The leader of yuntianzong, yunhuaying, felt that the days were not happy. In the past, when Xuan Zhenghao did not appear. Yunhuaying thinks that he is successful, but after Xuan Zhenghao appears, he is not smooth. The next vassal state actually broke away from control, and now it is still holding down the head of yuntianzong.

Yunhuaying knows that there are still many people laughing at him in private. Including the eclosion gate, the protoss are snickering in their hearts.

What makes yunhuaying unable to raise his head is that once, he successfully recruited Chen Yang, Luo Feng and Qin Lin into yuntianzong, and made them the entry-level disciples of yuntianzong. But later, because of the internal mismanagement, greed became popular, which led to their defection.

As a result, Chen Yang and Luo Feng are now famous all over the world.

Even Qin Lin, it is not a good stubble.

Yunhuaying had to admit that he had miscalculated again. But this is often the case in the world. If Chen Yang and Chen Yang are not forced to leave, they may not have made such achievements recently.

Cloud shadow is in a bad mood at present, the fairy envoys have come.

At present, yuntianzong has 48 peaks. Qianzichen arrived at yuntianzong's cloud palace with tanlao and Fu Zhichen.

Yun Huaying led the 48 peak master to see the immortal envoy. Of course, some of the 48 peaks were not in yuntianzong, so they could not come. But Ling Yunfeng is here.

Today, lingyunfeng's cultivation has made great progress, reaching the early days of Tianyu.

As for cloud and shadow, the creation of a heavy environment!

After that, at the request of thousands of purple dust, the supreme masters of Yuntian sect also came to see him. Supreme masters, the highest cultivation is only the triple creation state. There are ten supreme masters in total. The lowest level of cultivation is in the middle of heaven position.

If you enter the cave fairyland, you can become the assistant leader, or you can become the Supreme Master in the depth of time and space. Or become the Supreme Master of teaching!

Today, the situation is changing too fast.

Everyone speeds up his practice. Therefore, cloud film should have abdicated, but it has not. This is also the result of the consensus of the elders.

Yunhuaying and his party bowed their heads in the face of thousands of purple dust, Fu Zhichen and Tan Lao.

Taoism is not more than people. Qianzichen, the immortal emissary, can destroy yuntianzong even if he is a single horse.

So they had to bow their heads.

Thousand purple dust sat on the top of the cloud palace, and Tan Lao and Fu Zhichen stood on both sides of her. Yunhuaying and others took their seats on the lower head Futon. Qian Zichen didn't force people to kneel down. Of course, she could do the same. But she did not want to take such drastic measures, because the ancestors of the fairyland once told them when they came. That is, the earth and the fairyland are a strip of water. When, handle with benevolence!

The reason why qianzichen is not tolerant of yuqingmen is that yuqingmen is a subordinate of fairyland. My subordinates don't look like subordinates. Of course, they can't.

In yuntianzong, the supreme supreme emperor of the triple realm of creation is called yuntianyuan.

Yuntianyuan's hair is gray.

"May I ask your name and age?" A thousand purple dust asked Yun Tianyuan.

Yuntianyuan looks at qianzichen. Although he looks old, it doesn't mean that he can rely on his old age and sell his old age in front of qianzichen. "Old man yuntianyuan, this year, 5300 years old!"

Qian Zichen nodded his head and said, "it seems that you are an old man. Ben is 1700 years old this year."

Yun Tianyuan immediately said, "I'm ashamed!" A thousand purple dust smile, said: "the earth and fairyland, resources are very different. Fairyland is rich in aura and sparsely populated. And the earth has too many people, so it lacks aura. Mr. Yun's accomplishments are remarkable. If it wasn't for the damage to the fairyland passage, Mr. Yun would have flown to the celestial realm early. "

Yun Tianyuan said, "the immortal emissary exalted the old man."

A thousand purple dust smile.

At this time, people are also slightly relieved. Thousand purple dust's politeness is to give everybody a sigh of relief. Thousand purple dust then said: "today everybody, don't be nervous. Your founder, the immortal, is already the king of heaven, and his status is respected. When Ben met his old man, he also knelt down to salute him. Today, I came here to deal with the spirit. You must have known the plot of the spirit. No, it shouldn't be called conspiracy. It can be said that it's a conspiracy. They destroyed the fairyland passage, so that the fairyland could not interfere in the affairs of the earth. To deal with the earth, now they send experts to rob the land of five grains and the land of God, in order to deal with the fairyland. But their ultimate goal is to deal with the earth. Therefore, I hope that all of you here can cooperate with us sincerely. "

All of a sudden, people were talking.

Qian Zichen looked at Yun Tianyuan and said, "Mr. Yun, what do you think?"

Yun Tianyuan didn't shirk his responsibility. He said, "if we choose between the spirit and the immortal, we naturally want to help the immortal envoy. But I don't know. What do you want us to do? "

Qian Zichen said, "for the time being, I don't need you to do anything. This envoy is planning to wipe out all lingzun. At that time, you will definitely need your help. ""We are duty bound," said Yun Tianyuan It's good, Zichen! However, Benxi also knows that it is impossible to do things only by human relations. Therefore, I hope to be able to place a mark of primordial spirit in your brain. You can rest assured that as long as you and Ben are in the same mind, I will never embarrass you. When it comes to

, when Ben Shi leaves, he will surely remove the mark for everyone. "

As soon as she said this, everyone was shocked. At the same time also want to curse mother!

This woman, looks polite, like a female Bodhisattva. But the means are so damn poisonous!

Yun Tianyuan's face changed, and he said, "immortal, isn't that appropriate?"

Thousand purple dust tiny smile, say: "Mr. cloud, you don't trust this to use?"

"After all, I don't want to worry about my life..." Yun Tianyuan's face is not easy.

Mr. Ziyun said, "I'm sorry. You have no choice, because if Ben doesn't control you. One day, when the gods come, they will control you. And then you will be the enemy of Benxi. "

She paused and said, "of course, it's voluntary. If not, also You can leave. "

She had a killing intention in her last words.

Everyone knew that if they didn't agree, they would die.

This woman shows her ferocity!

Yun Hua Ying couldn't help but say, "the immortal envoy treats us like this. Aren't you afraid that our ancestors will blame the real people in the future?"

Seeing Xiangyun's shadow, Qian Zichen said, "at that time, my master will go to the real person to plead for his guilt. And you just need to think about what's in front of you. "

Cloud shadow wants to be angry with the crown, but in the face of the majesty of thousands of purple dust, he finally has to swallow his anger.

So, next, the thousand purple dust placed all the marks of Yuan Shen in the people's brain. This miraculous mark can make these brain regions explode or go crazy in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!