Chen Yang lowered his head and did not speak.

If he was mean, it would have been a disappointment. We should have died at Reeves's hands.

However, he is no longer a teenager, so he will not say these useless words.

Canghai Lan said again: "you said that you knew that Xia was seriously injured, but now it seems to have recovered. I think her mental state is very different. "

Chen Yang said: "because I sent my elder sister a magic instrument, which is called the Yin and Yang melting pot. The effect is very good after the integration of the elder sister and the furnace of yin and Yang. As for where I got the yin-yang melting pot, this can also be explained clearly. The furnace of yin and Yang is what I accidentally got on the devil star

Yin Yang melting pot has never been seen in the world before.

"So it is," said Canghai LAN

Chen Yang said again, "do you even suspect that we collude with Reeves?"

With a faint smile, Canghai Lan said, "it's not that I want to doubt you. I hope these things have nothing to do with you. Now, with the ruling involved, they will not give up. If I don't ask myself clearly, you and I will be passive in the future. I need to know what's going on

After a pause, he added, "well, what I should ask you to know is already understood. You go back and have a rest. "

Chen Yang got up and said goodbye.

Chen Yang out of the underground tea room to see the waiting outside of the knowledge of summer.

Knowing that Xia couldn't hear the conversation inside.

Chen Yang smiles, but doesn't say anything more.

In the underground tea room, knowing that summer first salutes to the Canghai LAN.

Canghai Lan's face was serious and said, "you sit down first."

Knowing that summer will be seated.

Canghai LAN took a deep breath and said, "zhixia, you are too adventurous this time. How did you get to the point where your life was almost in danger? I've always known you're steady. It's dangerous to kill Reeves this time. I asked you to go, but I didn't ask you to die. "

Knowing that Xia knew master's concern was sincere, she hung her head and said, "I underestimated Reeves. His cultivation is incredible."

Canghai Lan said: "I haven't seen Reeves and I for many years. Indeed, it's not just you who underestimate it. Even I look down upon it... "

Knowing that Xia said: "I'm ashamed!"

Then, Canghai LAN took a sip of tea and said with great care: "know summer, I watched you grow up. You never lie to me, do you? "

Knowing that Xia said: "of course!"

Canghai Lan said: "I can see that you are a primary school brother. On the surface, he is very honest. In fact, even the old Foxes of the Presbyterian Church may not be able to match him. I can't tell the truth in his mouth, so I hope you don't lie to me. You have to understand that the master will not harm you. The master just wants to know the situation and help you according to the situation. "

Knowing that Xia said: "I dare not have half a lie!"

The sea haze then began to ask about the matter.

knew as like as two peas of Chen and Yang had made repeated statements, so they knew that the answer was just the same as Chen Yang.

Canghai Lan was silent after listening.

After a long time, he said, "well, know summer. After all, you have grown up. Everything you do must have your consideration. Since this is the case, the master will not say anything more. You should also understand that the real challenge is not to be a teacher! "

Knowing that Xia also understood master's painstaking efforts, she didn't want to put them together truthfully. But she can't say. Once she says it, Chen Yang will die.

Chen Yang returned to the villa.

The setting sun is about to end, such as the rose colored afterglow on the balcony.

Chen Yang poured a cup of Red Fairy wine and sat on the balcony to see the last touch of rosy clouds in the sky.

"This time, it was really reckless. Otherwise, we won't get to this point. " Chen Yang has a secret way in his heart.

"I hope I can live safely Hopefully, Reeves's piece will work in the end

"And I can't put all my hopes on luck. I have to get to the realm of the universe as soon as possible, otherwise, my position will be too precarious. "

With this in mind, Chen Yang went back to his room and sat down with his knees crossed.

He tried several times to attack the universe, but failed.

It irritated him a little.

"What's so difficult about the realm of the universe? At the beginning, Laozi could even break through the realm of creation. This little Zhou Xuan has never got the point. Why on earth is that? "

Chen Yang is really a little confused now.

Just then, the phone rang in the villa.

Chen Yang got up and answered the phone.

It's yingxuefei.

Cherry snow princess didn't say anything more on the phone, just said: "let's meet and chat!"

Chen Yang said, "it's better to say goodbye." He stopped for a moment and said, "it's a troubled time now. Don't get involved with me, or you will be involved."Cherry snow princess there stay for a while, she called because she heard some rumors.

Those rumors are ridiculous.

Sakura Xuefei is looking for Chen Yang to understand clearly.

Chen Yang also understands the concern of yingxuefei, but now, if he meets yingxuefei alone. After that, the court may find the trouble to yingxuefei.

