Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Despair of Humanity

The faceless head was shrouded in dense tentacles, and the surface of its body was extremely smooth and sticky. Whenever its bloated and massive body began to move, the dripping mucus would thoroughly contaminate the ground beneath its feet.

The gigantic green figure staggered out of the dead city and into the sight of the living.VIssiT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

It resembled a mountain walking between heaven and earth.

For this long silent world, it brought back the echoes of ancient times.

In terms of strength and status, the Faceless Behemoth was far inferior to the ancient ruler and the offspring of the Evil God, but that was only relatively speaking. Before the humans of Blue Star, the Faceless Behemoth was the absolute harbinger of doom.

Bringing the proclamation of death and the advent of the apocalypse.

Even the humans’ proud conventional weapons and steel tanks could not gain any advantage against this behemoth comparable to mountains.

A single step was enough to crush and obliterate everything.

“Humanity... is beyond salvation.” Jiang Yi, who observed everything from start to finish, shook his head.

He was clearer than anyone on Blue Star that the Faceless Behemoth was not just an ordinary servant of the Evil God.

Even among transcendent life forms, the Faceless Behemoth was relatively tough and could ignore the attacks of most conventional weapons.

With the current level of human technology, only a few weapons could cause damage to it.

“System, accelerate the simulation,” Jiang Yi waved his hand and said.

He no longer wanted to interfere and wanted to see whether, according to the current trend of development, humanity would be annihilated by the Faceless Behemoth or if they could find a glimmer of hope in the face of despair.

【At the host’s command, the flow of time in the simulated world accelerated. Within a short week, the Faceless Behemoth traversed every corner of Hop Country, corrupting and eroding all the land and flora and fauna.】

【A large number of abominations surrounded the body of the Faceless Behemoth, following it as it crossed the ocean, aiming directly at other human-inhabited land masses.】

Its upper body was mostly blown up, with only its legs walking in the sea, retaining some remnants.

But that was enough.

Gurgle~ Gurgle~ Gurgle.

The sea surged, filling the void evaporated by the bombs and bringing a large number of fish.

The remnants of the Faceless Behemoth seemed to be touched by something, and countless tentacles spread out from its body, devouring all the flesh and creatures around the surrounding waters.

If any accompanying abominations had not died in the explosion, they would also be instantly consumed by the Faceless Behemoth.

Two hours later, the calm sea was torn apart by the huge tentacle arms, and the massive Faceless Behemoth once again stood upon Blue Star.

Ignoring the envelopment of nuclear radiation, it followed the originally planned route.

Step by step, it approached the other land masses where humans resided.

Although it had been severely wounded once, its breath had weakened a lot compared to before, but it was still an invincible demon in the eyes of humans.

“What a joke!?”

“Even using ten forbidden weapons, we still couldn’t completely destroy that monster!”

Among the many high-level humans who secretly monitored the situation, one person couldn’t help but roar.

Everyone’s faces were ashen, plunged into true despair.

Only the old man from SummerCountry, trembling but still emanating a resolute gaze, refused to give up.

“The key to breaking the deadlock must lie in the Gene Serum that the Observer bestowed upon humanity!

“It’s not time to give up yet!”