CEN Luolan body a shock, her mind slightly lost for a moment. After a while, she said, "do you know that against heaven is my master?"

Chen Yang said, "well, if you don't know, how can you find it?"

CEN Luolan thought of what, and said: "what is Zhang Daoling? He is the first person of fengxiaoxing. He has many magic tools and is cultivated in a civilized way. Do you not seek your own death in vain to come and kill him? " Chen Yang sneered and said, "there are many masters in this world. Although anti heaven is the first person in fengxiaoxing, it is not the first person in the universe. It was easy for my Daozu to kill him. I knew that he had asked for a green silk after Fengchu God. It goes without saying that he went against heaven and realized the way in life and death. Now he has created nine realms for him. Anyway, if you want to kill him, I don't think it's going to be any more. But you don't have to be discouraged, because our Daozu has not been defeated, but both of them have entered the small world of Fengchu in the green silk. Now it's uncertain whether life or death will happen. Maybe in a few days, I will be killed by our Daozu. "

"Maybe it was your ancestor who was killed!" CEN Luolan immediately said.

Chen Yang said, "maybe not. So I have to plan my future now. "

CEN Luolan suddenly asked: "the earth is extremely far away from here. What did you come all the way to kill against heaven

Chen Yang is sensitive and knows what to say and what not to say. He knew that if he lied to Cen Luolan at the moment, he was afraid that if she knew the truth later, it would be very bad for him.

He came here, but he didn't show what he could do. So it's still eye-catching. At present, Chen Yang said: "against heaven, we got a chip, Fengchu crystal. He wants to open the treasure house, so he needs a chip. That's what the emperor left It seems that they believe that I am the descendant of the great universe. They think that refining me will get the chip. I don't know that, really. I haven't even seen the emperor of the universe! After that, the anti heaven faction, anti cangshui and others ran to the earth. In order to get the chip, they arrested all my family members and killed my two life and death friends. My two friends are a couple. Because of the death of the woman, the man lost his hope of life and died in love. Later, I had a big fight with them and a single fight against cangshui. It's because of the poison in the water that I ran away with... "

"There are many doubts." CEN Luolan didn't wait for Chen Yang to finish saying, "the earth is your home, what about your ancestors? What's more, can you win the anti cangshui? What other poison? It's all nonsense Chen Yang said: "it seems impossible, but it can be explained. If I want to cheat, I can make up a perfect story. I'll explain to you one by one why my Daozu didn't do it. First of all, our earth is different from the world, there are three thousand worlds! Of the three thousand worlds, the great one is the first

Chen Yang in Cen Luolan's brain domain, with the magic power demonstration 3000 world.

This three thousand world makes Cen Luolan feel amazing!

"I didn't expect that the planet could be so spectacular," she said! This is the real balance between the universe and the brain. The emperor of the universe is really not simple! "

Chen Yang said: "in the vast world, there are deep restrictions on cultivation. This can also be said from Ouyang Yu... "

At present, he talked about his identity, and also talked about the festival with Ouyang Yu!

It all makes sense.

Chen Yang also said the magic of Fengchu crystal. "I believe you. After all, these things can't be made up by lying. " CEN Luolan said. "However, I feel your cultivation from your original God. You are just the four levels of creation state! You can be crushed by one hand against the cangshui river. You are not a level existence. What's more, what poison can poison him? " Chen Yang said, "to be honest, it was just an hour ago. I also had a fight with the anti Cang water, Linglong water, a man named Damo, and a group of experts of Dalao Zong. Among them, the creation of the state of seven, one, six, two. The worst thing is that there are two levels of creation environment. There are eight creational state masters working together to capture and kill me. In the end, they just killed one of my puppets. Later, I was hidden in the brain of one of the experts in creating the

world. So now, that disciple is also locked in. I'm not sure where I am, but I know that if time goes on, he can find out. So, I want to come to the girl and cooperate with you

"How can you do that?" CEN Luolan felt unbelievable.

"Girl, although she has strong skills, it may not be so easy if you want to defeat me when I am in full bloom!" Chen Yang said bluntly. "As for the poison I gave to the anti Cang water, it was a special poison that I refined by magic."

He talked about the process of absorbing nirvana in the inverse cangshui river!

After hearing this, cen Luolan said, "it's reasonable! Well, I believe you. " After she said this, she added, "so now you want to escape to me."

Chen Yang said, "that's right."

CEN Luolan said: "I help you to avoid death, what benefits do I have?"Chen Yang thought for a while and suddenly said, "do you want to go back to earth?"

CEN Luolan Jiao's body shook again.

"I've never seen the earth, and I've rarely heard of it." CEN Luolan said.

Chen Yang said, "can you tell me why you want to kill your master?"

CEN Luolan said: "I don't want to say it!"

Chen Yang said, "if you don't want to say it, I can't make it.

CEN Luolan said: "you haven't said the benefits of my helping you. Can you take me out of here if I help you? "

Chen Yang said, "if I killed your master, would you kill me to avenge your master?"

"Yes CEN Luolan did not hesitate to answer. After answering, she fell into silence again.

Chen Yang asked this sentence is actually a trial, he knew that Cen Luolan also has feelings for the anti heaven.

CEN Luo Lan is a little angry, way: "who allows you to ask this kind of question."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'm not a girl. Do you need permission to ask questions?"

"You dare to be presumptuous CEN Luolan said: "you go away at once!"

Chen Yang said: "go away, I can't, just go! I'm here to cooperate with you on the basis of mutual benefit. I'm not asking, and it won't work. Because you and I don't have this kind of friendship! "

When he's finished, he's leaving.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll report you?" CEN Luolan said.

Chen Yang said, "I'm not afraid! Originally, he doubted that the Sui Shang monk could do it. You don't know where I came from. "

In fact, he is really afraid of being reported by Cen Luolan!

But he had to pretend he wasn't afraid. Against cangshui is to suspect Sui Shang and can do, but he is more afraid that Chen Yang is not at all on these two people. If once you are sure that you are hiding in one of these two people, I'm afraid that you will be killed!

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