Chen Yang's appearance gives everyone hope.

Chen Yu will be full of tears.

No one thought that Chen Yang died again and came back to life. It should not be said that the dead and resurrected, to be exact, it has never died.

Chen Yang's whole body strength is extremely fierce, then, he and his majesty did not say anything more, a sword cut out!

Still a sword from the East!

The power of this sword from the East is more fierce! This is an unprecedented sword!

With a brilliant sword, he immediately chopped many puzzles in front of his majesty into pieces, and then his Majesty's two fists came out.


His Majesty's fists were smashed by the sword light. Then, the sword light cut his head and even his whole body into pieces.

Just a sword, the biggest threat, almost reached the creation of the five old monster, was completely killed by Chen Yang.

Between heaven and earth, finally restored to the real calm.

After exerting this sword, Chen Yang's violent energy began to recover gradually.

So, for Chen Yang, what has he experienced?

It turned out that after the moment he was involved in the endless blood robe, he really felt dead. Inside the endless blood robe, it's like a super nuclear reactor. Everything that goes in will be melted into pieces and finally turned into energy.

What about Chen Yang?

Although Chen Yang has many means, there are also black hole crystals.

But at that moment, Chen Yang's strength was exhausted, and he had almost no means. When something like a nuclear reactor is strangled. Chen Yang felt his flesh and blood, and his internal organs were crushed.

With his head crushed, he soon lost any thought.

To be precise, there are also sporadic thoughts.

Because the soul has become a fragment.

But soon, the soul also has no thought, all absorbed by the endless blood robe, and began to transform.

The seeds of xuanhuang Shengu, including Chen Yang, have also been melted.

There is also monk Linghui, who has not escaped this misfortune.

Linghui monk had no time to say a word with Chen Yang and was crushed.

Chen Yang's Prajna bell, as well as a lot of pills, have all become smashed and become the energy of the endless blood robe.

And the star stone.

Chen Yang had two star stones.

This time, two star stones were also broken.

After working hard for several years, I have accumulated two star stones. It's all right. It's nothing. But it doesn't matter, because if Chen Yang is dead, what's the meaning of the star stone?

Including black hole crystal, soul crystal, Tiandao pen and so on.

And eternal crystal

The key is the eternal crystal.

But the eternal spar is shattered.

Everything, it's gone.

Everything has been eliminated.

Originally, everything should have gone.

But soon, Chen Yang suddenly began to feel again.

It was a wonderful feeling, his soul fragments scattered, blurred. However, the soul fragments began to regroup and attach themselves to a crystal.

When I just felt a little bit At this point, a more violent explosion occurred.

That is when the endless blood robe explodes.

This is why Chen Yang's side has changed, but his majesty did not notice.

Chen Yang had just regained a little feeling, then he lost consciousness again.

And this is not the end.

After that, he began to feel again.

He felt that his soul was once again attached to a stone, including the fragments of his flesh, coming back, and began to mend and heal on the stone.

Chen Yang is aware of the crystal stone

It's the eternal crystal.

All kinds of fragments are absorbed in the eternal body.

But it's strange that the eternal crystal can only absorb dark matter and organic matter related to human beings. But at this time, other species also began to be absorbed, the debris between heaven and earth, countless pieces were absorbed.

Including monk Linghui.

Chen Yang began to wake up, he quickly, quietly into the void.

This is also in order not to let the old lady find out.

Your majesty is under siege. There are air traffic controllers.

Chen Yang's body soon recovered. Moreover, he felt that his body was in disorder, and many strange substances were absorbed in. He felt terrible

"Why?" At this time, Chen Yang heard a voice in the heart center. A very angry voice.

Chen Yang realized something immediately.

"Are you the eternal stone?" Chen Yang was surprised and said."You should die. Why do you still have a sense of self?" Once again, the eternal stone exclaimed.

Just then, another voice came out.

But The voice of monk Linghui.

"You're still wrong in your calculations." Linghui monk said to the eternal stone.

"And who are you?" Eternal crystal is angry.

Chen Yang was very happy: "Linghui..."

Monk Linghui smiles.

At this time, Chen Yang, the Linghui monk, and the eternal crystal stone were just like in Shenjiao. Instead of addressing Chen Yang, monk Linghui said to the eternal crystal stone, "you didn't expect that there was one thing on Chen Yang's Taoist friend. That is, xuanhuang Shengu seed. This seed is a species on earth. But this species is also part of the universe. In fact, it can accommodate all things. It's not only about the earth, but also about the universe. It's just that it hasn't been fully stimulated. But now, it's a complete explosion, and it's energizing. " Monk Linghui continued: "originally, Daoyou Chen Yang should die in this explosion. You absorb his strength, body and soul, and then you will become the new Chen Yang. You will have a physical body, become a real person, and be free from the universe. However, xuanhuang Shengu seed and Chen Yang Daoyou are integrated into one, which has absorbed all his and my meaning. It's something you didn't expect. What's more, you can only absorb the body and dark matter. But now, with the fusion of the seeds of xuanhuang Valley, this eternal crystal can absorb all things. "

Countless materials began to attach themselves to the eternal crystal, and Chen Yang's body began to embed more messy things.

This makes Chen Yang gradually feel that the body is no longer his own.

This is a very bad situation.

Chen Yang did not expect this change.

In fact, this situation was not thought of by Linghui monk. It is also the eternal crystal did not think of.

As the saying goes, everything is good and there are disadvantages.

Xuanhuang Shengu seed accidentally helped Chen Yang and monk Linghui.

But at this time, the continued absorption of the eternal crystal made Chen Yang fall into a terrible crisis again.

The eternal stone, aware of this, burst into laughter. "The more power I absorb, the more control I have of this whole substance. When that time comes, when all the strength presses on you, your willpower will be more and more weak Eternal crystal said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!