Hua Tianhuang finally gave Chen Yang a heavy blow with his personal reputation and dignity, together with various conjectures and analyses.

As a matter of fact, Hou Jianfei has never had such doubts in his mind. I just don't want to go into it But now, when Hua Tianhuang opens the magic box completely, they can't help but re-examine it.

This includes Luna.

When Luna returned to the light Council, she also saw the video sent by Hua Tianhuang, and she fell into deep thinking. She used to believe that Zonghan was Chen Yang, but later a lot of things happened, so she dispelled this doubt. But now all sorts of view, she thinks Zonghan is really Chen Yang.

Master Ku also had a detailed meeting with Luna.

The eternal people in the whole astral realm are talking about this matter, while the senior people are discussing it in detail

Obviously, there is a serious crisis of trust in Chen Yang.

One of the sources of this crisis of trust is that Hua Tianhuang's identity is there, and the other is that Chen Yang is too dazzling and too young. If Chen Yang is a thousand years old now, no one dares to raise such doubts.

There is a reason for things. In fact, it is impossible for a young man in his fifties to make such achievements. Chen Yang is well aware of this and knows that he is moving too fast

But he didn't want to be here endlessly delayed.

Another 30 years old, 100 years old, in fact, the difference is not big. It's impossible to wait a few hundred years.

The Huatian famine event caused a great stir on the Internet, which was called thunder storm event in history!

The sound of thunder on the ground wakes everything!

Knowing that Xia felt very anxious about this matter, he immediately found Chen Yang in the attic of another hospital and asked how to deal with it.

Chen Yang just smiles and says, "don't worry, don't worry!"

Knowing that Chen Yang seemed to have a plan in mind, he was relieved.

After she left, Shi Beiluo also came to ask Chen Yang how to deal with it.

Chen Yang asked his teacher to go north and said, "brother, do you believe me?" Division Beiluo did not hesitate and said, "of course I believe you." Chen Yang laughed and said, "really?" Shi Beiluo also laughed and said, "well, I think you are too evil. You give me a definite word, and I believe you in everything you say. "

Chen Yang sealed it all around with his magic power, then he restrained his smile and said, "Hua Tian Huang's conjecture is correct. I am indeed a foreign person, and I am Chen Yang's reincarnation." The division was shocked and could not speak for a long time.

After Chen Yang finished, he also kept silent.

When Chen Yang really admitted, Shi Beiluo felt a little unreal. He laughed twice and said, "this joke is a little cold."

Chen Yang said, "elder brother, do you want to kill me?"

Shi Beiluo said, "how could that be..." After a pause, he said, "besides, I'm your opponent."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "you have your own people. If you want to leave, I can't stop you. You can go and make it public and put me in a place where I'm doomed. "

Shi Beiluo looked serious and said, "are you telling me the truth or are you kidding me?"

Chen Yang gazed at his teacher's fall to the north and said, "it's true."

Shi Beiluo began to doubt life. He felt that all his dreams were extreme. He was extremely puzzled and said, "if it is true, why do you want to tell me? What do you mean by telling me now

Chen Yang stood up and said: "because you are my big brother, you have not asked me before, I don't say, that is not cheating you. We said we should be honest with each other. Now that you ask, I can't lie to you

Division north body a shock, chest suddenly have hot blood, immediately said: "regardless of your identity, but I recognize you are my brother!"

Chen Yang said, "but if I really want to subvert the eternal family?"

Shi Beiluo said, "this..." No matter what his nature of mind is, however, he is not willing to destroy his own ethnic group.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "don't worry, brother. I never wanted to subvert the Eternal Clan. Subverting the verdict does not mean subverting the eternal family, is it? "

Division North falls a long sigh of relief, way: "that is of course." Chen Yang said: "speaking of it, I really hated the eternal family. My wife, my daughter, and my best friends are all in Tianhe kingdom. It can be said that they have no enmity with the eternal star realm. However, the ruling Institute and the dark Holy See jointly launched an imperial attack, and the whole Tianhe Kingdom and 10 billion living creatures were all reduced to coke. At that time, I vowed to let the eternal people not stay. "

Shi Beiluo knew about the affairs of Tianhe Kingdom, and after hearing the words, he said: "in the case of Tianhe Kingdom, the verdict has been inhuman. They always say we are demons. In fact, what they do is more terrifying than demons. However, I think it's too extreme for you to say that the whole eternal family should be buried with him. "

