Chen Yang's heart jumped violently. The spirit of the dead and the purple spirit of Hongmeng had appeared. In the future, if the threat caused by the Qi of the dead is too great, someone will certainly want to integrate the Hongmeng purple Qi and the Qi of the dead. The integration of the two will lead to the tears of death. After the integration of the tears of death and the Qi of heaven and evil, it will form the six-dimensional death force of ultimate terror. At that time, everything will be hopeless!

Chen Yang felt that all this was not Yuansheng's pot. It seemed that the beginning of everything came from himself.

From the moment the arc element was destroyed, Pandora's box had been opened.

But in the final analysis, it was not caused by himself.

Whether it's lingzun or Yuansheng in the fairy world, it's not their own pot!

Everything is a cause and effect reincarnation!

When Chen Yang thought about it, he felt a headache. He felt that although he had cultivated great powers, he had more and more troubles.

"Damn it, I'll try to survive as long as I live. It's really not good. If we finish playing together, we won't care about the flood after death. " Chen Yang felt relieved when he thought so.

It was a pleasant breakfast.

Xiao Ling then chatted with Chen Yang alone.

In the secret room, Xiao Ling asks Chen Yang how he could offend Taoist Lu Ya?

Chen Yang didn't know whether he should trust Xiao Ling or not. He thought for a moment and finally decided to recruit him truthfully.

He thought that Xiao Ling already understood the crisis of the fairyland. Even for himself, he should know how to make a choice.

Chen Yang told Xiao Ling all the things he had come all the way.

Including the death of the land pressure.

And with empress Nuwa and Emperor Fuxi.

After hearing that Taoist Lu Ya was killed, Xiao Ling frowned and said, "the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has a deep relationship with Taoist Lu Ya. The real trouble of killing Lu Ya has just begun. And there's one thing you may not know. "

Chen Yang said, "hmm?" Xiao Ling said, "the Donghuang island of Donghuang Taiyi is in the nothingness. If Donghuang Taiyi wants to fight you, you're afraid it's a dead end."

Chen Yang said, "I also know that with my ability, I can't escape the pursuit of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. The younger generation is hard to deal with even the land pressure Taoist. Just now, there's no other way. We can only take one step and see one step. "

After being silent for a long time, Xiao Ling said, "it's rare that you can be so honest with me, little friend. I'll try to settle things for you. If the Eastern Emperor really doesn't appreciate it, it's not a pity to die. There is already a torrential flood in the fairy world. It's good for the Eastern Emperor to hide in the Eastern Emperor mountain for many years without asking about the world. Just don't ask. If you still don't know what to do with you, you'll be damned! "

Chen Yang said, "thank you, master! However, the Eastern Emperor's whereabouts are uncertain. It's not easy for you to settle it! "

Xiao Ling said, "this is my business. Since I promised you, I will try to do it."

He paused and said, "how dare you tell me these secrets? You don't seem to know me either. "

Chen Yang said, "this is probably fate. I can't believe ordinary people. But I still dare to believe it to my predecessors. "

It's the most comfortable place in the immortal realm.

But Chen Yang, the eternal devil and Bai Qing couldn't stay all the time. Three days later, they said goodbye to Xiao Ling and left Xianyu.

Before leaving, Xiao Ling presented some pills, magic weapons and runes. She was also generous.

On the night before leaving, Chen Yang still couldn't help asking about the things in the crack.

Xiao Ling tells Chen Yang that there is more than one crack. Moreover, not all of them are puppet ghost faces.

There is also an ancestor level in the crack.

He just felt the dignity of his ancestor and did not fight with him. If the ancestor did it, he would be dead.

Xiao Ling finally said, "the future is destined to be bloody, but if we all give up, the fairyland will be really hopeless."

After leaving the immortal region, Chen Yang and his party walked through the Shura world.

After more than ten days, he finally left the Shura world and entered the vast sea.

After entering the vast sea, go all the way.

The land of nothingness is deep in the sea. It's like sailing in the universe, as if it can never reach the edge.

Chen Yang, Bai Qing and the eternal devil decide to wander the Jianghu under a pseudonym.

Chen Yang insisted on paying off the name with Su. Bai Qing said that his name was su huanbai. In order to meet the occasion, the eternal devil also wants to call su

Bai Qing gives advice to the eternal devil, saying that it is called returning to the common customs.

The eternal devil thought it was good at first. Later, he thought it was wrong and said, "your grandmother has a ball, so you are still vulgar." Bai Qingge smiles.

The eternal devil finally named Su Huanyong.

Chen Yang thought it was fun and gave them a name for the three people, which is called the Oriental three Xia!

Along the way, there is infinite joy in it.

After about half a year, he finally entered the so-called land of nothingness.

In the land of nothingness, there are many islands, immortal gates and magic gates.

After the changes in the fairyland, countless immortals and scattered practitioners came to hide in this nothingness.

This has become a paradise for them.

