Chen Yang's upheaval immediately aroused Bai Qing and the eternal devil. Seeing this, they also lost their color and immediately gathered around to investigate. Under the investigation of the two people, they suddenly lost their color in horror.

At the moment, in Chen Yang's body, those Sabre Qi were attacking the city and the land, as if they were a traitor. They suddenly launched a general attack in the dead of night. Chen Yang's mana is the army, but this army has been completely controlled by Dao Qi. The harder his mana works, the deeper the pain. Dao Qi killed indiscriminately in his flesh and blood

If he goes on like this, Chen Yang can only die.

Bai Qing quickly took out the chaos pill and gave it to Chen Yang. Chen Yang took millions of chaos pills. The Qi of chaos surged in his body... However, at this time, Dao Qi did not yield, but absorbed the Qi of chaos and expanded itself.

Dao Qi has been dormant for a long time... After fighting side by side with Chen Yang yesterday, I had a deeper understanding of Chen Yang's flesh and blood. This Dao Qi really has a strong spirit. I also know that staying so stable all the time is waiting to die. So at this moment, once we get the opportunity, we will launch a bold counter attack and want to occupy Chen Yang's body in one fell swoop and become the master of Chen Yang's body from now on.

Chen Yang's body has become a battlefield. The suppression of mana will make the battlefield more intense and he will be more painful. This pain made him unable to concentrate on suppressing... Therefore, his defeat is conceivable.

Time, place and people are not here!

Bai Qing and the eternal devil can only worry and can't help.

Their magic power will only make Chen Yang's body worse. Because those Dao Qi and Chen Yang's flesh and blood have been integrated into one. To get rid of knife Qi, you have to get rid of flesh and blood first

In all kinds of pain, Chen Yang couldn't help thinking bitterly: "I'm still wondering whether the next life and death crisis can be passed? Whether the future can be as eternal as the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty... But I didn't expect that retribution was in sight. "

Just when he thought he was going to die, a miracle happened

To be exact, it is not a miracle, but a necessity.

Because there are three wills in Chen Yang's body. Chen Yang himself is a will, Dao Qi is a will, and another will is Tiandao pen.

Tiandao pen has always coveted Chen Yang's body. The big brother has been waiting for a good opportunity.

Dao Qi is just a little brother!

The little brother openly wants to occupy this fat meat at the moment. Can the big brother agree?

Therefore, the nine snow mountains in Chen Yang's body started instantly. The infinite power of heaven began to spread all over Chen Yang. This power of heaven was strong and instantly integrated into Chen Yang's flesh and blood with supreme will. Help Chen Yang cast a great wall of steel

The power of the way of heaven is different from the general mana, but also above all kinds of mana and rules. In addition, Tiandao pen and Chen Yang have long been integrated, which means that they have quietly stepped down from the army everywhere in this body.

There is still a process for outsiders' mana to enter.

The launch of Tiandao pen is an instant full range of troops

Chen Yang quickly grabbed the longevity fruit, took it, let the Tiandao pen absorb it, and then suppressed the knife Qi.

Dao Qi was attacking the city and the land crazily. After the power of heaven appeared, he was defeated like a mountain.

Knife Qi is helpless and shrinks rapidly.

The power of the way of heaven makes a strong attack all the way to force the sabre Qi out of the body.

How did you know that Dao Qi finally melted into a ball and retreated to Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

The sword Qi suppresses Chen Yang's nine turn yuan God... Under such circumstances, if Chen Yang's body explodes, it can't condense again.

Chen Yang quickly drives the magic mosquito and wants to absorb the knife gas.

The power of heaven also attacks and kills quickly.

Chen Yang and the power of heaven want to work together to completely kill Dao Qi.

However, Dao Qi began to present a crazy atmosphere at this time, and there was a faint phenomenon of self explosion. Once this Sabre gas explodes, jade and stone will burn.

Chen Yang naturally doesn't want to die with these Dao Qi.

The power of heaven quickly wrapped Chen Yang's abdominal cavity and completely sealed the knife Qi.

After that, the war was completely calmed down.

Chen Yang's whole body is already dripping with blood, just like a blood man. But anyway, the pain has disappeared.

He quickly sat up and ran his mana.

The wound on the body healed quickly, and all the blood entered the body again.

The clothes also became clean.

Like nothing ever happened

"Second brother, how are you?" Bai Qing was extremely concerned, and his eyes could not hide their anxiety.

The eternal devil is equally concerned.

Chen Yang opened his eyes, looked at them and said with a bitter smile, "it's all right for the time being. That day, the Dao pen temporarily sealed the Dao Qi in my abdominal cavity with the power of heaven."

The eternal devil said, "what's going on?"

