"Duanxue blade cannot be released until the agreement is reached," Wu said

Fu Zhichen stares at Wu Linpu, who is neither humble nor arrogant.

Several deputy leaders, as well as the elder of Damo, Nalan Yunxue looks at Fu Zhichen and waits for his decision. At this time, in order to maintain the supreme dignity, they will not make random suggestions. In spite of this, Nalan Yunxue is worried about her master's safety.

Fu Zhichen said in a deep voice: "you cooperate with the devil to kill countless disciples of my family, including the elder and the deputy leader. Now you want to be safe by releasing our next disciple? You're too good at it. "

"That elder was not killed by us!" "It was killed by a young man named Chen Yang," Wu said When Fu Zhichen heard the word Chen Yang, his eyes twinkled. He immediately said, "peace is not impossible. However, the conditions are not for you to raise. It's about us. First, release the blood blade immediately. Secondly, each of the four demon emperors should hand over a trusted one. These confidants will go to the Yuqing gate to serve and forgive. They are also hostages. In the future, if they dare to mess around again, I will kill these four confidants. " After a pause, he took a look at wulinpu and said, "I think you are very suitable to be the confidant for the mixed demon emperor."

Wu Linpu's face finally changed. Obviously, he didn't want such a job.

However, after pondering for a long time, Wu Linpu still said, "I will listen to my brother's arrangement."

Fu Zhichen said: "that's very good. The third condition is that you will do anything to find Chen Yang in hell and give it to us. Must live! "

"Isn't he dead?" Wu was surprised.

Fu Zhichen said, "who said he was dead?"

Wu Linpu said: "the two evil kings have been killed. Can he still live?"

Fu Zhichen then said to Nalan Yunxue: "you and he said." "Yes, supreme!" Nalan Yunxue said, "I saw the emperor and one of them later. Two devils, one dead. The other submitted to the emperor. He told me that Chen Yang was not dead at all. When the emperor later used his means to search for Chen Yang, he did not know what he had encountered and left without saying a word. "

"It looks like it's tricky. The Emperor didn't catch Chen Yang. How can we do that? "

Fu Zhichen said, "we must handle Chen Yang's affairs. If you can't catch it, you'll catch it all the time. This is not negotiable! "

Wu Linpu said in a deep voice: "well, the younger generation has written down all the conditions mentioned by the predecessors. The younger generation will immediately communicate with my brother! "

Fu Zhichen said, "OK, I will wait here. I only give you half a column of incense time. If you can't talk about it after half a column of incense, it's even if you tear your face. I will kill all the four demon emperor's caves, including you. "

This sentence, Fu Zhichen said murderous.

He is not a bloodthirsty man, but he is by no means weak.

He definitely has the right decision.

Wu Linpu entered the inner hall and communicated with the mixed demon emperor through spiritual imprint.

After that, the hybrid demon emperor released the section of blood blade and told Fu Zhichen. They will each hand over a confidant. However, Fu Zhichen and others need to leave the 18 layers of hell quickly. As for Chen Yang's whereabouts, they will do their best to search. Fu Zhichen called Wu Linpu, and the sister of DOM demon emperor to serve at Yuqing gate. At the same time, he and Nalan Yunxue left the cave of the mixed demon emperor and quickly joined Duan xueblade. Duan xueblade did not have any damage. After seeing Fu Zhichen and others, he felt quite ashamed.

Fu Zhichen did not blame Duan xueblade, but comforted him in a soft voice.

After that, Fu Zhichen and his party began to search in the 18 layers of hell. They not only want to search for Chen Yang's location, but also to find the true yuan fairy and the one who walks alone.

Although they asked Fu Zhichen and others to leave quickly, they did not dare to say anything more.

Fu Zhichen searched the hell for three days and found nothing. However, they left the hell and returned to Yuqing gate.

Nalan Yunxue returns to Yuqing gate with hope. She goes to taishangzun building. She hoped that the Songhe boy and the unknown boy in taishangzunlou would tell her that the master and the one who walked alone had returned to taishangzunlou.

But it is a pity that the two boys told her with one voice in the magic mirror. Since that day, Zhenyuan fairy and the one who walked alone left, never came back.

Nalan Yunxue's heart sank again. Under helpless, Nalan Yunxue decided to see the elder of taishangzunlou.

There are innumerable predecessors in taishangzunlou.

Among these predecessors, the three friends of cold weather are the most respected.

One of the three predecessors is already the triple cultivation of creation. Yuqingmen, as a seed player cultivated in fairyland, has been immersed in the earth for more than 10000 years. Their power is not comparable to the chalky world.

