Chen Yang thought of many ways, but they were difficult to implement. Including grasping the spirit, respecting the common people and so on It's not hard to grasp the common people of lingzun. Quietly grasp, barely can do some. But if we grasp too much in a wide range, we can't.

What's more difficult is that it can't be used to threaten the high level of the Spirit Lord.

Because Chen Yang and Heiyi Suzhen can't break through each other's territory. If it's really threatening, the other party must be very happy. First, we will cover them with the cave, and then we will deal with them For those civilian deaths, they are perfectly acceptable. After the event, we can also deplore the cruelty of human beings and arouse more common hatred against the enemy.

"I have a way." Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened in the course of his hard thinking.

He told Kuri Suzhen: "tianqingge has been monitoring me. As long as I am in his sight, it is difficult for him to find other small movements. Let's find a chance to catch those civilians when tianqingge announces to me. But you leave one person in each family. At the same time, to be on the safe side, you tame them with my big Purdue gold light and let them do what they are told to do. Let's create public opinion... "

Black clothes Su Zhen after hearing is also a joy, said: "this method is feasible."

"It's still very dangerous, but there's a chance to win," Chen said

Black clothes Su Zhen should come down.

Chen Yang had already taught Heiyi Suzhen the great Lei Yin Pudu method. But black clothes Su Zhen rarely used, now this big Lei Yin Pudu method is very chicken ribs. For the master can not use, but those with low cultivation, also not much need to use.

Chen Yang did not expect that at this time, the big thunder sound Pudu method can play a role.

On the next day, Heiyi Suzhen quietly left Chen Yang's body.

Even though the chalky world is heavily guarded, Su Zhen in black turns into thunder and hides quietly in lingzun's bodyguard. These experts in tianqingge can't find out.

Once hidden in the lingzun bodyguard, Heiyi Suzhen uses the great thunder Pudu method to make it obedient.

After that, Heiyi Suzhen found a group of laborers who wanted to leave the king's palace through the bodyguards. The porter is in charge of transporting vegetables and meat. There are ten in total!

Ten of them were still searched when they left the palace. There are many heaven position realm masters among the spirit zuns searched.

Lingzun's King's palace is heavily guarded. It's just abnormal!

Moreover, the king's Palace also has an array to guard.

This is why Heiyi Suzhen doesn't directly turn into thunder light to leave. Once she breaks through the array by force, she will disturb the high-level of the king's palace.

Heiyi Suzhen's concealment is not perfect, mainly because her cultivation is too high.

On that day, a little inspection by the spirit Master of Weijing could find out something bad.

Fortunately, Heiyi Suzhen tamed several lingzun bodyguards. At this time, those lingzun bodyguards came up to report that something suspicious had been found somewhere.

The master was attracted to the past, and the human scuffles were released in a hurry.

After all, he does these tests every day.

Every time there was no problem, so he didn't care much.

Black clothes Su Zhen smoothly out of the king's palace, after, she will escape into the sky in a bird body. And drive the birds to fly out of the sky

What we need to do here is definitely not to be done in Tiandu.

The whole day is also covered by the array. Go out to break the array In this day, even a bird could not fly out or come in.

Heiyi Suzhen also flew to the edge of the array to find out.

Under helpless, black clothes Su Zhen had to go out of the city gate again.

There are also masters who check the past spirit Zun one by one.

Fortunately, most of the people who leave the city are spiritual masters.

There are also some ladies.

Heiyi Suzhen found a luxury car with a few ladies in it, but their accomplishments were very low, and they didn't reach the fairyland.

The spirit respects the people and the whole nation cultivates the Dharma.

But they can't all be magic masters.

Heiyi Suzhen sneaks in, turns them one by one, and then goes out of Tiandu smoothly.

The action has already begun, and Hei Yi Su Zhen knows in her heart that she will definitely be able to find out if she breaks out.

However, she left so quietly, not breaking the rules would delay their discovery.

This time is opportunity.

The Guard officer of Tiandu and the Guard officer of the king's Palace should write a work log every day, and record any different places.

There will be some differences every day, and some trivial things.

Tianqingge is no matter how smart, it is not easy to find something wrong.

After Heiyi Suzhen successfully came out of Tiandu, he began to capture lingzun. Every family does not follow her instructions. Then he asked the man to visit the neighbor's house, which was to open the door to Heiyi Suzhen.

After opening the door, Hei Yi Su Zhen grabs again.

This night, Heiyi Suzhen did not stay.Moreover, Hei Yi Suzhen is not only caught in one city, but all over the world.

In this way, lingzun high-level wants to block public opinion at that time.

If only in one city, they can cover a city.

Heiyi Suzhen's efficiency is extremely high, and Chen Yang's black hole crystal is in his hands. All the statues are put into the big space of the black hole crystal.

