Thousand purple dust was surprised and said, "do you know the ultimate mystery?"

"Stupid!" Xuan Zhenghao said to the thousand purple dust beside him with his mind: "I'm bluffing them. Now you've consumed too much mana. If we persist, we will surely lose. "

A thousand purple dust suddenly realized.

At the same time, Xuan Zhenghao sneered and said in a loud voice: "I have seen the birth of Pangu banners in the boat of one yuan. What I don't know." Thousand purple dust also said aloud: "good, today we work together to wipe out these demons!"

At this time, in the scene, has been a fierce fight.

Qianzichen was suppressed very much. However, due to the coming of the bridge of one yuan, God was innocent. Both the spiritual masters and human beings felt that it was not good.

Xuan Zhenghao's reputation is too great.

In all these years, nothing he wanted to do was not accomplished.

"Go God was not guilty and made a quick decision, and he gave a big drink. "Go there!" Xuan Zhenghao also roared. When he tries to prevent God from being innocent, he becomes more anxious. Then he saw that God was innocent and roared, and exerted wisdom world of Prajna to cover the scene. All the masters around him stopped fighting and came to the innocent side of God with the power of wisdom of Prajna.

Then God's innocent party quickly left.

Xuanzhenghao's one yuan bridge forms a star storm, which is full of prestige

But it's just bluffing.

God's innocent people have left without stopping.

Xuan Zhenghao smiles and then removes the star storm.

The cloud and shadow of yuntianzong and the supreme masters are all here. But the masters below the realm of creation did not come, because they were not qualified. Similarly, the eclosion gate and Protoss are all masters of creation state.

Yuntianzong, eclosion gate and protoss have 13 creational realm masters to help.

This is the highest level in Tianzhou. They didn't share the same hatred with qianzichen. They just suffered from brain control. Life and death were tied together with qianzichen, so they had to come.

And Xuan Zhenghao is single to come, even the longevity Emperor Xuan Zhenghao did not bring.

The night is still charming.

The starry sky around the bridge of one yuan finally disappeared. Xuan Zhenghao stands on the bridge of one yuan. Yunhua shadow, yuntianyuan, Yuhua gate and the supreme lords of the protoss also appear on the bridge.

Xiao Yi of the eclosion gate and the nine hell emperor of the protoss did not come. Because they haven't yet reached the celestial realm. The Jiuyou emperor of the protoss was not the same as the immortal of Zaohua and Xiao Ling. It's just another person. It was the wrong way to stabilize the Protoss. Over the years, the fake Jiuyou emperor has been regarded as true, but his cultivation has never broken through the realm of creation.

This war started quickly and ended quickly. There are still some casualties. There are two immortals in qianzichen's side, all of them are masters of creation environment. In Yuqing gate, an elder of taishangzunlou died. He is an expert in the realm of creation. As for the vice leaders of yuqingmen, the elders were not qualified to play, so they saved their lives.

As for God's innocence, there is no small damage. Two human masters of creation environment died, and one master of lingzun creation state died.

"And Chen Yang?" At this time, Xuan Zhenghao directly asked the thousand purple dust.

Thousand purple dust eyebrows slightly a frown, she then said: "let's go in to talk."

Xuan Zhenghao frowned and said, "it's not good to go in and talk. If elder lingzun kills a gun and breaks the connection between me and the boat of one yuan, it's over. In my opinion, I'd better go to my one yuan boat and say it. "

Thousand purple dust nodded and said, "good!"

After that, Qian Zichen counted all the masters under the gate, including many masters under the realm of creation in Yuqing gate, and took them all to Tianzhou. The war has been completely opened. At this time, we must keep a high degree of vigilance.

Fu Zhichen and others simply uprooted the whole treasure house of Yuqing gate and collected them into the magic weapons.

The boundary between Tianzhou and Yuqing world was destroyed. At this time, people came and went freely. Soon, a group of people came to the Dakang Imperial City, and was arranged by Xuan Zhenghao in Tianlong eight Fu Tu Xuan tower to stay.

There is a palace in the eight pagodas of Tianlong. People enter the palace. The palace is bright and beautiful.

The outside is the starry universe, and the palace is like floating in the starry sky.

"And Chen Yang?" In that palace, Xuan Zhenghao asked the thousand purple dust again in front of the public.

A thousand purple dust looks pale.

"Chen Yang is dead," said Tan Lao in a deep voice

Xuan Zhenghao immediately lost color. Although he estimated that Chen Yang would not die in his heart, his surprise and anger on face still had to do enough. "What?"

The thousand purple dust gazed at Xuan Zhenghao and said, "the five grain state divine tree and Chen Yangrong are one body. These spiritual elders are for the five grain state divine tree. I bear the responsibility of my ancestors. I can't lose anything. I can only kill him! ""Damn it!" Xuan Zhenghao was distraught. His eyes were red with blood and said, "I should not have gone to save you."

The thousand purple dust was silent. Fu Zhichen said: "Mr. Xuan, you are the outstanding person of the time. At the beginning, we were also fighting to destroy the sacred tree. As long as the five grain state tree is alive, the fairyland will be restless. In the final analysis,

is that they are afraid that the fairyland will interfere with the earth. They're dealing with the earth after all, aren't they? I hope you can put the overall situation first. "

"Chen Yang is the king of destiny, chosen by the great emperor of the universe. He was chosen by heaven, but you killed him. Is it for the earth Xuan Zhenghao is very angry.

He then said, "I don't have to say anything. I have my own discretion in what should be done."

Then he left the palace in a flash.

Xuan Zhenghao went directly to the bridge of one yuan.

The Immortal Emperor Xuan is waiting for Xuan Zhenghao on the bridge of one yuan. This one yuan bridge is controlled by Xuan Zhenghao, which is a thing without phase. Only Xuan Zhenghao can drive and change, so no one here can eavesdrop on his conversation.

"Is Chen Yang really dead?" Emperor Xuan obviously witnessed all the conversation just now. He asked Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao sat cross legged and said, "of course not."

"But they said he was dead. If Qian Zichen hands in person and says he has killed Chen Yang. Chen Yang is unlikely to be alive. Not even me Emperor Xuan said.

"You can't do it. It doesn't mean Chen Yang can't do it!" Xuan Zhenghao is very determined.

While talking, there was a sound outside.

Xuan Zhenghao smiles and says, "look, it's coming."

He opened a channel, and then a figure flickered. Then Chen Yang came to the one yuan bridge. Or a long blue shirt, elegant and calm.

He came to xuanzhenghao and Changsheng emperor.

Chen Yang was not arrogant and impetuous. He saluted and said, "I have seen the emperor, I have seen the emperor!" "Come on, sit down!" Xuan Zhenghao was overjoyed. He said, "it's very kind of you to come here at this time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!