A lot of beautiful things need vision and waiting!

At this time, Chen Yang is waiting for better people to come. But it takes a lot of courage and determination!

His actions are even more dangerous than walking a tightrope on the edge of a cliff!

Once the people in the court of justice are angry, they all decide not to accept Chen Yang, and Chen Yang's fate will be very embarrassing.

It's not that if you don't get into the courthouse, you can't live.

It's that when it gets out, the reputation gets bad.

In the future, it will be like this.

Zong Han, a seven storey student of the original college, graduated with excellent grades. However, the students in the examination were rebellious and arrogant. In the end, the court will not be employed!

Such a reputation spread out, then Chen Yang later want to do something with the flag, it is difficult ah!

Hou Jianfei then personally went to see the Department of the golden palace and the Department of supervision.

As for how Hou Jianfei procrastinated, Chen Yang did not know.

But it's not too hard to come here.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang finally waited for the person he wanted to wait for, knowing that Xia!

When knowing that summer is coming, the teachers and students of the college are boiling.

Knowing that Xia is the honorary elder of the college, she is also the elder sister of the students. Everyone worships her, and now she's here. It's a faith and a spirit.

Knowing that Xia came, he did not go to see others. She found Hou Jianfei and pointed out that she wanted to see Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also did not say much, directly went to see knowing Xia.

Chen Yang wants to see zhizhixia, not because she is a legend, nor because she is a famous person.

There is no other, because Chen Yang knows that Xia's master is the chief elder Cang Hailan.

In Hou Jianfei's dean's office, Chen Yang came to see Master Hou Jianfei and a young woman talking and laughing.

Although Chen Yang didn't really see knowledgexia, he also saw many photos of him.

He saw that she was more beautiful and real than in the photo.

Although she is smiling at the moment, it still gives people a sense of distance.

After Chen Yang came in, he closed the door with his backhand.

Hou Jianfei introduced to Chen Yang that he knew Xia, and Chen Yang came forward to see him as a gift. He said with a smile, "Hello, sister, I've heard too much about your name. It's my honor to meet you today."

Knowing that Xia looked at Chen Yang, he said with a smile: "I've heard a lot about your reputation, younger brother. Pile pile is great!"

Chen Yang said, "there and there!"

Knowing that Xia said: "I come to the meaning, you must have known. What's the matter? Do you give this face to my sister? "

Chen Yang a smile, way: "luggage has been collected, ready to start at any time!"

Know the summer way: "happy!"

She stopped and said to Hou Jianfei, "after entering the court of justice, Zong Han needs to worship my master as a teacher. Do you have any comments, sir?"

Hou Jianfei laughed and said, "that's Xiaohan's blessing!"

Knowing Xia Wei's smile, he said, "well, we are going to leave."

"In such a hurry, don't you stay for dinner?" Hou Jianfei asked him to stay.

Knowing that Xia said: "there is no need for this."

When Hou Jianfei saw that she said so, he stopped detaining her.

Before leaving, knowing that Xia went downstairs to wait.

Hou Jianfei told Chen Yang some.

Chen Yang finally said, "master, I'm leaving. No matter where I go and what kind of person I become, I know that you are my support and my home

Hou Jianfei eyes slightly moist, patted Chen Yang on the shoulder, but no longer said anything, just said: "go, go!"

More than 20 years of love between teachers and apprentices, has already forgotten the original those unhappy!

Hou Jianfei is really loving Chen Yang in these years.

Outside, there is a special car for knowing Xia. Soon, Chen Yang and knowing Xia get on the bus together.

The driver drove and the dust went away.

As for the Golden Hall department, the Department of supervision and daoxuansheng, Chen Yangcai was too lazy to manage them.

In the car, knowing Xia said: "as far as I know, daoxuansheng also came to see you."

"I told him I had to think about it. He was very angry... " Chen Yang said.

Knowing Xia's smile, he said, "we should consider the recruitment of our court of justice. You are indeed the first one. Why are you so different? Or do you know I'm coming? "

The car sped out.

The scenery on the street keeps retrogression!

Knowing that Xia was talking, he poured a cup of immortal wine to Chen Yang, and they clinked glasses.

After drinking a sip of wine, Chen Yang said: "it's not different. The test results are to prove my value. But mu Tianen is not my ideal place. I have enmity with his son and daughter. Moreover, they have a lot to do with huaxiaoyu. After I went in, I couldn't compare with huaxiaoyu in terms of kinship. So, in the end, it's hard to avoid losing face. I didn't know you would come, but I think that mu Tianen is not the only one who has the vision in the courtroom. "Knowing that Xia smiles and praises: "wise man!"

Her smile is very moving.

Chen Yang was stunned.

"What?" Knowing that Xia saw Chen Yang in a daze, he joked: "haven't you seen such a beautiful woman as I am?"

Chen Yang is not because of her beauty and daze, he suddenly feel that summer gives him a very familiar feeling.

"You look like an old friend I know!" Chen Yang couldn't help saying.

Not only do you know that Xia's actions and actions are somewhat similar, but the key is that Chen Yang feels that she has not been familiar with her for a long time.

Chen Yang's heart suddenly cluttered.

"Ziyi has been reincarnated before. Isn't she dead? Is it possible that she was reincarnated

With this in mind, Chen Yang's breath became short.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

"What's the matter with you?" Knowing that Xia saw Chen Yang's whole mood was changing.

She was startled and said, "what's wrong with the cold? I think he is also a man of determination! If you really see me so boastful, then he is not worthy of the master's attention. "

Chen Yang in this moment, his mind flashed countless ideas and ideas.

But in the end, he forced himself to calm down.

"Even if Ziyi didn't die, even if I knew that Xia was really reincarnated in Ziyi, I couldn't show my flaws at the moment. Obviously, even if she was purple, she did not recover her memory. I was rashly exposed for fear that she would put me on the bench. "

Chen Yang felt that he had to look into the matter.

After that, he knew that Xia said: "nothing, nothing."

Knowing that the summer saw Chen Yang calm down, he also slightly relieved.

She said curiously, "you say I am like an old friend you know. Who is this old friend?"

Chen Yang said sadly: "she is no longer in the world."

Knowing that Xia said, "Oh, that's it!" Next, she said nothing more.

"By the way, sister..." After Chen Yang calmed down for a moment, he still decided to try and know Xia. He thought for a moment and said, "I once practiced on another planet, where there is a volcano, which is said to be Mount Fuji. I met a fire devil at the bottom of the mountain... "

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