Emperor Shengtian was too clear in his mind that he could command the world and suppress all the heroes, not by his personal charm, but by his fist. Once, he was seriously injured. Then these experts would like to eat the blood of the beast to pounce on him, breaking all the rules of the tyrannosaurus

planet. From then on, they will be free!

Perhaps, dream light dust words are not true.

But in such a huge price premise, Emperor Shengtian would not dare to take this risk.

"Let them go!" After a long time, Emperor Shengtian opened his mouth. His face was so cold that he said it word for word.

The audience was stunned.

"Hall master..." Like juesheng road.

"All down!" Emperor Shengtian suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes burst out with frightful cold light. This roar made the sound wave vibrate the infinite starry sky. His majestic majesty of dominating the heaven and earth made many experts feel extremely frightened.

It was an instinctive fear!

The strength of the first person on the planet of Tyrannosaurus is really terrible!

This moment, many masters, all quickly retired.

In the scene, only dream light dust, Chen Yang, Emperor Feiyan, Emperor Shengtian are left. "I understand your mantra. In three days, this seat should be untied! " With a big wave of his hand, Emperor Shengtian covered the spot with the law, so as not to let any outsider overhear. "After three days, dream light dust, you will die. The most wrong decision you will make is Chen Yang

"What curse?" Chen Yang felt as if he had found the key point of the problem.

"Emperor Shengtian, don't be happy too soon!" Dream light dust sneer a, say: "you also had better not irritate me now!"

She and Chen Yang always hold hands tightly, as if they want to release them forever.

Dream light dust then said: "because, you irritated me, I can let you die without a burial place. I know exactly what you're afraid of

The emperor's face was gloomy again.

He also found that it was really stupid of him to threaten DreamLight at the moment. However, he did not evolve to the point of abandoning the seven emotions and six desires. So, in fact, he was completely infuriated.

Therefore, he will try his best to make the dream light dust unhappy!

As a matter of fact, Emperor Shengtian is not losing his seven emotions and six desires, but he is more and more selfish and his interests are supreme. He has no feelings for other people, but he loves himself to the point of incomparable love.

Practitioners, what is it?

It's about understanding heaven, earth and the universe. The more you know and understand the things themselves, the more you will feel that human love is really boring and meaningless.

Emperor Shengtian despised the love between Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang.

"Let's go!" Dream light dust no longer pay attention to the emperor, she called out Dongxiang, and then sat on the back of Dongxiang.

Chen Yang stepped up with him.

Later, Dongxiang flew to the sky and disappeared in the sky.

When Chen Yang left, he said hello to Emperor Feiyan.

After Chen Yang and dream light dust left, Emperor Shengtian wanted to return to the palace.

Emperor Feiyan suddenly said, "my father will still pursue Chen Yang, right? Just waiting for the dream to die? Just wait for the spell to break, right

The emperor said coldly, "yes!"

He then directly removed the law and returned to the main hall of God.

Emperor Feiyan stood in the void, and the main hall of God subduing below was full of lights.

In the sky, silver stars twinkled, and the night wind blew over. Emperor Feiyan suddenly felt a trace of cold.

She suddenly felt that the tyrannosaurus did not seem to have any significance to her.

She felt that the world was like a cage.

She wanted to get out of this cage.

Dongxiang flies through the void and instantly enters the hyperspace. In the blink of an eye, it is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Tyrannosaurus.

At this moment, Chen Yang no longer represses his emotion. He has a lot of tenderness in his heart. Tightly embrace the waist of dream light dust

Dream light dust also felt Chen Yang's love, she felt that this moment was her and his heart's recent time.

"How did you come back?" Dream light dust asked gently. Her tone was gentle, and it was the first time in her life that she spoke in such a gentle tone.

"What curse is that?" Chen Yang asked at the same time.

"Answer me first." Dream light dust said.

"Say it first!" Chen Yang said. Dream light dust says: "I ask you first." Chen Yang was quite helpless and said, "I feel something is wrong, so I came back." Dream light dust said: "it is not too rash to come back like this? Don't you ask for help? Shouldn't you go back to earth first

Chen Yang said: "I can't care so much. It's too far from here to the earth. When I go and come back, I'm afraid that you have given birth to the emperor

Dream light dust puffs a smile, then blush again, rebuke a way: "that has so fast!""That's what I said," Chen said After a pause, he said, "what kind of spell is it? Can this spell contain the emperor and the holy heaven? "

Dream light dust suddenly face a heavy. Because she didn't know how to tell Chen Yang about this.

