There is Zhong Lingshan, the representative of heaven in heaven. When the monks of celestial world mention heaven, they will think of heaven and Fuxi emperor. In a sense, Fuxi and Tianting represent the heaven.

Before Hongmeng Ziqi appeared, there were Kunlun and Tianjie in the fairyland.

After the appearance of Hongmeng Ziqi, the whole fairyland plate moved, and the space clouds filled the whole fairyland. The fairyland suddenly became huge, covered with purple fog and vast sea, as if the world had suddenly returned to the era of chaos.

Kepler has never experienced chaos!

At least, the Tongtian sect's generation has never seen the chaotic era of Kepler. They came out of the chaos of the earth

What they did not expect was that in Kepler, they actually felt the era of chaos again.

Hongmeng purple gas appears, plate fission

They keep their own Kunlun, and create a Kunlun world!

In the world of heaven, empress Nuwa created the world of heaven.

Yuansheng took the opportunity to build Yuanjie

Ye Qingming entered the netherworld and created her own netherworld.

As for the Shura Kingdom, it was created by Xiao Ling.

In the western world, zhunti and Jieyin were the two. The old man in the world of mortals has settled down in the world of mortals in the western world... For this, it is also welcome to be mentioned and introduced.

So far, the six realms have been formed

After the formation of the six realms, empress Nuwa moved to the palace.

There were no such continents in the sky... The distance between Nvwa and Zhongling mountain was also a little far. But at that time, there was no space fog. The whole Kepler, where she wanted to go, was instantaneous. Now it's different

In order to take care of Zhongling mountain, Nu Wa used her magic power to move the original wa Huang mountain and wa palace into Tianzhou.

But even so, it will take six hours to fly from wahuang mountain to Zhongling mountain with the fastest speed of Nun Wa's cultivation!

On this day, the sun was shining and flowers were in full bloom.

At noon, a long rainbow lightning flew by and came to the periphery of the wa Huang mountain.

The outer part of Wa Huang mountain is foggy

The fog is the boundary.

No one dares to intrude without the permission of empress Nuwa. Even if they want to intrude, it is difficult to break through this barrier.

After Changhong was established, he was a middle-aged man.

Man's cultivation is nothing but heaven!

Tianwei was once a god like existence on earth, but later it became a god like existence on earth. In the fairyland, the cultivation of Tian Wei Jing is just like a mole ant.

The middle-aged man first bows to the outside of Wa Huang mountain, then shouts out loud and respectfully: "Jiang Huai, the leader of Tianting Tianjiang general, is in urgent need to see his wife!"

He yelled several times.

A moment later, a void door appeared in the border. From the door of the void came a woman's clear voice: "what's the matter?"

Jianghuai recognized that the voice was not the voice of empress Nuwa, but Xuanyi, the disciple of empress Nuwa.

Xuanyi was cultivated by the Phoenix, and its cultivation also reached the semi holy state.

"Tell Xuanyi Shangxian..." Jianghuai said immediately: "half a year ago, Princess Longji was captured. Now all the immortals in the heaven have entered Houshan Hetu cave, but they have never come out. His subordinates waited for a long time and had no choice but to come and ask for help from empress Nuwa. "

"What?" Xuanyi was also surprised and immediately let Jianghuai come in to talk.

After Jianghuai entered the void gate, he entered the wa Huang mountain.

Then, Xuanyi took Jianghuai to see Niangniang Nuwa quickly.

In the back garden of Wa palace, Jiang Huai knelt down to empress Nu Wa, and then quickly told her what had happened recently.

After hearing this, empress Nu Wa said angrily, "how can it be? You fool, why did you come here after half a year?"

Jianghuai said with a sad face: "my subordinates have been waiting for you immortals to come out of Hetu cave. How can they not wait for a long time. Now I feel that the situation is too serious, so I came to report to you. Now in the heaven, the immortals are not there, and the emperor is always closed. The whole heaven has become an empty shell, and Princess Longji's life and death are uncertain... "

"If something happens to Princess Longji, I won't let you off," she said in a cold voice

After that, she said to Xuanyi beside her, "I'll go to Zhongling mountain first. After you've arranged things in Wa palace, you'll go to Zhongling mountain and join me!"

Xuanyi immediately said, "yes, master!"

At the moment, empress Nuwa grabbed the Jianghuai River into her magic bag. Then we went out of the wa Huang mountain and took the colorful Phoenix to Zhongling mountain.

On the way, empress Nuwa took out Jianghuai and asked for more details.

After all of them were clear, they put the Yangtze River and Huaihe River into the magic bag.

Six hours later, empress Nuwa came to Zhongling mountain.

