Just what kind of character is Bruner. Chen yanga and Qiao Ning's small movements can hide from Bruner.

Bruner immediately felt the change in the palmprint. His palmprint is a small world. He knew all the changes.

"It's really weird!" At this moment, Bruner thought. At the same time, he breathes and puffs his inner strength, and then sends out a tiny millisecond light, which directly destroys the space array composed of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning.

Later, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't move!

The small world in the palm print is like the vast universe and the iron wall, squeezing Chen Yang and Qiao Ning tightly. This squeeze, directly to Chen Yang and Qiao Ning's bone marrow, so that the two people in addition to the idea of the brain can move, other things can not move.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning felt an electric current rush into the body.

Give it a bang.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that all his limbs were paralyzed by electricity, as if his body had been disintegrated.

To be more precise, Chen Yang felt that his body was not his own.

And Qiao Ning fainted directly.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's body is strong enough to maintain a trace of clarity.

But Chen Yang's brain is very fast, he also pretends to be in a coma.

Bruner used the subtle cosmic light to stun Chen Yang and Qiao Ning. Otherwise, with Chen Yang's constitution, the thunder would not be damaged at all.

Bruner saw Chen Yang and Qiao Ning dizzy, which put the two people into the ring Xumi he carried with him.

After that, Bruner is ready to leave.

It was also at this time that Qin Keqing and others had already pursued and killed them.

"Stop!" Qin Keqing and four Dharma protectors immediately surrounded Bruner.

Bruner's eyes were cold. He looked at Qin Keqing coldly.

"You monsters again?" Qin Keqing frowned at Bruner.

Bruner broke a word out of his teeth: "roll

"To die!" Qin Keqing is also a proud character. He can stand Bruna's tone.

She did it immediately.

"Tetragonal crystal array!"

The four Dharma protectors set up the array quickly!

So between the lightning, the tetragonal crystal light array will cover Bruner.

"Fire mother rope!" Qin Keqing's people were outside the array and moved quickly.

The tetragonal crystal light array not only trapped Bruner, but also pressed to Bruner under the pressure of 10000. It puts tremendous pressure on the other side. Every second, every second, the opponent consumes huge mana to resist the oppression of the quadrilateral crystal array.

But at this time, the bruners were wandering in the battle, as if there was no weight oppressing him.

The firemother tied Bruner in an instant.

"Burn!" Qin Keqing's magic was fierce.

All of a sudden, the mother of fire turned into countless threads. At that moment, the flame was so beautiful that the mother of fire had invaded Bruner's body.

"Well? Mother of fire? Good thing. " Bruner suddenly smiles, then happily let the fire mother all into his body.

"Well, you can take it." Qin Keqing sneered and sneered and ran the fire mother.

Her fire mother into the human body, can send out a terrible explosion force, blow up the other party to ashes.

That kind of power, no matter how big the supernatural master can't bear.

So Qin Keqing has this confidence.

But immediately, Qin Keqing turned pale.

Because she didn't feel the fire mother.

Fire mother is like a bullock into the sea, and has disappeared since then.

This situation is very strange and rare, almost impossible. Because the Qi of fire mother is the integration of Qin Keqing's essence, Qi and spirit. Only the spirit of fire mother can not be extinguished. Qin Keqing can clearly feel the spirit of fire mother no matter it is thousands of miles away.

"You..." Qin Keqing could not help but be shocked.

"You..." Qin Keqing looked at Bruner, but could not speak.

"Go At this moment, Qin Keqing made a decision and withdrew first. The four Dharma protectors are her subordinates, so it's natural for them to be the first and the second. She has issued an order to leave, that is, after she leaves, the four Dharma protectors can be withdrawn.

Qin Keqing's action is very fast, but she is fast, Bruner is faster.

Although Qin Keqing is already the peak of virtual immortals, the top master. But in front of Bruner, it is still not worth mentioning.

As soon as Qin Keqing turned around, Bruner made a move.

He clapped it.

At once, the tetragonal crystal light array is broken directly and the crystal light radiates everywhere.

The four Dharma protectors spewed blood and fell down.

At the same time, he displayed a big hand print.

Qin Keqing only felt the top of his head was black, and then the big fingerprint was covered.

Although Bruner and Nalan Yuntian are quite difficult to deal with the Tang emperor, they are absolutely indifferent to Qin Keqing and Chen Yang.After the prime minister's several lingzuns failed to capture Chen Yang, this time, Bruner didn't want to have any more accidents, so he directly arrested Chen Yang in person.

For Bruner, Chen Yang is a key figure. This guy knows the final secret, and his skill is special and strange. He must grasp it and study it well.

