Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Martial Practitioners Nationwide!

When Jiang Yi, after a long absence, stepped out of his house to purchase sufficient food for himself, he could clearly perceive, or rather, directly see ordinary people starting to discuss the evolutionary virus. They realized the fact that this world was no longer ordinary.

Those who kept pets at home would find their pets becoming larger and more ferocious.

Even people who lived alone would find their bodies inexplicably becoming stronger, all due to the stimulation of the evolutionary virus.

For a moment, in reality, on social networking platforms, and in the comment sections of various video websites, every corner was filled with discussions about the evolutionary virus and martial practitioners.Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

“I never expected that the evolutionary virus would quietly descend like this. I thought we were going to experience a meteorite impact.”

“Well, it’s for the best. After all, we’re all just ordinary people. If we were hit directly by a meteorite, there would be no chance of survival.”

“Humph! My fate is in my hands, not in the hands of heaven. Life and death are only a fine line apart! I’m quitting my job today and focusing on practicing body tempering techniques, striving to become a martial practitioner recruited by the country as soon as possible!”

“Ah, but... even though what you’re saying sounds incredible, I still have a hard time believing it. A video is just a video, how could its contents become reality?”

Some people believed in the appearance of the evolutionary virus, while others didn’t.

After all, such things were too unbelievable.

However, soon enough, someone posted relevant evidence to prove that what they were saying was not false, and that martial practitioners and fierce beasts were indeed real!

It was two very simple photos.

One showed the military closing off all forested areas and setting up artillery fortifications at the outer perimeter, seeming to be on alert for something.

The other showed a blurry photo of a young man wielding a war knife, locked in combat with a fierce beast.

The photography skills were very ordinary, even lackluster, but they caused a storm on the internet worldwide, leaving countless people with shocked expressions and blank minds.

“At the same time, suspend all research in the biological field domestically and let those scientists study the evolutionary virus to strive for the early development of gene serum.

“All carcasses of fierce beasts, except for a small portion given to martial practitioners for consumption, shall be supplied to research institutes!”

“Yes, Commander!” The middle-aged officer nodded solemnly.

He understood the significance of the orders given by the old man. After all, the existence of gene medicines was too important.

Anyone who took gene serums, regardless of their aptitude, would at least become a martial practitioner, a powerful individual capable of fighting head-on with evolutionary beasts.

Not only in terms of physical fitness, but even in the realm of spirit and lifespan, there would be improvements.

It could be said that whichever country first researched gene medicines would become the leader of the new era, firmly occupying a dominant position.

So, why would Summer Country have any reason not to research it?

Soon, the old man’s orders were disseminated to every corner of Summer Country, and various departments operated efficiently, issuing one notice after another, announcing the new rules and regulations tacitly approved by the old man.

The national momentum roared and roared, irreversible, only allowing for the flow.

A unprecedented upheaval swept across Summer Country, causing a sensation at home and abroad.

“From today onwards, the Martial Practitioners Administration Department is officially established. All citizens who have practiced body tempering techniques to the proficient level and meet the physical fitness standards may register as martial practitioners at their local government agencies.

“The firearm restrictions on all law enforcement departments of Summer Country are lifted. During patrol, firearms are allowed to be carried to ensure the safety of Summer Country’s citizens during their travels.

“The Ministry of Education will modify the primary subjects of study, with the main subjects now being language, mathematics, and martial arts. If students become martial practitioners before the college entrance examination, they can be exempted from the examination and directly enrolled in higher education institutions.”

Notice after notice was issued, each one enough to cause a sensation on a normal day.

However, they were all issued today.

Like a carnival feast.