Chapter 58

Chapter 58: The Tolore Civilization, Division of Cosmic Civilizations

【The Five-Clawed Evil Dragon, freely emitting its aura in the dark void of space, attracts great attention. It is captured and consumed by even more powerful evil. This simulation ends here. Would you like to save it?】

“Consumed by stronger evil? What a dramatic ending.”

Jiang Yi’s expression was full of regret.

He had seen that giant hand that covered the sky in the “Vision of the Ancient Overlord” save file. It originated from a towering titan-like evil, second only to the progeny of the evil god, among countless evil.

In the face of such an existence, it wasn’t unacceptable for the stellar-level Five-Clawed Evil Dragon to be swallowed whole.

“Let’s save it. Name this save file ‘Evolutionary Frenzy: The End of the Evil Dragon.'”

【Save successful. Named successfully】

【This simulation ends here. You are welcome to use it again next time】

As the familiar cold mechanical voice of the system sounded, the entire simulated world began to disintegrate.

On the way back to reality, Jiang Yi even yawned.

There was no helping it. This simulation was too quick and straightforward. Apart from spreading corruption at the beginning, Jiang Yi spent the rest of the time watching the Five-Clawed Evil Dragon rapidly grow stronger.

Finally, it broke out into space, only to be preyed upon by an even more powerful titan-like evil from a distance.

Such a simple and brutal process might even result in very few simulation rewards.

【Simulation rewards are now being distributed. Details are as follows: Half of the corpse of the Five-Clawed Evil Dragon, the intelligent chip from the extraterrestrial spacecraft】

【Half of the corpse of the Five-Clawed Evil Dragon: The body of a stellar-level evil, with traces of bites and tearing at the broken end, seems to be the remnant left behind by some powerful existence after eating】Geett the latest novels at

【Intelligent chip from the extraterrestrial spacecraft: The true core of the spacecraft, recording all information about the spacecraft itself, seemingly containing some knowledge of extraterrestrial civilizations】

【Received simulation points: 50,000】

【All rewards can be freely retrieved by the host’s intent】

They could only survive cautiously, dependent on the control of those more powerful civilizations, occasionally bullying new civilizations like Blue Star that were just starting out.

“How should I put it, the cruel law of the jungle...”

Seeing this, Jiang Yi couldn’t help but sigh.

While Blue Star was being ravaged by the Tolore civilization, behind the scenes, the Tolore civilization was always fearful and vigilant against even more powerful civilizations.

In the end, it all came down to strength.

Only strength could ensure long-term survival in this cold and silent universe.

“It seems that in future simulations, I’ll have to guide the development of humanity carefully,” Jiang Yi sat in his chair, tapping the armrest lightly with his fingers, wearing a pensive expression.

According to the information in the intelligent chip, the Milky Way Galaxy was now considered relatively powerful.

But overall, this galaxy was still dominated by humanoid technological civilizations, with a large number of technological civilizations forming alliances to resist other stellar races and firmly maintaining their dominant position in the Milky Way.

However, this only represented the situation within the Milky Way Galaxy.

In other galaxy clusters, the dominant civilizations of each galaxy were completely different, and many galaxies had even become the backyard gardens of the ancient overlords, constantly spawning terrifying evils.

“Even if we look at the entire universe, are the ancient overlords still the strongest?” Jiang Yi frowned.

The Tolore civilization’s level of strength was still too low, not worthy of knowing more information. They only knew that the ancient overlords were a universal taboo that could not be touched.

Planetary level, stellar level, galactic level.

These were the three known levels for the Tolore civilization, applicable to all civilizations and individual organisms. Besides these, the Tolore civilization itself was unclear about other realms.

“No rush, no rush. Humans haven’t even reached the stellar level civilization yet, so there’s no need to hurry to learn about higher levels.”

Jiang Yi contemplated and continued to examine the contents of the intelligent chip.

After becoming a planetary-level warrior, he had already gained superhuman memory, the so-called photographic memory.

But to ensure that there was no oversight and to better assess the information, Jiang Yi still spent several hours carefully going through it.