Inside the boat of one yuan, all the heroes gather together, and the scene is grand and spectacular.

Tianzhou has become an extremely important defensive world among the three thousand worlds.

This is also because the great world can not be the main battlefield. And Tianzhou is the place that Xuan Zhenghao managed early.

Now, when Xuan Zhenghao chose Tianzhou, he had already felt it.

At this critical time of life and death, Tianzhou inner eclosion gate, yuntianzong, and Protoss all sent experts to come.

In fact, they can't do it if they want to.

Because now, they can't compete with Xuan Zhenghao.

If you don't know what you're interested in, you're going to be disheartened.

The supreme masters of the three sects all came to the interior of the boat of one yuan.

Yuntianzong teaches yunhuaying, yuxingmen Zhangjiao Xiaoyi, and the Shenzu leader Jiuyou Tiandi has arrived.

It is worth mentioning that the present Jiuyou emperor is not the same famous as the real man of Zaohua and Xiao Ling. The real Jiuyou emperor has already been killed. The present Jiuyou emperor is just launched by the protoss to stabilize the situation.

The cultivation of cloud and shadow has reached the level of creation!

Xiao Yi, Jiuyou emperor of heaven, is the double creation realm!

Among the three schools, there are also masters.

Among them, there are many masters in the realm of creation, most of which are one or two.

In the gate of eclosion, Xiao Fan, Xiao Ling's disciple, has the highest accomplishments.

In yuntianzong, there is a supreme emperor named Qingfeng immortal.

Seven levels of cultivation and creation!

Within the protoss, there is a Supreme Master who is called the saint wizard old man. He has seven levels of creation state!

Today, the cultivation of Qin Lin, the creation of the five fold!

Fu Qingzhu, five levels of creation!

Tang Ling, six levels of creation!

Luo Feng, seven levels of creation!

Wu Fei, six levels of creation!

In addition, Zhang Daoling, Tianfei and Chen Ling are all jiuzhong of the creation realm, and they are the first troops.

Xuan Zhenghao also has many hidden masters inside, and now he also shows up one by one.

Among them, there are xuanhuang Sanlao, whose accomplishments have all reached the five levels of the realm of creation.

He also has wisdom and respect, and cultivates eight levels of creation realm.

There is also a Hidden Dragon King, and now his cultivation has reached seven levels of creation state.

In addition, there are Xianghu king, peacock king are all collected by Xuan Zhenghao. However, the king of Xianghu and the king of peacock have become the capital of heaven, which is not worth mentioning.

Xuan Zhenghao also trained 18 celestial puppets, and his accomplishments were integrated into the world. All of them were able to hunt and kill masters below the level of four levels in the realm of creation.

He also has soldiers, extremely fierce!

When Xuan Zhenghao's strength showed up, the whole court was shocked.

In the boat of one yuan, all the heroes gathered.

Many masters occupy their own positions, as if it was a gathering of gods.

Chen Yang, Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, Luo Feng, and Tang Ling gathered together with more than 80 other surviving celestial beings.

Among them, Chen Yang and Luo Feng are the best.

The rest, some of them are just heaven position state, the highest one is fa Xuan, the five levels of creation state.

Chen Yang is the leader of the army.

At the same time, there are some supernatural beasts, Warcraft, and some overseas experts.

It's a pity that Chen Ling, Tianfei and Zhang Daoling are the only masters of jiuzhong in the realm of creation.

Among the younger generation, Xuan Zhiyu, Chen Nianci, Mo Yu, Qin Baoer and Xiao AI are all here.

That's what Xuan Zhenghao means, whether they can work or not.

But they also need to participate in such historic moments.

Xuan Zhenghao stands on the bridge of one yuan.

Zhang Daoling, Tianfei and Chen Ling are standing behind him, which is to strengthen his momentum.

Xuanzheng Hao wore a purple gold crown and a bright yellow dragon robe.

"Shennongjie, Jialan lady Bai Suzhen leads her troops to wait for emperor xuanhuang's dispatch!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came and spread in all directions.

Then, the door of the void opens, black clothes Su Zhen a black long skirt, float to.

After her, Honglang Jun, Huo Hongjin, Xiao Fan, those elders and all the masters came here.

In the field, there was a whisper.

"So she is Bai Suzhen? It's said that in the early Yuqing war, she was able to hunt and kill the masters of the realm of creation. "

"It's said that she is the only one who has survived the nine times of thunder."

"In the war of returning to the ruins, Bai Suzhen alone left several experts with nine levels of spiritual respect and creation at a loss."

"Lady Jialan, this demeanor is really invincible

"It is said that Yuanjue FA Shen invited Zhan ZuLong back then."

The arrival of Heiyi Suzhen has brought a great sensation.

