Chen Yang wryly smile, way: "I am not what young master!"

"In the past six months, what happened to you has become a legend. I asked Ziyu a lot about you, but she just didn't say it. It's not righteous! "

Kuziyu said, "I really don't know. Now he is here. If you have any questions, you'd better ask him."

Yawen said, "good, Zong Han, tell me, how suddenly the Dean accepted you as a disciple?"

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "I don't know. It should be attributed to the master's unique insight and insight. I can't think of a better reason than that

Yawen said: "hum, you and Ziyu a nostril out of gas, cheat me together!"

Chen Yang doesn't want to hide anything from Yawen. He thinks Yawen is a very good girl. It's just what she's curious about, but it's something he can't really reveal.

Seeing Chen Yang laughing, Yawen knew that he would not speak.

In fact, she also knows that there may be things that can't be said in this, and asking is also a trial. Since she can't say it, she won't ask any more.

The classes in the afternoon are zeology and array.

The teacher of Zhou discipline is the teacher in charge of class.

After hearing that the teacher came, he saw Zonghan at the first time.

Before he started his lecture, he said, "please welcome Zonghan to the stage!"

Chen Yang Leng a Leng, did not expect to be named on stage.

When he regained consciousness, he got up and went to the platform.

On hearing, the teacher is over 200 years old, but he seems to be in his forties. He was a gentle middle-aged man. With a smile, he said to all the students: "because the monitor Shang Jianming had done something to undermine the school spirit, he has been expelled. After that, Ku Ziyu was the acting monitor Now the class leader will be Zong Han. "

"Welcome to the new monitor!" On Tao after hearing and hearing.

The students clapped together.

No one can object to Chen yanglai being the monitor. Not to say the identity of Chen Yang today, is Chen Yang's ability, that is also to let all students be convinced.

Chen Yang was not interested in the position of the monitor at all. After everyone clapped his hands, he saluted the audience and the students.

He showed enough humility!

Then, Chen Yang said, "thank you for looking up to me, and thank you for your love. However, I'm afraid I can't hold the position of monitor. Because I will take the graduation exam in half a month. I expect to go to the fourth floor. So... "

This is not what Chen Yang wants to pretend, it is, this is the fact!

There will be no problem in the graduation exam!

To be a monitor for more than ten days is a mere unnecessary act!

On hearing this, he was stunned and then said with a bitter smile: "in this case, then The teacher is here to wish Zong Han and all the students a good test

Chen Yang thanks Lun Er Wen again.

In fact, I have long guessed that Chen Yang is going to have a big test this time, and he has a great chance to go to the fourth floor.

But he has to sell to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang doesn't accept it. It's OK.

But it has to be done.

On hearing, he announced that Ku Ziyu would be the monitor.

Kuziyu didn't refuse. She decided to take the exam this time. But she is familiar with the monitor's work and understands it. At this time, there is no need to refuse.

It's all natural.

The next step is to start the class.

He began to talk about the role of Zeus in life, as well as all the small details of clever use.

Chen Yang could not understand it, because he knew it all.

When night falls, Chen Yang meets Yingxue Fei and Hou Mingxue.

Chen Yang is wearing an ordinary white shirt, but he looks like a delicate and thin teenager.

But who would have thought that this young man has the energy that ordinary people can't imagine.

Hou Mingxue was embarrassed when he saw Chen Yang. He didn't say much. He just nodded with Chen Yang and said, "let's go!"

Chen Yang is also a light nod.

When they enter the back mountain, there is no need to repeat the beauty of the back mountain.

At night, there is mystery in the back mountain.

It's like entering the beautiful starry forest.

After walking through the starry forest, he came to Hou Jianfei's villa and manor through the border gate.

The small bridge in the manor has a beautiful environment.

There are bright street lights everywhere!

The villa is full of lights.

Under the leadership of Hou Mingxue, the party entered the villa.

Inside the villa, dinner is ready.

But there were no other servants. This was Hou Jianfei who asked the servant to prepare the meal and then let him go. When they finished eating, he would inform the servants to come and clean up.Hou Jianfei is watching TV news on the sofa.

When the crowd arrived, he turned off the TV.

The three came to Hou Jianfei and saluted respectfully.

With a smile, Hou Jianfei said, "I've been waiting for a long time. I'm really hungry. Let's sit in. "

Three people should be!

On the table, there are plenty of food and wine.

Hou Jianfei sits in the main position, Hou Mingxue accompanies in the last place!

Chen Yang got up first, raised his glass and said, "master, I have seen all the things that have happened in the past few months. I can have today's status, all because of master you. I... " Speaking of this, his eyes were slightly red and said: "I always want to have a supporter. I know that you are my biggest supporter. But I am guilty

When he said this, he said, "I'll punish myself three times first."

