"Good, good!" Chen Yang said at this time, "I'll take you with me."

When ling'er hears the speech, she turns from sadness to joy. After that, Chen Yang entered Shaowei mansion. He first talked to Luo Feng, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu into the room.

Qin Lin's eyes were red, and he said, "third brother, you..."

Chen Yang a smile, said: "second brother, you don't worry, my life hard, can't die."

Luo Feng beat Chen Yang with a fist and said: "I saved you with all my strength. You owe me so much. Your life belongs to Laozi. Maybe you are not allowed to die before you die, you know?"

Chen Yang was so sad that he looked at Luo Feng and said, "elder brother, I know everything you have done for me. Don't worry, I will never die before you forbid me to die! "

"That's about it!" Luo Feng said.

Fu Qingzhu said in one side: "Chen Yang, you are determined by the general principle of heaven. You will be OK. Every crisis is an opportunity for you. "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "of course." He then took out Prajna bell and many Buddhist monks. He said to Luo Feng, "brother, this time I will go to the extremely cold wormhole. Keep these things for me first. By the way, there are still some things I left in blue and purple. If she wakes up and I haven't come back, please remember to

give it to her. "

"Take care of it yourself, and come back to her yourself." Luo Feng said coldly.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Luo Feng then said nothing, turned and left the room.

Qin Lin also red eyes said: "third brother, what are you doing? Don't you mean to make us miserable? This time and again, is it interesting? "

Chen Yang touched his nose, some self mockery said: "is very boring."

He put those things on the table and turned around and went out.

Before going out, he said, "if I don't come back in the future, you can watch and deal with these things."

When Chen Yang went out, he saw that ling'er and Qiao Ning were guarding the door.

Chen Yang said to ling'er, "I'll talk to Qiao Ning and I'll come to you later."

Ling Er nodded.

Chen Yang pulled Qiao Ning's hand and took Qiao into the room.

In the room, Chen Yang releases the soul ocean. He and Qiao Ning stay in the soul ocean. It was vast and private.

Chen Yang sealed up all of them.

After that, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning kiss together. A strong, hot, crazy kiss.

At this time, Chen Yang has no lust in his heart.

At this time, it is impossible to have any desire. Because he is a man After kissing, Chen Yang said, "I will go to the extremely cold wormhole with linger later..." He took Qiao Ning's face and said with a smile, "I know, Qiao Ning, I really know that you want to go with me, even if you want to die. However, I don't have the courage to take you to risk again. Ling'er is different from you. Yes, it is because you are stronger than her, so I have to aggrieve you. I've been making you suffer, sorry! I don't want you to go, and I don't want her to go. I hope you can live well... "

"You have not wronged me, Chen Yang. Don't say so." Qiao Ning's tears couldn't stop falling, like broken beads. "You don't have to tell me anything. I know everything. I don't ask you anything else, try hard, come back, OK? "

"I will try my best to come back!" Qiao Yang promised Chen Ning. "Maybe We shouldn't have met. " Chen Yang then appeared a little lonely, he said: "what have I brought you? I give Mo Nong, bring you is always afraid. Fortunately, I broke up with Su Qing and song Ning. In fact, I should live alone for a lifetime

Qiao Ning hugged Chen Yang tightly and said, "come again a thousand times, ten thousand times, I will still be willing to meet you and be your woman. I'll never regret it! "

After a moment of warmth, Qiao Ning said, "you go quickly. If you walk more, you will have a better chance of winning."

Chen Yang nodded.

Qiao Ning thought of what, and said: "by the way, Qin Keqing, do you still remember?"

Chen Yang said, "well, I remember. She seems to be here, too? "

Qiao Ning said, "I went to invite her, she did not say anything to bring people." Chen Yang stayed for a while. He suddenly felt that he owed Qin Keqing. "You go to my elder brother to get some pills, and then go to meet Qin Keqing. You can help me make up for her. By the way, her eight sisters have changed. If linger doesn't kill them, they can kill us. When it comes to

, I don't have to lie to her. "

"Good!" Said Jo Ning. She is not clear about that period of gratitude and resentment, but she is not willing to ask more now. She hopes that Chen Yang will go to the damned extremely cold wormhole and come back soon.

Later, Chen Yang and ling'er left. No more talking, no staying.

Chen Yang takes ling'er to the Western kingdom by teleportation array. He also tells ling'er that there is one thing he needs to do before he goes, that is, to rescue the demon king.Ling Er nods, she accompanies Chen Yang side only then to obtain the true tranquility.

