Cang Hailan didn't make a decision immediately. He thought of something and said, "I know something about you. It seems that you are struggling to escape. However, with your temperament, today is so calm, there should be a card. Let's say it all together

Red silk startled, heart way: "Zong Han still can have what bottom card? I can't think of it. He even explained the affairs of the great God Yuanlong! "

Chen Yang was silent for a long time, then with a smile, he said: "the cards are really there, and it is a very attractive thing." Canghai LAN smiles and says, "I'm looking forward to it." Chen Yang will no longer hide, directly put out his hand, a little finger, there will be a void door in front of him: "teacher, you can visit with your mind."

Canghai LAN nodded, should be a good, and then drove the mind into the void door inside. Across the gate, the mind comes to a chaotic world. In the dark, I only feel the strange Zezhou power around me, which also exudes pure and powerful meaning. He continued to visit with curiosity. The more you go, you will find that the world is so wonderful and profound that you can't imagine. He was a leading scholar in the contemporary era. He had a profound research on the Zetian power of the world. However, the more he went, the more incredible he felt. It seemed that his erudition was not worth mentioning compared with the world. Can't help thinking: "the world here, quite strange, seems to have the same meaning as the secret arts world." Thinking of this, Canghai Lan was astonished and exclaimed: "has this boy created a world like a secret arts? How could that be possible? How can one person accomplish such amazing things? Or is this another secret world he has discovered? " It's hard to stop the excitement in the chaotic world. He was the best in the world of esoteric arts. He had his own territory and knew the world of esoteric arts quite well. So now, we can confirm this chaotic world in many ways.

Not long later, he saw the mountain of destiny! When divinity perceives the sacred mountain of destiny, it can feel the sacred and unspeakable pressure of destiny.

After a long time, Canghai LAN took back his mind. His face dignified with a trace of strange, can not help looking at Chen Yang, way: "this is what is going on?"

The red silk is unknown, but not many questions.

Chen Yang gongshun replied: "after the students subdue Yuanlong, they know more about the secret arts world. In the process of fighting yuan long, his skill of judgment was extremely powerful and terrifying, so the students asked more questions. After confirmation from all sides, students know the origin and model of secretary world, so I built a similar existence of secret arts world. I named it Hunyuan world. "

"Easy?" The corner of Canghai Lan's mouth couldn't help twitching. It's an unprecedented feat The boy said it was done by hand

Red silk finally understood something, but she didn't understand the meaning. She just felt that from the teacher's reaction, it should be a great thing.

"Teacher, this is my card. Although you are all in the world of arcane, you do not have your own art of judgment. If we do not have our own judgment skills, then the court of justice will never have the same ability as the verdict. " Chen Yangcheng said in a voice.

"Follow me to see the Dean!" After the sea LAN returns to God, the excitement is difficult to stop, immediately said. Chen Yang smiles and says, "good!"

"Red silk, go back to work first." The sea haze ordered red silk again. Red silk knew that such a big event was not suitable for her to intervene, and then said, "yes!"

Canghai Lan also told: "today's affairs, a word can not be disclosed to the outside world!"

"Yes!" said the red silk

Chen Yang and Canghai LAN quickly came out of the Xilan manor and went to the court where the president of the court was located. There is an inner court in the trial court, which is where Reggae lives.

Canghai LAN with Chen Yang directly into the inner courtyard, and in the attic of the inner courtyard saw the reggae. Reggae has always lived in seclusion and does not care much about the affairs of the world.

When he saw reggae, Chen Yang saw that the Dean had just stopped practicing.

In the eternal star realm, the biggest entertainment and hobby of the Eternal Clan is cultivation. This is an era of status and status determined by cultivation. As strong as the existence of reggae, they dare not slack off for fear of being surpassed by later ones.

Seeing Chen Yang, reggae said with a smile that he brought the temple of war God very well. Chen Yang was quite surprised because he felt that he had not made any special achievements since he became the director of the war god department. Of course, he knew it was just a kind of reggae's courtesy.

Canghai Lan was not in the mood to gossip about his family life, and did not sit down. He directly told Reggae about a series of major events that Chen Yang had done recently. Including Reeves's axe to kill the sky, ancestral God's treasure, including Chen Yang's control of Yuan long, etc. After listening to these, reggae did not have too much accident, just a light oh.

Canghai LAN didn't care what Reggae thought. Then he said, "Dean, there's another big thing."