At one breath, he drank three glasses of wine.

Hou Jianfei raised his face and said, "Xiaohan, don't talk about these things. Sit down quickly. Do you know that my wine is good, and would you like to drink more? "

After that, he laughed.

Chen Yang felt ashamed.

Cherry snow princess also raised her glass and said, "Zong Han, let's worship master together!"

The two raised their glasses again.

Hou Mingxue also raised his glass.

After the banquet, Hou Jianfei and I had a drink with you. Mingxue is my great grandson and is a family. I hope you will not be too rigid. Eat, eat

Slowly, the atmosphere gradually improved.

Hou Mingxue accompanied at the end, but not much.

Hou Jianfei asked about Chen Yang's seclusion and concerned about yingxuefei.

When it was time for them to talk, they were too busy.

Hou Jianfei said: "Xiaohan, Xuefei, I have also learned about your family situation. Although it was not my original intention to take you as an apprentice. However, even if there is no clear learning of this matter. I will not regret that you were apprentices. I hope you understand that! "

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "master, my ideal has always been very simple. I feel capable and ambitious. Now, you are my guide. I hope I can do something for Hou family in the future. I hope that I can become the second Tianya elder martial brother, even surpass Tianya elder martial brother. "

Hou Jianfei laughed and said, "OK, Xiaohan, you have this ambition. I'm very happy to be a teacher. What's more, you say that you may surpass your Tianya elder martial brother. This is absolutely not a big story. You've got it

Princess Yingxue smiles bitterly and says, "I guess I don't have the skills of my younger martial brother. But it should not be a disgrace to you! "

Hou Jianfei said: "Xuefei, you are also excellent. Few people in my Hou family can be as excellent as you. So don't look down on yourself After a pause, he sighed again and said, "the Hou family was brought out by me. My grandfather and my father are ordinary people. Their highest accomplishments are nothing but inferior to inaction. Hou Jiazu, there is no outstanding talent. I can say that he is the only one in the Hou family to step into the universe. "

Hou Mingxue sincerely admired him and said, "great grandfather, you have always been my most admired person. In the future, I will try to keep up with you."

Hou Jianfei said with a smile: "good, good, have this ambition, very good! As I said earlier, there are opportunities in crisis and crisis. This time, you made a big accident in Mingxue, but in the end, I got Xiaohan and Xuefei as my apprentices. I believe this is a good thing for the whole Hou family. Although the Hou family has some influence at present, the real head is me and your Tianya elder martial brother. It's still a little thin If in the future, Xiaohan, you can also go to the level of your Tianya elder martial brother. At that time, no one in the world would dare to look down upon Hou's house any more! "

Chen Yang immediately said, "master, I know very well. In the future, the stronger the Hou family is, the more important I will be. We are already in the same boat, so we must be in the same boat! "

Hou Jianfei said happily, "Xiaohan, it's gratifying for you to think so. However, there is one important thing that I invite you to come today. "

Chen Yang and yingxuefei were suddenly in awe. Chen Yang said, "you have ordered me to go through fire and water. I have no second words."

Hou Jianfei said: "I know that no matter how friendly we are, there will always be a gap between us. We can pretend that it doesn't exist, but it can't really be. I won't tell you about it. You know it. In the final analysis, the cause of the matter is still in Mingxue, so now, Mingxue, I want you to kneel down and apologize to Zonghan and ask for his forgiveness! "

Hou Mingxue couldn't help but stay.

His face turned blue and red.

What a shame to kneel down!

Chen Yang was about to speak, but Hou Jianfei stopped and said, "Zonghan, don't say a word. This is my order!"

Chen Yang will not be easy to speak.

Hou Mingxue took a deep breath and knelt down in front of Chen Yang.

When Chen YangZheng was about to get up, Hou Jianfei said, "don't move."Hou Mingxue's eyes turned red and said, "martial uncle, everything was wrong with me. I hope your adults don't care about villains and forgive my stupidity

Chen Yang looked at Hou Mingxue and said, "Mingxue, get up. I forgive you."

Hou Mingxue looked at Hou Jianfei.

Hou Jianfei said coldly: "since Zonghan doesn't blame you, get up!"

Hou Ming learns to get up.

Chen Yang also stood up. He said, "master, I am not an insincere person. I really want to destroy this symbol of life and death at this moment to express my loyalty to you. But I dare not. I'm used to being cautious. I'm afraid that if I don't have this barrier, I can't control the future. I can't have a second chance But I especially want you to know that I really want to tie myself with the Hou family. I have been drifting rootless, I hope I can find a backer! Master... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!