Cherry snow princess pondered for a long time and then said, "then you are more careful."

Chen Yang said, "don't worry, sister."

It wasn't a quiet night.

Chen Yang soon got another explosive news.

That is mu Jun Zheng, Hua Xiaoyu and Mu Xiaoli returned to the court of justice.

Mu Junzheng has cultivated to the realm of the universe.

These three people were born in the court of justice. Now also passed the graduation examination of the original college, so it is reasonable to come back now.

Chen Yang suddenly had an idea.

A bold idea.

The next morning, Chen Yang wrote a post through the court's Internet.

This post is extremely cheap.

The name of the post is, I and Mu Jun are those things.

"Last night, I heard that Mu Jun, the son of the elder shepherd, was coming back, and had already reached the realm of Zexuan. I feel very happy and happy. Because I need a goal. At the beginning, he decided to fight with me on the level of inaction. If I was not happy, I became top-grade. In these years, he has never broken through to Zhou Xuan, I am very anxious. I think, if I had entered Zhou Xuan early, I would fight him again in the future, wouldn't it be some bullying? So, I've been waiting. It's good now. Don't wait. At the beginning of the original college duel, I always let him. I think everyone knows this. I was a poor family at that time, so I could not force him out. Today, I think we can finally have a fair fight. If Mr. Mu has no opinion, I am willing to have a fair decisive battle with him in three days' time. Moreover, we can live and die according to our destiny! I live in the cold. I have no other advantages. I just like to beat up the so-called genius. Ha ha ha ha... "

As soon as this post comes out, it will be popular all over the network!

The whole network refers to not only the extranet of the court of justice, this post has spread all over the eternal star domain.

You can see it from the original college.

People on the eternal star have seen it.

And other planets have seen

For a while, it was in full swing.

The Internet of the original college is boiling to the extreme.

"My God, is Zong Han still so sad when he comes to the court of justice?"

"In these years, Mu Jun has been known as the first genius of the Eternal Clan for thousands of years. Up to now, no one has reached the realm of universe and metaphysics at such a young age. Is Zong Han going to challenge him

Chen Yang called Chen at the first time.

"What are you doing? Don't you think there's not enough trouble?" Knowing that Xia questioned Chen Yang on the phone.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I'm a little bored. I've been in Wuwei for too long. So, I want to break through! "

"It's not a joke." "Do you know how difficult it is for Zhou Xuan? Below the realm of the universe, you can also force ascension in this way. But at this point, it's impossible. If you delete the post quickly, it means that the number has been stolen. "

Chen Yang refused and said, "sister, you don't have to worry about me."

Knowing that Xia had no choice but to hang up the phone.

In her heart, however, she felt that this guy seemed to be calm, but in fact, he was extremely unreliable. What happened to Reeves was reckless and thoughtless. It's still under consideration

Besides, Mu Jun is talking with Mu Xiaoli and Hua Xiaoyu. After coming back this time, he was pulled to talk by mu Tianen and Hua Wuyang.

Mu Tian'en said to Mu Jun: "you are now in the realm of Zhou Xuan, and that Zong Han is also a student of the great elder. You don't have to go against other people and make some unnecessary things. You have a bright future. Don't be ruined by something unimportant. "

Mu Junzheng and Mu Xiaoli both said they would not cause trouble.

Hua Xiaoyu was also strongly admonished by Hua Wuyang.

People are afraid that things will get more complicated.

After all, there is no interest involved!

Mu Jun thought he would not have trouble if he didn't provoke Chen Yang. However, he knew that other people would find trouble on their own initiative.

Mu Junzheng first went to see his father Mu Tian en.

Naturally, mu Tianen has already known about this.

In the living room of the manor villa, Mu Tian en asked Mu Jun Zheng, "how do you plan?"

Mr. Mu said in a deep voice: "father, Zong Han put it clearly that he wanted to use my pressure to break through the universe."

Mu Tianen said faintly: "can we break through the realm of Zexuan only by this pressure? I have seen Zonghan recently. His breath is far away from Zhou Xuan. It is impossible to break through in a few days. "

"But, father, I know something about Zonghan. He seems to care nothing, but in fact, he has a city government. He will not make unnecessary sacrifice! Since he dares to do so, I think he just has some assurance. "Mu Tianen said: "I admit that he is a very talented young man, but after all, he does not know something about Zhou Xuan. If you do not enter into the universe, you will not understand the mystery of it. You should understand that. "

Mu Jun said, "I understand. In fact, according to many reasons, he is almost looking for death this time. However, with the child's understanding of him, he will not seek death. There are only two explanations... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!