The real masters of the spirit are either in the imperial celestial boat, in the space, or in the fairyland. It's the least on earth.Moreover, Yuqing gate also has the first generation, the second generation master has already rooted in the fairyland.

The fairyland has always been very wary of the earth. They cultivate these human masters in order to suppress the existence of the five grains, the country and the divine tree. They will never forget the devastating disaster of that year.

Nalan Yunxue was not qualified to meet the three friends of the year.

But this is a matter of great importance, in the two boy's notification, three friends of the year still met Nalan Yunxue.

Nalan Yunxue came to the taishangzun building directly through the magic mirror. On the top floor, in the simple and broad hall, Nalan Yunxue met the three friends of the cold as if on a pilgrimage.

The three friends of the year old and the poor are sitting on the top. Their clothes are simple and clean. It seems that they are fifty or sixty years old. They are charitable and kind, just like the hope of the world. Some of them are like the three Qing daozun in the temple.

The eldest brother of the three friends of the year is called Taixu immortal.

Second, the real person, xuantai!

Nalan Yunxue knelt down in front of the three elders and said, "I'll see the three ancestors!"

Taixu immortal nodded and said, "little doll, are you the disciple of Zhenyuan Daoyou?"

Nalan Yunxue said, "it is the disciple."

Taixu immortal said: "I listen to the two boys said a rough, but still not very detailed. Tell me in detail, what happened? "

Nalan Yunxue said, "yes, grandmaster!"

General Nalan Yunxue told the whole story of what happened in recent days. Finally, I emphasized the disappearance of Shifu, whose whereabouts are unknown.

After hearing this, the three friends looked at each other.

Taixu was shocked and said: "it's really easy to live in the mountains. The world has been prosperous for thousands of years. But I didn't expect that such a great change happened in Yuqing gate just during our closing period. If it's not a fluke, there's a king. I'm afraid that at present, yuqingmen is in danger. "

Taixuan real man said: "elder brother said that although we are conceited. But once the devil regains his freedom and drives the power of the world, even the joint efforts of us will be hard to resist. "

Nalan Yunxue said, "now my master's whereabouts are unknown and his life and death are unknown. I also asked the three grandmasters to look for it. I was really worried about what would happen to the master. "

Immortal Taixu nodded and said, "zhenyuanhe has done great danger for the sect. At this moment, we can't do well and continue to be calm." He paused and said, "let's go to hell at once, and look into it!"

Nalan Yunxue was overjoyed and said, "thank you very much."

Then, three real people drive mana, and instantly take Nalan Yunxue into the hell passage.

After a while, it entered the darkness, and then came to the eighteenth floor of hell.

The immortal Taixu immediately closed his eyes and began to investigate all the magnetic fields of the 18 layers of hell, including information.

Taixuan immortal said: "four little bugs dare to attack Yuqing gate. We need to warn them

After he said that, he directly concentrated in the spot, and the magic power spread out in an instant. His creation law and mana fusion, instantly covered the 18 layers of hell within ten thousand miles, and accurately found the four demon emperors. When the pressure of the prison, such as the sea, fell on the head of the four demon emperors, all the four demon emperors became soft eggs. Immortal taixuan said in a deep voice, "listen up, I will not kill you today because you have an agreement with Fu Zhichen. But if you dare to have another heart in the future, I will not blame you for taking your dog's life! "

The four demon emperors are busy.

Their hearts were filled with bitterness, and their hearts said, if it had not been for this agreement. How can they sit in the cave and let your majesty come down!

Later, the immortal taixuan regained his authority.

And Taixu immortal also took back the mana and opened his eyes.

"Grandmaster, my master?" Nalan Yunxue asked in a hurry.

The immortal Taixu sighed slightly and said, "little doll, do you know how complicated this hell is?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "I don't understand the meaning of the ancestor." She said to herself, "what does the grandmaster say? I just want to know where the master is

"There are too many nether and Jedi in hell," said immortal Taixu. This makes our exploration have many deficiencies, so we can't find out the truth completely. However, this seat has also explored some things. It seems that the emperor has calculated the two demons. "

"What?" Taixuan immortal and Taiqing immortal looked at Taixu immortal.

The real man also looked at Yunna.

Taixuan immortal said: "what I mean by this is that you first let Duxing and Zhenyuan fight with the demon king that day. Therefore, Zhenyuan and going alone are very likely to have met with an accident. I can't imagine the devil's means. "

"No, absolutely not!" When Nalan yunxuedun was struck by lightning, her tears immediately fell down. "My master is very clever. She will be OK. No one can kill my master. No one, no one! " "Ah..." Three real people saw this and sighed for a long time.

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