Chen Yang said: "at that time, I was so extreme. There were many innocent people in the eternal family, but there were more innocent people in Tianhe kingdom?"Shi Beiluo said: "sure!" Then he said, "how did you change your mind?" Chen Yang said: "it can only be said that people are not vegetation, which can be merciless. After my reincarnation, I met a lot of people and things. For example, kuziyu, her kindness moved me. Besides, elder brother, you are also an eternal family. Do I want to destroy you? It's impossible. Therefore, my purpose now is to find out those who launched the imperial attack and let them get the punishment they deserve. "

Teacher Beiluo said, "your wife, daughter, that is my sister-in-law and niece. You're not alone in this feud. "

Chen Yang could not help but say, "thank you, brother. I am very clear in my heart that there will be a great crisis in speaking about this matter today. But I'm willing to believe you. If I'm wrong, I'll take my life. "

It's not that he's impulsive and emotional.

Even if division Beiluo wants to divulge the secret, he can also bring things back.

From the analysis of other aspects, Shi Beiluo couldn't sell him out. Chen Yang in the heart to do a variety of analysis, that frank treatment can be a miracle.

Even if Shi Beiluo betrayed himself, he would have a hard time in the future. On the contrary, I told him that he did not intend to subvert the eternal family. In this way, he will be more firm.

What's more, Chen Yang knows the character of Shi Beiluo. He is really a loyal man and is not willing to sell his brother.

Division North falls at this time also emotional, way: "Yi younger brother, I will never let you gamble to lose."

Chen Yang and division north then tightly held hands, only to call each other a good brother.

Finally, Shi Beiluo said, "is there anyone else who knows about this matter?"

Chen Yang said: "there is also Zhi Xia who knows that there is no one else besides this." Shi Bei nodded and said, "that's good. I can understand and believe that you have no intention to subvert the eternal family. But if it gets out, other people don't think so. So we can't admit it

Chen Yang said, "I know that." Shi Beiluo said: "also, you see, huatianhuang, an old man, has made this matter. Even I can't help but have doubts in my heart, not to mention others. How to deal with it! People in this world can never offend. "

"I've come up with a solution," Chen Yang said Division Beiluo immediately interested, said: "what method, say to listen to." Chen Yang laughs and says, "the mystery can't be revealed yet. Don't say it for the time being. You'll know in a few days. At the moment, I need to wait for this to ferment for a few days. "

Division North heart itching unbearable, but Chen Yang insisted not to say, he is also helpless.

At first, there were various discussions on the Internet, some of which were top Chen Yang's and some were top China's. Gradually, the tide of attacking Chen Yang became more and more fierce

It's really like a wall falling down and people pushing.

The original college has never happened on this matter, and reggae and canghailan have always kept silent.

In fact, it's good that they can keep silent.

The parliament of light and the Holy See of darkness also remained silent. They are all waiting for things to happen

Hou Jianfei also talks with Chen Yang, who insists that it's nothing. Hou Jianfei said: "then you should stand up and clarify! It's not a matter of going on like this. You don't know, there are a lot of students in the college talking about this, and they are still organizing a parade. "

"Organize a March?" Chen Yang was stunned and said, "what is the appeal? Do you want to kill me or expel me? I remember that a few days ago, everyone worshipped me

Hou Jianfei said with a wry smile: "the public are all swarms. What they like and what they don't like have no brains. It's normal to flatter you today and belittle you tomorrow. "

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

Hou Jianfei said: "some extreme demands are to kill you to avoid future trouble. There are still others who want to drive you out of the original academy, and others who want to drive you out of the astral realm

Chen Yang was silent.

Hou Jianfei said: "this wave continues. I'm afraid it's hard to contain it. You really have to think of a way."

Chen Yang said: "your elders, teachers should also have ideas?"

Hou Jianfei said: "they have ideas, but they dare not say so. Many of them are secretly agitating those students, and now they want to let them be the first birds, because they are young, impulsive and easily bewitched. When the situation ferments out of control, or there is a direction, we will take a position. When the protest wave of the college rises, the eternal people from all over the star territory are afraid to join the protest team. "

Chen Yang said: "I probably understand. It's just, what am I saying now, will anyone believe it? " Hou Jianfei said: "unless there is another more respected person come out to protect you."

Chen Yang wryly smile, way: "God?"

Hou Jianfei also wryly laughed and said: "it's impossible for Tianzun, but it would be better if Dean reggae, elder canghailan and I made a joint statement. I don't have a problem here, but you need to convince Dean reggae and the elder elder. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!