Chen Yang can understand Fu Qingzhu's mood, but he still laughs and says, "brother Fu, why do you think so about me? Are you in love with me?"

"Go away!" Fu Qingzhu immediately scolded.

As they talked, they entered the living room.

Fu Qingzhu said: "if you know you come back, you will be more happy. And Nianci. He thinks about you almost every day. Bao'er, Mo Yu and Xiao AI are all worried about you

"Ha ha!" Chen Yang laughs. In fact, he didn't know what to say. He felt that he owed too much to his family.

Later, Fu Qingzhu said, "how did you come back? Before that, the Taoist priest Luo Tong sent a message. I went to Tianzhou and met with him. Taoist priest Luo Tong said that you are on the other side of the planet Tyrannosaurus, it is not peaceful! "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "it's a long story. It's a near death to be able to come back this time. But it was not a near death for us in this business? "

While they were talking, the figure outside flashed. Then a fragrant wind came.

Chen Yang looked up and saw Shen Murong.

Shen Mo thick black windbreaker, mature, capable, she stood in front of Chen Yang, and red eyes.

In the heart, said Shen Rou, what's up in my heart

Shen Mo Nong quietly put his head on his shoulder. At this moment, her heart finally got the real peace.

From the moment she was with Chen Yang, she knew it would be a day of fear. But, she has no regrets!

After school, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong go to pick up the children from school. Shen Mo Nong tells Chen Yang that during this period, the second elder brother Qinlin and the eldest brother Luofeng have never come back. Chen Yang didn't worry too much after listening to it. I expect they won't have anything. With a smile, he said, "big brother has something to do, but it is good

. I'm afraid the second elder brother is really in trouble. Otherwise, with his wife slave's character, he won't come for such a long time. "

Shen Mo Nong, while driving, asked Chen Yang with a smile: "the second brother is a wife slave. What about you?"

Chen Yang slightly a Zheng, then a dry cough. He was a little embarrassed. To tell the truth, he felt that he was not as good as his second brother in treating his wife. It's not as single-minded as the second brother, and it's not as good as loving home.

Although, their own peach blossom a lot, it seems that many are involuntarily. But he will not change his situation to the beginning of ambiguous!

As the saying goes, things decay first and insects grow later. In the final analysis, or their position is not firm enough!

For the dream of light dust, Chen Yang Si to want to go, also do not know how to talk to Shen Mo Nong. He thought it was cruel. Everything is done by themselves, and they can only be forced to accept.

"Let's buy some presents by the way." Chen Yang thought of what, and said to Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong said, "it's OK." Turn the steering wheel, of course, and drive to a toy store.

After choosing the toys, Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong just went to school.

Chen Nianci, Mo Yu and bao'er are all in the same class. Although Mo Yu is a little smaller than Nianci and bao'er, she is extremely clever and soon jumps out of class.

Soon after the bell rang, all the children in the school ran out.

Chen Yang saw his son, bao'er and Mo Yu come out from afar

"The second sister-in-law didn't come?" Chen Yang asked Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong said, "I called her. We picked up the child and went to find her. Then we'll have dinner together

Chen Yang suddenly realized that his heart was already hot at this time. He looked at the children, looked at his son, felt a little strange

The reason for the strangeness is that the little guy has really grown up.

He used to be bouncing around, but now, he seems a lot more calm.

Chen Yang could not help but walk forward. Shen Mo Nong is following

"Chant mercy!" Chen Yang smiles and shouts.

Chen Nianci and Qin bao'er look up and see Chen Yang and Shen Mo Nong.

"Third uncle!" Qin Baoer first exclaimed with great joy.

Mo Yu also smiles, she was calm before. But now it's a lot more cheerful

"Godfather!" Mo Yu, come here quickly. Qin bao'er also ran along Two little guys, one called third uncle, the other called godfather, and then they all threw themselves into Chen Yang's arms. Chen Yang laughs and kisses two little guys on the face. Then let Shen Mo Nong hand over the toys and give them to them respectively.

Qin Baoer and Mo Yu are very happy and say thank you. "This stink Qin Baoer looks back and sees Chen Nianci standing in the same place, but does not come over. Qin bao'er cried out: "Chen Nianci, are you stupid? Your father is back. Don't come here soon. What is a man like. My father hasn't been out for a long time. I'm not like you

Chen Nianci lowered her head. Mo Yu was gentle, so she ran to Chen Nianci quickly. She took Chen Nianci's hand and said, "brother, what's the matter with you?"Chen Nianci shook off Mo Yu's hand, turned around and said, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"Is he angry with me?" Chen Yang's heart is sour, said to Shen Mo Nong.

Shen Mo Nong sighed slightly and said, "Nianci has grown up, not like before."

Chen Yangchao went to Chen Nianci and came to Chen Nianci.

Chen Nianci does not look back at Chen Yang. Chen Yang said with a smile: "Nianci, Dad brought you a gift, do you see? It's all the little cars you've always wanted. "

Chen Nianci still did not look back and said coldly, "no!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang Rou Sheng said: "well, dad told you I'm sorry, it's dad's wrong, you don't get angry with Dad, OK?"

"You're leaving a few days after you come back. Isn't it? " Chen Nianci suddenly turned to ask Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He didn't know how to answer Chen Nianci's words.

Chen Yang knows that if he says he won't go. Then Nianci will be happy, but can he cheat the children?

Chen Yang clearly knows that the child has grown up. If you cheat him as a child again, he will not trust his father again.

"I knew that." Chen Nianci's eyes are red.

"It's better not to come back." Chen Nianci shook off Chen Yang's hand and walked to the front alone.

Chen Yang has no choice but to get up.

Qin Baoer immediately said, "uncle, don't be angry. I'll teach this guy a lesson for you She said and Mo language together holding hands, holding toys to chase Chen Nianci.

Shen Mo Nong also came to Chen Yang.

She comforted Chen Yang and said, "it will be all right in a moment. You don't care."

Chen Yang wryly smile, said: "I that have what qualifications to care, just really feel, very sorry for Nianci." "No, he's just too young to understand what you're doing." "Sometimes, I don't know how to explain to Nianci," Shen said. He often asked me, what do you do? He said he could go home by bike instead of living in a villa. As long as dad is always at home with him , the fastest update of the webnovel!