As for Qin Keqing, Bruner also saw that she had a good cultivation and wanted to catch her back.

Later, Qin Keqing was stunned. Then, Bruner throws Qin Keqing into jiexumi.

As for the four Dharma protectors, they are ignorant of life and death. Bruner didn't care about the four Dharma protectors.

Bruner finished all this, turned around and flew to the East China Sea. Li hen temple is just above the East China Sea.

From here to the East China Sea, Bruner takes less than a minute to get there.

At the same time, he has completely recovered. Monk Linghui has been there all the time. He feeds Chen Yang a chaotic fruit. Chen Yang's body is strong, and quickly seal the residual Zeguang in his body with great seal technique.

At the same time, Linghui monk used the formula to cover up his breath, so that Bruner did not know the change in the Buddhist monk.

After Qin Keqing was arrested, Chen Yang knew that things were getting worse.

Qin Keqing was unconscious.

Chen Yang knew in his heart that once he arrived at his destination, Bruner could understand that he was not hurt by a look at himself. Bruner will not give himself a second chance.

But how to get out of danger?

This is a big problem.

"It's a short time. Bruner must go back to hate heaven at this moment. When I get to the palace of Li hen, it will be even more impossible for me to escape from danger. " Chen Yang's mind is turning. "Wisdom, use your wisdom for thousands of years!" He was also in a hurry, trying to use his ideas to urge the wise monk in the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu.

Monk Linghui also had a headache. He said, "the time is really too short. Even if you can escape from Bruner's hand, you can't get rid of the things that they have been tracking on you."

Chen Yang said, "Damn it. If I die, you can't live."

Monk Linghui stamped his feet in a hurry.

"Well, I really want to do it."

Linghui monk suddenly said.

"Ah? You do it? Is that all right? " Chen Yang said, "so you have been hiding?"

Monk Linghui said, "it's not hidden. You don't know. The seeds of xuanhuang valley are extremely wonderful. I've been here for a long time, and now I've recovered a trace of my previous divinity. It's hard for me to gather this spirit. Now it looks like it has to be used. In this way, I want to be attached to you. You should fully accommodate my spirit and let me control your body for a moment. At that time, I will write a seal with Tiandao pen. I don't know if I can block him for some time, but I can only do it like this. "

"Good!" Chen Yang said.

Chen Yang has many doubts in his heart, but he has no time to ask.

Bruner could see the sky over the East China Sea.

The sun is strong, the East China Sea is boundless, and the sea is sparkling.

"Boom Just then, Bruner suddenly felt something bad.

The energy in his hands fluctuates, and the next second, it will explode.

The Bruner was in the void, and his face was so gloomy.

At this time, Chen Yang has put Qin Keqing and Qiao Ning into their own Jiexu MI.

To be sure, Chen Yang is still in charge of his body at this time. And monk Linghui is ready to do it at any time.

Monk Linghui can only do it once, so Chen yanglai is required to break the precepts.

Chen Yang stood in the void opposite Bruner.

"Are you awake?" Bruner looked at the little mole ant in front of her in surprise.

He felt that the creation of magic to the extreme, actually created such a small mole ant repeatedly miracle.

Chen Yang sneered and said, "Bruner, do you think lingzun is really supreme, can you regard human beings as mole ants? Big body doesn't mean great strength. In terms of flesh and technology, you can lead with a long time, but in terms of infinite yuan Shen's magic power, you are not worthy to lift shoes for human beings! "

"You want to die!" Bruner was furious.

"Seal!" At this time, Chen Yang gave a big drink. At the same time, monk Linghui completely controlled Chen Yang's body.

This moment, Chen Yang's temperament changed.

At this moment, everything seems too fast.

Everything happened in the middle of the spark.

Bruner also maintained restraint in his anger. Know can't kill Chen Yang, he in that moment, display the Zhou light palm print. Even Qin Keqing, a master of virtual immortals, can take this palm directly.

So it's enough for Chen Yang to capture Chen Yang's accomplishments.

This is a sure thing.But at this time, Chen Yang exudes a grand, majestic, majestic breath. This is an indescribable breath, representing the existence of the fairyland, representing the supreme majesty.

This kind of dignity makes Bruner feel like an ant for a moment.

"How could that be possible? It's impossible! This It's the breath of the celestial king. How could you be the Emperor... " Bruner roared.

At this time, monk Linghui had already written a seal.

As soon as the letter came out, it was quite different from the one written by Chen Yang.

The seal characters are transformed into thousands of silk threads, each of which is ethereal and has a vast and holy flavor

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