After that, Heiyi Suzhen and all the people in the hall stood at a position.Xuan Zhenghao cleared his throat, his voice can be clearly spread all over the world. "Today, all the heroes are here to go to the national disaster. I am very moved and very grateful." Xuan Zhenghao said. He paused and said, "the earth is our common home. Today, we are all the people with great powers of God for foreign invasion. Therefore, at this time, we also need to stand up. As the saying goes, the tall ones fall down

There was silence. "Heroes, the holy master is about to arrive. I know that even at this moment, many of the heroes still feel that spiritual respect is not enough to fear. But this idea is absolutely wrong. The earth is facing the biggest crisis since our generation. If we fail, the earth will no longer exist. Every age and every civilization has its end. Sixty million years ago, the holy master took over the earth. And the end of their civilization, however. Now, they come back. If we don't deal with it carefully, we may have entered the cycle of 60 million years. Maybe, some heroes will feel that they can live without the earth. But can you really live? Is there really a way back? If there is a way out, why should the spirit Master return to earth at all costs? They still have the imperial skyboat. Do we have one? " "Xuanhuang, we are not three-year-old children, nor the human soldiers. There is no need to talk about your words of encouragement before the war. Since we are here, we have decided to live and die together with the earth. What to do next, just tell me what to do In the crowd, someone yelled.

Right now, there are others.

Xuan Zhenghao's hand pressed downward, indicating that everyone would be quiet.

The field quickly quieted down. Xuan Zhenghao said: "you are right. All of you here are heroes. They all have magical powers. They can break stars by waving their hands. Of course, you are not ordinary soldiers of human beings. However, this is what worries me most. Because I know that many of you are not aware of the horror and seriousness of things. Although human soldiers are weak, they are brave. I am afraid that if you are defeated, you may run away. This is what I said in front of the ugly, I

everyone is afraid of death, this does not have to go to deny. Therefore, today, I am holding the oath taking meeting, and at the same time, I have to make some necessary arrangements. "

"The one who runs away at that time will not be able to die easily, that is grandson!" Someone in the crowd called.

Immediately, the crowd echoed and said, "yes, it's grandson!"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "OK, please be quiet."

The crowd was quiet again. Xuan Zheng said in a deep voice: "since you have said so, I will make the next deployment. As the saying goes, a snake without a head can't do, and a dragon without a head can't. I'm so proud of all the heroes that I became the leader. Then, I will be responsible to all of you. I won't worry about anyone's identity in the next deployment. We must have a high degree of obedience in order to win this war. "

"We have been given the Emperor Xuan as the leader, so we will listen to your arrangement!" They all said in unison.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "well, first of all, I want to appoint a great emperor around me, the great emperor of China, Chen Ling. He was a marshal, and he had the right to control and direct everyone present. If there is a violation, no matter who it is, shoot to death! Is there any objection? "

Chen lingzao has already known Xuan Zhenghao's arrangement, so it is not unexpected at the moment. He stood two steps ahead and came to Xuan Zhenghao's side. He also faced the heroes and said, "Chen Ling, standing in this position today, is not for fame or profit, but for the protection of the earth. When the war is over, all the heroes will be free, and they will return to the field. Of course, if you don't have friends, you can stand out. If you have the ability to be superior to the lower level, I am also very willing to abdicate and give up the talent! "

No one objected. Soon, everyone yelled: "marshal, marshal!"

Chen Ling's accomplishments are here. Only Zhang Daoling and Tianfei have the ability to break hands and wrists. Therefore, no one is dissatisfied.

"Chen Yang, the captain of the heavenly army, is under the direct control of commander Chen Lingyuan and me."

Chen Yang also came to the one yuan bridge, he saluted xuanzhenghao and Chen Ling, and then stood aside.

Chen Yang is the king of destiny in the whole world. In recent years, he has done so many things, which have been spread all over the country. Therefore, no one is against him to be the captain.

What's more, his brothers are all wolves and tigers. The rest of the mandate of heaven, where dare to resist.

"The king of the Heavenly Dragon, as the leader of the supervision team, leads me to be the puppet of the eighteen gods. In the course of war, if there are those who disobey orders, retreat or escape from battle, they will be killed without mercy! "

"Taoist priest Luo Tong, I appoint you as the leader of the transportation team. I will lead the general, Xuan Zhiyu, Mo Yu, Chen Nianci and Qin Baoer to do the logistics work well. Delivery of pills, healing and so on, make sure

"Yes Luo Tong also came to the bridge of one yuan.

Xuan Zhenghao appointed one by one, and finally all the appointments were completed.

Then he ordered Zhang Daoling and Tianfei."Taoist priest Zhang, elder Tianfei, I want you two to go out of the earth at this moment and set up a net connecting heaven and earth!"

"Yes Zhang Daoling and Tianfei didn't show off, and took orders immediately.

The two of them took the net of heaven and earth, quickly got out of the boat of one yuan, went to the great world, and then left the world. After that, they started to move from both ends of the earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!