The Key to Cooperation

Francesca’s father Ewald, called Graziano’s name to criticize and rebuke him in his usual indifferent voice.


“HAHAHA! Why not, it does sound fun Ewald.”

The King Luka chuckled, and then calmly looked down at Graziano.

“A Duel eh? How interesting. What kind of duel do you have in mind, speak up.”

“It’s very simple. Who will first fulfil your majesty’s………Luka-sama’s orders. Let me and Aldini compete over that. How about it?”

“Hmm I see. Meaning, it’s a simple competition between Leonardo and Graziano, am I correct?”

“Wh, what are you talking about, Graziano!?”

Francesca was panicking. Why had he come up with such unreasonable things all of sudden? It was very unlike Graziano’s usual self.

“Now’s not the time to be having a duel, right!? The person being targeted is Graziano’s……..”

“I don’t mind it either, Francesca.”

“Not you too, Leonardo!”

Leonardo was clearly enjoying this as well. His golden moon-like eyes, were narrowed in amusement.

“Rather than work with anyone that’s not you, I’d prefer fighting over it as well, as it makes it easier for me to move about. What do you think? Lord Calvino.”

Francesca’s father showed no change in expression and simply sighed before speaking.

“My thoughts don’t matter anymore. His majesty is already enjoying this situation too much already.”

“Hahahaha, I won’t lie, I am! I just can’t help but be amused by it all!”

Luka who was really enjoying this new development, leaned back on his throne and spoke.

“——The incident from before. The way you all solved the drugs trafficking problem caused by the former Serranova head Gerard was truly magnificent.”

(………The incident caused by Ricardo’s father……….)

Recalling the events that had occurred only a month ago, Francesca’s body tensed up.

Both her father and Leonardo came very close to actually dying, and that moment where they faced Gerard in the sea of flames was something she was not going to forget any time soon.

“How long as it been that two of the 5 great families, who are so constantly focused on their own territories, came together like this to solve a major problem? And yet, your two families, the Aldinis and Calvinos, seem to have a good compatibility with each other. I am hoping by overlapping your work again, maybe we can see another great result like before.”

That’s why, this investigation was not going like Francesca had experienced in the game, and instead, Leonardo had been included in it as well.

(During the incident with Ricardo’s father, Leonardo certainly did lend a helping hand with solving it all. Seeing the results from that, Luka-sama wants us to work together this time as well it seems…….)

Precisely because she had caused the events of the game to change and made things go differently, now the following events were also seeing the effects of that as well.

Luka’s beautiful eyes turned and focused on Francesca.

“And the key to all of that, is you Francesca.”


There was no way he knew of her reincarnation, and yet she gulped hard.

“Because you were there Francesca, even Leonardo took serious action right? The same goes for your father Ewald as well. Because it was a request from his beloved daughter, he chose to corner Gerard slowly with logic instead of directly trying to kill him in an all out war. And it was precisely because of these decisions that we were able to find out about the betrayal from the [Supervisors] and are going to be able to reach the correct punishment to deal with them.”

Both her father and Leonardo turned to look at Francesca at the same time. Both their gazes were gentle but, she found it all hard to endure as she felt they were overvaluing her contribution.

(Both Papa and Leonardo overestimate me a bit too much……!!)

“And so, I am hoping you would take part in this investigation as well Francesca. Of course, I understand that may be a harsh ask for someone who wants to stay away from that side of your family’s work.”

“N-No! I will take part, of course!”

Even if Luka hadn’t asked her to, she had already decided.

Even if she wanted a peaceful life, the people that the game’s [protagonist Francesca] could save were simply not something, Francesca now could just ignore and discard from her life.

As long as she continues to run from the game’s original scenario, she must properly take responsibility for her actions.

(Although I feel like this doesn’t even count as [running away from the game’s scenario] at this point, does it!?)

She was clearly completely wrapped up in it. Deep inside, she wanted to cry about it but still, Francesca had already resolved herself to face this all.

Seeing Francesca like that, Graziano spoke once again.

“If young miss is going to take part, then all the more reason to do so. While fulfilling the orders from his Majesty, and the Family Head, I would like this to also be the duel with Aldini.”

“Dear oh dear, aren’t you passionate.”

Graziano glared at him again, and Leonardo simply showed his nonchalant smile as always.

“Fine by me. I’ll play with you, Francesca’s watchdog.”

“……..Then it’s settled.”

(Wh, why is the atmosphere suddenly so strange!!?)

She could feel the tension in the air suddenly rise. Francesca looked towards her father in a panic hoping to get some help.

“What is it? Are worried about something, Francesca?”

“Papa! Of course I am, after all, if this goes on——……..”

“If you’re troubled, then that’s a serious matter. Say whatever you want.”

Her father’s tone was calm and gentle. Fully willing to hear and fulfil whatever selfish wants his daughter may ask of him, he spoke with no hesitation.

“—–If it is to fulfil your wishes, I will go against even the King himself, and even start a war if need be.”

“NO WORRIES AT ALL PAPA!! I am VERY much looking forward to how Leonardo and Graziano’s duel turns out!!”

“Hahahaha. You all are really such adorable children. Ah how sweet!”

Thank the lord that he was such a magnanimous king.

Feeling relieved of that fact, she received a bunch of sweets from Luka, and then they all left the audience chamber.