She came to the houshanhetu cave for the first time

What kind of person she is, when she is outside, she can see clearly the situation in the corridor.

"A group of idiots, half a year time, even this space mystery can't break through!" Empress Nu Wa gave a cold hum, and then raised her voice to the inside and said, "come out!"

Her voice turned into a light, which instantly formed a long line

They followed the line out of the Hetu cave.

By this time it was dark.

In the moonlight, empress Nuwa's flaming red dress is beautiful with the Queen's breath that people dare not blaspheme.

When they came to empress Nuwa, they all bowed their heads and saluted, saying, "I'll wait to see empress!"

Nuwa said coldly, "what happened? Black beard, come on

The old man with black beard replied honestly, "tell me back. More than half a year ago, a woman suddenly asked to see her outside, claiming to be ye Qingming's Apprentice."

He told Niang Nu Wa all about the situation of that day.

Nuwa said angrily: "you guys don't go, but let a girl run to Longji, and finally watch her get caught? Why do you have the face to stand here? Why do you still have the face to stand between the heaven and the earth? If I were you, I would be ashamed to death. "

Chen Yang immediately said, "goddess, we are not going to let Princess highness take risks. I didn't think it would be dangerous. In this heaven, now we all listen to your highness. The subordinate said that he could just send a general to deal with it, but his highness said that he couldn't wait for Ye Sheng's disciples. " After that, he said bitterly, "we know it's a shame, so we didn't dare to go to you. We want to solve our own problems and go to the emperor. I know that when I enter the corridor, I'm always trapped and can't get out. "

"You don't have to explain so much to me. If something happens to Longji, I can't spare you idiots," she said

When she had finished, she swept away.

Everyone stood in the same place, looking at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

We all know that Niang Niang is very hot, so we dare not look for her!

They are still in a state of anxiety after being scolded by Empress Nuwa, so they haven't found that Chen Yang's cultivation has reached the middle of the ninth phase of creation!

Chen Yang watched the back of empress Nuwa leave, and unconsciously thought of her wife Suzhen in black. He felt that empress Nuwa and Suzhen in black were similar, not only in appearance but also in temperament.

Later, Chen Yang came back to his senses.

When I think about it, I think it's not good. I haven't seen Fuxi yet!

Now empress Nuwa is involved in this matter

It's really uncertain how things will develop in the future.

At present, Chen Yang has no other choice but to take a step and watch.

He would not rush in to see emperor Fuxi unless he had to.

After Nuwa left, she did not leave Zhongling mountain and would not go to Longji blindly.

She came to Yunxiao hall where Princess Longji lived.

Then he sat cross on Princess Longji's bed.

A moment later, countless light spots began to appear around the room... In the night sky, just like countless fireflies.

After a long time, empress Nuwa held out her hand.

Those light spots all gathered in her palm. This is the breath left by Princess Longji.

The breath is very little.

After all, half a year has passed.

But empress Nuwa has the ability to communicate with heaven, and eventually gathered these breath.

Next, Nvwa relies on these breath to sense the location of Princess Longji.

That's a long time.

Three days and three nights

During this period, Xuanyi, a disciple of empress Nuwa, also passed by.

Xuanyi is waiting outside Yunxiao hall.

Chen Yang and his party also came to wait outside Yunxiao hall later... They didn't dare to disperse!

They also found that Chen Yang's cultivation had reached the middle of the ninth phase of creation. In this regard, Chen Yang said that he had been difficult to break through in the corridor, but finally took the opportunity to break through.

It's not weird. Everyone knows that he is already the top eight of creation, and it's only a matter of time before he breaks through.

Three days and three nights later, empress Nuwa came out to meet the people.

The old bearded man hurriedly asked, "empress, your highness?"

Empress Nuwa coldly glanced at Chen Yang and his gang, and then said to Xuanyi, "go and find Longji!"

Then he sat on the colorful sacred wind.

That Xuan Yi also followed, sat behind Nu Wa Niang.

The seven colors divine wind hissed, then flapped its wings, turned into a rainbow, and disappeared in an instant.

Chen Yang said, "what are you doing? Keep up

Then he followed.

The others quickly followed

Empress Nuwa's colorful divine wind is very fast, and people follow the breath.

About three hours later, Chen Yang and his party came to the sea.

Before they could stand still, they felt that empress Nuwa had left. Whoosh, I'm lucky enough to bow the bell, and I've arrived at the place where Chen Yang took Yuanyu fairy. All of them continued to chase after the breath left by Empress Nuwa... After another three hours, they chased the breath back to Zhongling mountain.

The whole process... Followed a lonely.

And when they came back, they faced Nu Wa's anger: "a group of fools, what are you doing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!