"Say it Chen Yang knew that it would not be easy and urged him. Dream light dust also knows that things can't be concealed. She said, "it's the mantra of living and dying together. It's a kind of supreme love mantra of Zixing people. If two people love each other, they launch a curse together and form a contract. After that, you hurt, I hurt. You die,

I die! " When she said this, she stopped for a moment and said, "the cultivation of emperor Shengtian is too high, and between me, I am heartless. It is impossible for him to grant the curse willingly. Therefore, I used our secret method to burn the power of the origin of life and reluctantly reached the contract with him. He and I Kiss, saliva spread, contract formed. However, we haven't had a relationship yet. You can rest assured. "

"And then, what happens?" Chen Yang was surprised. He didn't care whether they had a relationship. At the moment, he only cares about the safety of dream dust.

Chen Yang thought of what, surprised, said: "three days, Emperor Shengtian said after three days you will die?"

"Yes, I only have three days," she said. My source of life has been burning. When it's burned out, it's the end of my life. "

Chen Yang's heart suddenly tight, he tightly hugged the dream light dust, whispered: "I will never let you die."

Dream light dust sighs, said: "useless, Chen Yang. The original combustion of life is irreversible

"No, there must be a way. At the beginning, the blue and purple clothes were burned several times, and the source of life was finally supplemented. " Chen Yang said. After a pause, he said, "what is the origin of life? Blue and purple, do you

He suddenly remembered that the blue and purple clothes were ice yellow. They all belong to the light spirit family. It seems that the origin of life is the exclusive thing of goblins!

"Blue and purple?" Dream light dust tiny doubt, say: "female, also your friend?"

Chen Yang said, "it's my friend."

Dream light dust smile, say: "not lover?" "Not really!" Chen yanglue embarrassed, said: "absolutely pure friendship." Dream light dust said: "she also has the power of life origin?" Chen Yang said: "yes, at the beginning, her life source was almost exhausted. Later, I used the original

spirit liquid from xuanhuang Shengu seed to cure her. At present, I have no such primitive liquid. However, as far as I know, the origin of life can be recovered slowly as long as it is not burned clean? Although it will recover very slowly. "

Meng Qingchen said: "in principle, it is, but if my mantra doesn't burn the source of life, it will lose efficacy immediately. Once it fails, the emperor will come and kill us. "

Chen Yang said: "it doesn't matter. We will completely eliminate the breath of emperor Shengtian again, so that we are not afraid of him chasing after him. Is the universe so big that he can find us? " Dream light dust said: "he also planted a spiritual imprint in my brain, which can kill me instantly. But he didn't dare to detonate it. Because once detonated, he would be seriously injured. More than that, I'm afraid that he will untie the

mantra completely. I don't know about his accomplishments at that level. "

Chen Yang also felt difficult, he said: "in any case, the top priority, we must immediately remove all his breath, including your mark. Since he doesn't dare to detonate it now, we must quickly remove the mark. " Dream light dust said: "good, first remove the mark. Now is not suitable to leave too far, once he really detonates the mark. You have only one way to live. Hurry back to Malong and expose the fact that he was seriously injured. Once people know that he has been seriously injured, they will attack him. "

Chen Yang said, "OK, I see." Dream light dust said: "no, you still have some things you don't know. That's the breath of the temple of God on you, mine, and Dongxiang, including the carefree, all have not been relieved. Those breath have been nirvana. Once the emperor and the holy heaven activate the power, some breath will be nirvana. Whether the breath of nirvana is so easy to remove is still unknown "There are difficulties, but we will solve them one by one," Chen said. Now, let's find a place to stay and get rid of the imprint in your brain as soon as possible. Then, we quickly flee, and when he starts the power of Nirvana, we are

far away from him. Before he comes, we release the breath of Nirvana, so that we are no longer afraid of his pursuit. When that happens, you quickly stop burning the source of life. "

Dream light dust says: "good!"

Chen Yang immediately found a Death Star nearby, and then let Dongxiang guard outside. He then laid the black hole crystal, black hole crystal shrouded around, the surrounding immediately is the rich incomparable black hole molecule.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen sit across their knees at the same time. Then, dream light dust began to refine that mark. Soon, though, she gave up. "I've tried this one. No matter how I quench it, I can't quench it. And I can feel itThere is also the power of nirvana. If we quench it now, there is no guarantee that it will not Nirvana again. "

Chen Yang wryly smile, said: "it seems that now, I have to do something bad."

"Well, what's wrong?" Dream light dust does not understand.

Chen Yang said, "it's double practice." "Double cultivation?" Dream light dust hears speech, immediately face blood red.

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