No matter where Chen Yang said she would go, she would go to heaven and paradise, and she would not frown at Asura hell.

Chen Yang successfully arrived at the 18th floor of hell, and saw the mixed world demon king again.

When he saw Chen Yang coming, he was so elated that he could hardly express his joy. "Little friend, I hope you can come."

"Not two hours before and after." Chen Yang said.

The devil of the world laughs. He looked at ling'er again and said, "this girl is so beautiful. She must be Xiaoyou's wife?"

"Yes Chen Yang said.

The demon king said, "a talented woman, a talented woman! It's good luck to be a little friendly

Chen Yang laughed and said, "maybe this is the first time you flatter me in your life? I hope you don't kill me the first thing after I save you. "

"How can that be?" At first, he was embarrassed, and then he was angry. He said, "how can you think of this seat so filthy, little friend? This seat is by no means that kind of person

"It doesn't matter!" Chen Yang said, "well, I'm going to start saving you now."

"There's a Hunyuan formation in this stone tablet of cutting off religion from heaven. Look..." The demon king reminds Chen Yang. I said, "Chen Zhuo Yang first!"

After he finished speaking, he used his magic power to probe into the stone tablet.

Chen Yang immediately sensed the situation in the stele of Tongtian jiejiao. In the stele, there was a space of its own. In the middle, there was a self-made Hunyuan array, surrounded by a strict altar with countless runes.

Among them, there are many interception laws.

There are more rules of interdiction!

"This tablet was used by the saints of Tongtian in those days, but few people could really exert its power. Because what the jiejiao stele contains is the spirit and imprint of the sage, as well as its Saint flavor. " He said to Chen Yang.

And then he said, "even if this monument is very powerful, it is one of the most powerful."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "there are no magic tools that can't do it, only people who can't!"

He then said: "it is not easy to break this mixed array directly. It needs to introduce other forces to destroy its purity. After that, it's easy to crush. As long as you break the Hunyuan array, this stone tablet can't suppress you. "

The demon king immediately praised him and said, "you are really gifted and intelligent. This is such a delicate array that few people can see the key. Little friend, you will know the key point when you explore it! "

Chen Yang ha ha a smile, said: "well, you still don't flatter me, I listen awkward."

The demon king said, "there is a very dirty source of darkness in hell, which was in charge of Hades before..."

Chen Yang said: "what is the most filthy, the purest can be!" He immediately ran two drops of xuanhuang liquid and then ejected it into the array. The Hunyuan array instantly launches the protection force, and Chen Yang runs the big fatalism again.

In an instant, the great fatalism broke the protection of Hunyuan array.

But at this time, xuanhuang liquid still did not enter the mixed yuan array smoothly! Because in the center of the Hunyuan array, a gate of emptiness suddenly appears. In the gate of emptiness, a spirit of Yuan appears. The yuan God burned the two drops of xuanhuang liquid into ashes.

Later, a powerful force ran over Chen Yang's mana.

Chen Yang immediately took back his mana and withdrew from the stone tablet.

Gaia is the original God who follows out!

Gaia in a purple dress, blond hair and blue eyes, beautiful! She didn't look like a grandmother, but a beautiful girl of seventeen and eighteen.

"Little beast!" When Gaia saw Chen Yang, he didn't have any good words. She immediately scolded. Such a beautiful woman scolded such a sentence, it is indeed some evil scenery.

"Gaia, you old witch, how come you haven't died yet?" he scolded

"If you die, I will not die!" Gaia snorted coldly, and she went on to say, "the devil of the world, with the suppression of this king, this life, this life forever, you don't want to escape!"

The demon king snorted coldly and said, "you old witch, don't pretend. What you come here is just a trace of Yuan Shen, which has not yet carried a trace of world power. Chen Yang, who owns the sacred tree of the five grain country, is not afraid of you at all

"Hum!" Gaia sneered. She said, "the method of restraint has been developed. If he is the creator, holding the five grain and country tree, we should be afraid of some. Unfortunately, he is still a mole ant. Today... "

Later, Gaia's eyes went to Chen Yang: "today is your death date!"

"You just blow your cow!" With a sneer, Chen Yang said, "we killed Zhongchun, the Yuqing world's creator, with the Hunyuan Taiji diagram. Even if you have a trace of vitality now, you dare to speak up! " "What do you say?" Gaia was shocked at the words.

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