter what you say, I will never leave my father alone today. My father knew everything was safe before I left. Now that the situ family is in trouble, I can't walk away like this cowardly. "

Wu Bo said, "when the situ family was honored, you were not there. That's even more unreasonable. When the situ family is in trouble, they want to pull you together. "

"So what? I shed the blood of situ family." Situ Xinyi said.

"Faithfulness, don't be impulsive." Yang Jie said.

"How can I calm down?" Situ Xinyi was very angry.

Yang Jie cold face said: "impulse can solve things?"

After all, situ Xinyi was afraid of his wife. At this time, Yang Jie was angry and situ Xinyi was silent. But he was extremely firm, that is, no matter what, he would not leave the situ family at this time.

Yang Jie said to Wu Bo, "who is the other party?"

Wu Bo said: "the person who started the operation hid his identity, but the old man guessed that it should be Hong Xiulian, the ancestor of the Lin family."

"How can Hong Xiulian be my father's rival?" Situ Xinyi said with red eyes.

Wu Bo said, "Hong Xiulian came with another expert. The mysterious master's skill was terrible and hard to deal with. As for where Hong Xiulian hired the master, we can't guess. "

Situ ling'er didn't understand what Wu Bo said. In such a complicated world, Yang Jie and she would not talk to situ ling'er. , the fastest update of the webnovel!