She was so happy that she captured about 100000 spirit statues overnight.

After all this, Heiyi Suzhen quickly returned to Tiandu.

She had made the ladies wait outside the city.

She was attached to the lady's body and entered Tiandu smoothly.

It's impossible for the spirit Zun to search the noble ladies carefully, and these ladies have some accomplishments, so they are not so easy to be found by the other party.

After entering Tiandu, you will return to the king's palace.

At this time it was dawn, but the palace gate of the king's palace was closed.

Black dress Su Zhen really can't get in, unless it's forced.

She was a little anxious because she was worried that Chen Yang would encounter an accident.

Even if she is impatient, she can't break in.

After waiting for an hour, the sky is bright and a red sun rises from the East.

This is the turn of summer and autumn, the weather is very comfortable in the morning.

In the morning, the trees on both sides of the palace were luxuriant.

At this time, more than 100 human laborers brought vegetables, meat and fruits in.

In the chalk world, the situation of human friars is not so good.

The situation of ordinary human beings is even worse. They do all the rough work, dirty work and hard work.

The spiritual masters enjoy and enjoy all the good things.

Even so, they still abuse humans.

The experts in the king's palace naturally don't need to eat these ordinary vegetables, meat and fruits, but many human friars need to eat them. So many pills for them?

There will be more workers in the morning, and those who leave at night do some finishing work.

There were four lingzun masters inspected this morning, and they strictly checked every worker.

In fact, the transportation of vegetables, meat and fruit could have been very simple, opening a door to emptiness. But in the king's palace, the use of mana is strictly controlled. The gate of void is strictly regulated, only the high-level can use it.

Under the rules, the master below the realm of creation can not open the door of emptiness.

This is also to prevent people or evil people to do some small action.

This time, it is difficult to hide the black clothes.

Those lingzun masters are very strict with the inspection of the factotum. If it goes on like this, black Suzhen will be found

Suddenly, the master of black Zhen was about to check his head Then from the other side's palm into its body, and into his internal organs.

The faint thunder and lightning are blooming with infinite pressure!

The master of lingzun is called Sha Tianming. Sha Tianming is the cultivation of heaven position state.

Although he did not have many accomplishments, how could he resist the black clothes of Su Zhen?

Heiyi Suzhen is the existence that can break hands with Fang Xieyang.

Sha Tianming looks stiff.

"What's the matter?" the remaining masters asked

"If you don't want to die, pretend that nothing has happened," she warned

How could Sha Tianming not be afraid of death? He forced himself to calm down and said to the rest of his colleagues, "it's OK."

Those colleagues didn't take it seriously.

After that, Heiyi Suzhen planted lightning marks in Sha Tianming's brain region to warn Sha Tianming to be obedient.

Then, Heiyi Suzhen found a bodyguard to hide her body and left the gate of the king's palace.

Everything is done quietly.

She did not let Sha Tianming leave the sight of the other masters, so as not to let the other side suspect.

Heiyi Suzhen smoothly returned to the villa where Chen Yang lived, and successfully combined with Chen Yang.

After a night's hard work, the originally seemingly impossible plan was actually completed by Hei Yi Suzhen.

But don't look at black dress Su Zhen usually seems impulsive and willful, a pair of fearless posture. It's like no brain In fact, when she really wanted to work, especially when life and death were at stake, her mind was extremely delicate.

Chen Yang saw many spirits in the black hole crystal, and he was relieved.

After understanding all the experience, Chen Yang said: "at present, the last step is to grasp the sky light song. In this way, our chips will be even stronger, and we will simply take back the other half of master Ling's body. "

"I'm afraid they won't do it," she said

"After we were exposed, even if they let us go," Chen said. Next, they will try to kill the other half of Ling's body. I can't let master Ling take the risk. "

"OK, I hope our plan will work," said Kuri. If it doesn't work, we'll have to do our best and listen to the destiny. We must finish it as soon as possible. Because it will soon be found out that it is not right. ""I know," Chen said

What happened to you all night

Chen Yang said: "there is an incident, very strange thing."

Black clothes Su Zhen way: "Oh?"

Chen Yang said: "tianqingge accidentally revealed something to me. He said that they found that there was a layer of tower in Tianzhong tower that could be used for healing. Now, dragon Weigong, shenpao, and Chu mountain are all healing there. "

Su Zhen in black was surprised and said, "he is trying to test you. If you run over, it means that you are Chen Yang."

Chen Yang said, "yes. But what I wonder most is, does he think I will be fooled by such a stupid plan? "

"I think I'm still looking at your expression. His suspiciousness probably made him unable to sleep," he said , the fastest update of the webnovel!