In the land of nothingness, there is no control of the saints.

The three of Chen Yang stayed in the nothingness for another three years. In the three years, the three heroes of the east gradually became famous. No matter what kind of devil, beast or sect the other party is, they will surrender them as long as they encounter injustice.

Chen Yangsheng likes to meddle in his own business. Now, after being hit by the knife gas, he thinks there are opportunities in his own business.

However, to his disappointment, in the past three years, chaos lingteng had no news at all.

Of course, he doesn't regret meddling in his own business, and doing good things is also due to his arbitrary character.

On this day, in the evening, Chen Yang and the three came to an island called Fengming city.

This Fengming city is a super city composed of dozens of islands.

The master of Fengming city is the ancestor of Baiyun, who also has two brothers, the ancestor of blood star and the ancestor of canfeng.

On the bright side, the three ancestors were honored as the three saints of Fengming by the monks.

Secretly, many monks dared to be angry but not speak, calling them Fengming three demons.

Master Baiyun's cultivation is semi holy. He is an absolute master in this nothingness.

The ancestor of blood star is the nine peaks of creation.

Master canfeng is the strongest of the nine peaks of the creation realm, which is only a little different from the semi holy realm. Its divine power is amazing. When the two blood star ancestors are added together, they can hardly be the opponent of canfeng ancestor.

The three ancestors dominated this area, and many monks dared to be angry but not to speak.

Chen Yang came to Fengming city not to deal with the three ancestors. They came to inquire about the news

For three years, there was no news of chaos lingteng.

But just a few days ago, they finally got a piece of grapevine news.

Then the ancestor of canfeng once came into contact with chaotic lingteng by chance. He also got a chance on the chaotic spirit vine, so he broke through the realm and made his mana several times deeper than ordinary people.

The ancestor of canfeng also wanted to take the chaotic spirit vine as his own, but the chaotic spirit vine was so spiritual that he fled between heaven and earth and couldn't find it again.

The ancestor of canfeng wanted to find the chaotic spirit vine for so many years, but he had no clue.

After discussion, Chen Yang and the three knew that it would not be much to find canfeng's father. But at least you can know more about chaos spirit vine in his mouth.

At least understand the direction, so it will be easier to find.

This is the reason why the three of them came to Fengming city.

Before coming, Chen Yang was worried and said, "the reputation of the Fengming three demons is not good, but the reputation of our Oriental three Xia is very good. Maybe they thought we were going to destroy them. It's not good to provoke a strong enemy for no reason. "

The eternal devil said, "the second brother's worry is reasonable."

The three of them have also sworn.

The eternal devil is the big brother, Chen Yang is the second brother and Bai Qing is the third brother.

Bai Qing said, "it's a dangerous and troublesome thing to find chaotic lingteng. It's hard to get a line now. No matter how troublesome and dangerous it is, we have to go to Fengming city. After we go, we can clarify our eyes first! If they really want to fight, we are not afraid. "

The eternal devil nodded and said, "that's right!"

Chen Yang was worried and said, "be careful."

After they came to Fengming City, they went to see the three demons of Fengming first.

The three demons of Fengming live in three islands, each with its own palace.

But if they want to meet each other, they can arrive in an instant.

The three came to Baiyun Island, where Baiyun's ancestors lived, in front of Baiyun Palace on Baiyun Mountain.

Baiyun Mountain rises into the clouds, and Baiyun palace is like in mid air.

There are all kinds of borders around!

Before the three of Chen Yang came to the boundary of Baiyun palace, they paid homage to each other.

Not long after the Baitie was sent into the border, the ancestor of Baiyun met Chen Yang.

In a palace in Baiyun palace, the ancestor of Baiyun, the ancestor of blood star and the ancestor of canfeng hosted a banquet in honor of Chen Yang.

Baiyun Laozu looks like he is in his 60s. He is in good spirit. He is dressed in white and has a sense of immortality.

The ancestor of blood star is a little gloomy and looks in his fifties.

The ancestor of canfeng looks 30 years old, handsome and evil.

The three ancestors still gave Chen Yang a lot of face and put Xianguo delicacies on them.

I don't worry about the poison in the wine, because it can't hide from Chen Yang.

After taking their seats, the three ancestors of Baiyun raised a toast to Chen Yang. Chen Yang and the three of them also exchanged polite greetings

After that, the eternal devil first said, "the three of us take the liberty to come here today. We are very worried and afraid that the three ancestors will misunderstand. Here, first of all, I would like to assure the three ancestors that our three brothers will come here without any malice! "

The old man of canfeng smiled coldly and said, "in fact, you don't have to be nervous, because even if you have malice, it's just to die!"

There was a smell of gunpowder in his mouth.

Bai Qing raised her eyebrows and said to canfeng, "little brother, you speak very strongly! We didn't mean any harm, but we all fooled around in the Jianghu. You said we were here to die. Why, do you want to compete with me? ", the fastest update of the webnovel!