Emperor Feiyan was depressed and even desperate. She was born superior and proud. Along the way, the name of genius has been widely known on the planet of Malone. She kept her brother, di huaixiu, under pressure all the time.

But at present, Emperor Feiyan is a feeling of being bullied by a dog when the tiger has fallen. She is too conceited and too proud. Therefore, even if they have reached this stage of the field, they are not willing to bow to the elder brother.

At this time, Emperor Feiyan felt regret.

But regret is already a little late.

Because Qingyi won't give her another chance.

Emperor Feiyan was sealed in the mysterious space of Qingyi's sleeve robe. After about ten minutes, Qingyi released her.

When Emperor Feiyan came out of his sleeve robe, he saw that there was a cave around him.

There are still hot springs in the cave.

Emperor Fei Yan could not help but feel strange: "what is this place?" She raised her head and asked Qingyi. Qingyi was standing in front of her. He said with a smile, "Miss, maybe you think this is a planet. But it's not. It's in a black hole. I happened to find a bead in a black hole these days that even the black hole couldn't swallow. I used my mind to spray the bead once, and found that it was left here by some great magical person. The great psychic was also a monk in the galaxy, and he was from the ancient planet. And this bead is called xuanming Pearl! After being engulfed by me, my body can be integrated with the universe, the starry sky and the black hole. Heaven and man are me, I am heaven and man! Originally, few people can swallow xuanming beads, because the internal properties and energy of xuanming beads are too small to bear. But I am different. My body is not afraid of explosion, and the seeds of xuanhuang Valley can absorb and dissolve its energy Now I am not excited about Miss Chen Qingyi. From then on, I can be free. Even if he comes, I'm confident that I can beat him. I don't go to see him now, but it's because of the urgency of your injury, miss

She looked around and said, "it's not like being in a black hole here."

Qingyi said, "Miss, you don't know something. Black holes are unbearable to you at present. I will bloom the attributes of xuanming beads and create such a black hole for you. "

"If you can't be found in the universe, why come to the black hole?" Emperor Fei Yan asked. She paused and said, "you're afraid that the people who come down to the temple will come to me, and you're afraid that I'll send out signals secretly, right?"

She could have done nothing with Qingyi. However, she was not willing to bow her head, arrogant, or to tear her face.

Qingyi stares at emperor Feiyan.

Emperor Fei Yan was immediately seen by Qingyi. From the bottom of her heart, she finally felt a trace of regret Perhaps, I am really too unwise.

"What do you want?" Emperor Feiyan asked tentatively, and she felt more and more that the so-called "double cultivation" in Qingyi was the art of taking and tonifying. She didn't believe that Qingyi wanted to save her. Qingyi sighed and said, "Miss, many things are life. On our planet, there is the way of heaven. The way of heaven will dominate everything. The destiny arranged for everyone is different! I don't know whether my destiny is arranged by heaven or by the universe. But all this is like reincarnation. Chen Yang, who comes from my body, is a replica of his father Chen Tianya. And I am also a person who is not recognized. In the shadow of Chen Yang, I will never be recognized. But I want to be recognized, I hope to have a new life! At the beginning, Chen Tianya found a beautiful woman to be his wife, and he found a new life. And you, miss, are much better than that beautiful woman. I think my fate will be different from Chen Tianya. I am luckier than him. Because, I'll have you to be my wife "No way!" Emperor Feiyan immediately said categorically. She said in a deep voice, "I advise you not to be amorous. Yes, now I'm injured. But don't forget my background If you really dare to disrespect me, force me. Then

my father and my elder brother will not let you go. You can't bear the anger of the temple. You're just playing with fire Qingyi smile, he said: "if you really want to go to the first lady you said that step, then I can only say, everything is too sorry. But that's not what you have to think about, miss. Because it's all behind you


"What do you mean?" Emperor Fei Yan was frightened. She felt a trace of hidden killing in the words of Qingyi. Qingyi said, "I wanted to have a good relationship with you. I don't think you will fall in love with me. But at least we don't want to be desperate. But now, the reaction you give me is not wonderful. Xuanming pearl has given me many special skills. My double cultivation can save you, but I can also absorb your energy and turn you into a beautiful puppet. The attribute of xuanming bead can assimilate all your constitution. But that kind of beauty, playing with it, doesn't mean much. I can find a hundred, a thousand if I need to. Di Feiyan, you and I are good words. Although I will not be short of women, I can also find a hundred, a thousand. But you're the first woman I've ever met. Your meaning is different. If you can take care of yourself and be my wife. I can also promise you, this life only loves you one. In this way, I will be a good man. But if you don't agree, then I have to possess you first and play with you. When I feel tired,I will absorb your energy, assimilate you, and put you in the dark. When I have time, I will take a look at you. At that time, I will be a devil "In the end, I'll take whatever you want to choose!" Qingyi said, "you don't want to tell me about your father, your elder brother and his ability to come to the temple. At this point, you will not be killed. Now, if I let you go, will you forget today's disgrace when you recover? " "I will!" Emperor Fei smoke can not help but be anxious, she seems to see a trace of light in the boundless darkness. "I can swear to you, the most poisonous oath. As long as you're willing to let me go, I'll let you go. Moreover, I will help you to deal with Chen Yang. I know you have another meaning. I hope to kill Chen Yang with my help. You know, you're not going to kill him alone! " Qingyi shook his head and said, "I will not believe any oath." After saying that, he looked deep into his beautiful face and said, "my life came from an accident. But now that I'm here, I won't let any more accidents happen in my future life. At least, it can't be the accident caused by my mistake

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