Chen Yang said: "you lost your fighting power yesterday, brother. Xiaobai was also seriously injured after killing Baiyun Laozu and other semi holy experts. At that time, I had to deal with the old ancestor of canfeng and another expert... I had to, so I chose not to move. Finally, several forces in me compromised, so I succeeded in killing them. Unexpectedly, this Dao Qi finally entered my flesh and blood in an all-round way because of the close cooperation with me yesterday. So I took the opportunity to make a riot tonight and want to capture my body. Fortunately, it was the Tiandao pen, otherwise today, it would be a dead end. "

The eternal devil said, "I see, but haven't you practiced the eight nine Xuangong? At this moment, how about cutting off all the parts below your abdomen and then forcing out the knife Qi? "

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "no, I can't concentrate the nine turn yuan God now because of the sword Qi in my body. The sabre Qi makes the whole body blocked. Once the lower body is cut off, the violent mana in the body will get out of control, and the whole body will explode. At that time, I will be dead. I wanted to force Dao Qi with magic mosquitoes, but if the magic mosquitoes move too slowly, they will irritate Dao Qi. Once I choose to burn jade and stone, I will die. "

The eternal devil said, "this... Is it really the only way to find chaotic lingteng?"

Chen Yang said, "even the supreme Taoist thought that only by finding the chaotic spirit vine could we do it. I think there is really no other way to go."

Bai Qing said in a deep voice, "what if this Dao Qi feels hopeless that day and directly chooses to burn both jade and stone?"

Chen Yang's heart sank.

This possibility does exist. At that time, even the power of heaven can't control this Sabre Qi.

Bai Qing said, "we must find the chaotic spirit vine quickly."

Chen Yang said, "it's not easy to find chaotic lingteng. However, the sword Qi should not choose to burn jade and stone. The more spiritual it is, the more afraid it will be of death. Now the power of heaven has sealed it, and it can't feel the outside world at all. "

Bai Qing's eyes were red and said, "in short, it's too dangerous."

Chen Yang still hasn't said one thing, that is, the power of heaven is always in the state of blocking Dao Qi, which is also a terrible value for his energy consumption.

At the same time, Chen Yang also wants to control the power of heaven and let it not control the Dao Qi too much.

Give Dao Qi hope to break away from the seal, or he will finally feel that he is simply dead. Why not burn jade and stone?

Chen Yang feels that his life is becoming more and more difficult. In the next day, he should not only give hope to Dao Qi, but also continuously deliver nutrition to Tiandao pen.

He has felt exhausted, which is the manifestation of excessive energy consumption.

Time passed quickly, and another month passed in the twinkling of an eye.

A month later, Bai Qing fully recovered from his injury and has reached his peak again.

The eternal devil's body is also fully restored.

Chen Yang's life is not good. He is a little dizzy and confused every day.

Excessive energy consumption is like an ordinary person overworked every day

But he was helpless and could not reverse the situation.

He hates that knife gas to the bone

At the same time, Chen Yang felt he had to be vigilant against Tiandao pen. This thing is not a good bird. Now Dao Qi and Tiandao pen are still restraining each other. When the sabre Qi disappears, if Tiandao pen suddenly attacks itself that day, how can it resist?

When he thought of the situation that the sword Qi attacked his whole body and his body immediately lost control that day, he felt creepy and terrible.

On this day, the three of Chen Yang set foot on the journey of finding chaotic lingteng again.

This time I have a little goal, which is to try to find some cold places.

Chen Yang, Bai Qing and the eternal devil have made a lot of analysis.

This chaotic spirit vine is now hard to find by the world, and likes ice and cold... And the ancestor of canfeng is often looking for it

This shows that the place where chaotic lingteng is located should be far away from the world of mortals.

So they need to go where there are no people.

Although there is little hope, we have to find it.

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, but you can't give up hope

They went all the way north

Fly out continuously for a month, but you will still encounter people and friars on some islands.

Sometimes you will encounter some icebergs.

Sometimes they dive into the sea

But there was no gain.

On this day, Chen Yangjing settled down and felt that he couldn't just look for it blindly.

He said in his heart, "did Lao Tzu find the treasure of ancestral gods in the eternal star domain that is difficult for the world to find? Today, I will certainly find this chaotic spirit vine that the world can't find. "

He began to think, "where am I better than the world? What are the advantages? "

"Yes, I have Dao Qi. Dao Qi is my pain and my advantage. And I also took so many chaos pills, including chaos gourd, which I swallowed. The Qi of chaos in me is closest to the mother Qi of chaos lingteng. Therefore, I can't look for it blindly, but concentrate on understanding the Qi of chaos. "

Therefore, Chen Yang no longer looked for it indiscriminately, but found an island.

He sat cross legged.

Let Bai Qing and the eternal devil guard the Dharma for him.

Soon, Chen Yang entered a settled state. He felt the chaotic Qi in his body. The chaotic Qi swam in flesh and blood and mana. It seemed insignificant, but it had a special breath.

After this thorough meditation, I felt not only the Qi of chaos, but also the smell of aloes pill left by Yuansheng, the fastest update of the webnovel!