Reggae eyelid upward a lift, slightly not calm, way: "there are bigger things than this?" Obviously, he was trying to calm down before, and he also felt that Chen yangruo would not be able to catch any more bombs.Canghai LAN did not say much and said to Chen Yang, "show it to the president!"

Chen Yang nodded, which opened the door of emptiness for reggae, and let it drive the spirit to explore.

According to the words, reggae drives the mind into the world of Hunyuan.

Canghailan waited outside for about half an hour. After half an hour, reggae recovered his mind. At this time, his expression is in a shock, and for a long time it is difficult to recover.

Canghai LAN understood the feeling of reggae and didn't disturb him at the moment.

After a long time, reggae came to his senses and asked Chen Yang, "did you make it yourself?"

Chen Yang nodded.

Thunder ghost way: "one person makes?"

Chen Yang nods again.

The Reggae murmured, "how can this be possible? How could you be such a God in the world One man, one man! It's incredible, I can't believe it, I can't imagine it! "

Chen Yang can understand the mood of reggae and Cang Hailan very well. He thinks that if he is the original master of the eternal star domain, when he encounters such miracles, he may have the same expression as them. What I'm doing is not what I should be able to do at my age. To be exact, it's not something one can do. If it is impossible, he will not be afraid of being known by others. In any case, they just do it themselves. What can outsiders doubt?

As long as the strength is here, we will not be afraid of other people's gossiping.

After a while, thunder ghost let Canghai LAN and Chen Yang sit down. After they sat down, they faced Chen Yang and said, "what are your plans to tell us all this today?"

Chen Yang said: "as you can see from the teacher and the Dean, whether the hybrid world is comparable to the secret arts world or not does not depend on how delicate the hybrid world is. It depends on how many masters are there. I hope that you, the teacher and the Dean, will join me in the trial of my destiny, and then we will have the strength to wrestle with the verdict. "

Reggae and canghailan are not stupid. They don't know what Chen Yang thinks.

"Zong Han, I used to think that you were looking at a good younger generation from the perspective of elders. But today, I have to change my mind. Now, in front of you, elder canghailan and I are not your predecessors. If you continue to develop, we will not be inferior to you in the future. Even if it is the supreme one in the court of adjudication, it may not be surpassed by you. "

Chen Yang said: "my goal is not to surpass who, but to be free. I found the ancestral treasure, but I didn't dare to admit it before, which is very sad. I still want to say, thank the dean and the teacher for my tolerance and cultivation. I am still very weak, my secret has been exposed to you two. You two want me to die now, but it's just a thought. However, the creation of the mixed world, although I have my wisdom in it, but there is a very important medicine is unique. That is the fate cage in the ancestral God's treasure. The destiny cage was thoroughly refined by me and integrated into the mixed world. Therefore, it is almost impossible to have a third world as powerful as this. Besides, it is impossible for you two to take away the world. All you can do is to share and cooperate with me. Only in this way can you become a real powerful one like the supreme god of the ruling and Tianzun. Of course, if you two are willing to be under constant control, you can kill me. "

Reggae and canghailan looked at each other. Then, reggae said with a smile, "since you dare to expose it, you have great confidence to persuade us to cooperate together, right?"

Chen Yang said: "I believe that with your intelligence, you can't miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Reggae nodded and said, "well, let me tell you so. Cooperation is certain. But how to cooperate still needs to be discussed. What's more, it needs to be kept secret for now. You have joined your subordinates in the world. You should warn them that they can't use them at this stage. If the world is now exposed to the verdict, it will not tolerate it. They can tolerate a lot of things, but they won't tolerate things that really threaten their status. "

Chen Yang said, "I understand!"

Reggae continued: "you go down first. I need to discuss with the elder. I'll talk to you as soon as we've discussed it! "

Chen Yang said, "yes!"

After that, he got up to say goodbye and left the courthouse.

After leaving Tianyuan, Chen Yang returned to the temple of war god.

In his own bedroom, he summoned the red silk again.

"My Lord!" After the red silk came in, he saluted respectfully. Chen Yang tiny smile, way: "red silk elder sister, know Xia Xuejie to come back?"

"Red Silk Road:" has not come back, the teacher asked over there, know Xia Xuejie has always said there are things to deal with. "

Chen Yang slightly frowned and said: "she went to iron star for my business. It's going to be about a year now. It seems that I have to go there."

Red silk road: "if you are busy, I can do it for you."

Chen Yang a smile, way: "this matter, I don't want anyone to do it for you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!