Chapter 05: The story in motion

The Holy Maiden catches stars in the night sky, commonly known as "Otoshi".

This is the story of a star-blessed girl who becomes a Baroness and, from her beauty and innocence, ultimately becomes the Princess.

The plot itself is a familiar one.

There have been many similar novels, although they have changed a little with the times.

But it uses names, titles and places very similar to those that really exist.

Apparently, with just a look, the aristocrats and commoners as well, feel that it has a sense of reality that no other novel has.

That was the reason for the stupid scale of its sales.

" head hurts."

Incidentally, the author himself seems to have understood that this was a crime of profanity or insult against the country nobility.

So, his/her name on the book is a pseudonym, and even though we contacted the publisher, he was unaware of it.

Now, if this is all, we can just ignore it.

Rather, I could have used the novel as an excuse become closer to Elizabeth, saying it's needed to show that we are not estranged.

The only reason it didn't happen is...

"Miss Ulysses Merryfield!"

A voice from outside called out the name of the person I was thinking of, and I looked up giving a deep sigh.

I looked through the window into the garden downstairs, where Miss Ulysses, probably the most famous person in the school at the moment, stood surrounded by several girls.

"Are you sure you're not overdoing it?"

"How much Lady Elizabeth is hurt because of these heartless rumors..."

"But you!! I heard that you asked the goodwill of Lady Elizabeth to introduce you to His Highness Vincent !!"

I was thrilled when her name came up and looked back at Harold who told me gently to hide myself before they notice me.

... They don't even know that I and Harold are still in the classroom.

"You should understand that it's better for you to stay away of this right?"

It's best to pretend we didn't hear anything and leave the room.

However, just as I was about to leave the classroom, Miss Ulysses stopped me... just with pronouncing a few words.

"No, I just wanted to enjoy the coincidences of the novel, like everybody else does..."

Oh, she thinks Elizabeth and I enjoy that novel?

I'm not sure if I should but know what I want to do!

"Even so, for the looks of it, it's better to not make a sound..."

"Right, because I feel like I'm going to start screaming out of sheer oblivion!"

Just as Harold recommended me to don't say anything useless, I think he may be right, he never does anything in a meaningless way.

"Well, I guess so."


... Miss Ulysses is the reason why I'm having nightmare after nightmare!

It's unknown if the likeness between her and the protagonist was coincidental, or on purpose like the case of Elizabeth and myself.

Nobles with concubines are commonplace, her hair and eye color are not ridiculously rare.

But the vast majority of people didn't think so!

If a vulgar common novel, has three main characters with similarities with real people... all the same age (naturally, since two of them were targeted by the author)

For the aristocrats, who love to hear about others, it's like some kind of newspaper telling an exciting romance "based on real events" that's still unfolding.

Sure enough, Elizabeth began to avoid contact with me.

It seems to be her policy to finish her school life calmly, regardless of whatever it's between me and Miss Ulysses.

My heart was shattered as I looked forward to the opportunity to close the distance with her... thinking that being in the same school building would be enough.

At lunchtime, when I meet Elizabeth and Miss Ulysses in the dining room, Elizabeth bows lightly and hurriedly go out in company of her ladies friends... I think they usually return to her private room.

Of course, I couldn't go into such a place by myself, so I go to sit and eat my meal.

And whenever people around me look at me with furtive, expectant eyes, such as when I walk past Miss Ulysses, but I want to punch her!!

Idiot! Don't talk to me! Don't dare to talk to me!

Miss Ulysses also seems to know that it's rude to suddenly talk to the Crown Prince being just a baroness, and if I continue to ignore her gaze, until it disappears.

But that alone is enough to irritate me.

If it weren't for that novel!

Elizabeth and I were supposed to be having dinner with each other while talking about the morning classes!

This is a fact, not a delusion, Harold!

As a result, it seems that Miss Ulysses requested Elizabeth to introduce me to her, based on the lines of the ladies.

... I'm want to punch you in the face!

"Did you hear what I just said? Lady Elizabeth is heartbroken, you know!"

"His Royal Highness is Lady Elizabeth's fiancé! Why would she want to introduce him to someone like you!"

Hmmm, good point.

But she's... like she is!

And how should I act against Elizabeth's desire to be left alone?

It would have been nice to just keep silence and ignore this situation, but if they keep moving like this, it would result in Elizabeth's disadvantage.

Perhaps they are also in the delicate position of wanting to help the Duchess but couldn't connect with her true feelings.

"I don't... don't mean to."

Miss Ulysse's voice began to tremble.

... There comes the sniffling sound!

I could hear the ladies swallowing their breaths, apparently they didn't expect her to cry over it.

Even I thought to myself, "Oh my God."

Aristocrats are basically advised not to show their emotions in public.

Of course, they make a smile, but they don't unguarded expose the joy from the bottom of their hearts.

The same goes for anger and sadness.

They can express it with words, but not how much an action has effect on them and of course, they don't show it on their faces!

In particular, the act of shedding tears indicates that you have been defeated by your opponent.

A noblewoman would never cry in public--unless she was of commoner origin and had not received such an education on a daily basis.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The ladies seemed to have an awkward feeling when they realized that they had been completely "villainized" by Miss Ulysses, who tearfully repeated her apologies.

But it's too late to encourage them with kind words.

The only thing left for us to do is to walk away quietly.

Just as I was about to sigh, I heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

"What are you doing to her!"


I spilled an insult at the swaggering voice that dove in, and Harold's piercing gaze was directed to me.

But later corrected himself.

"It's okay," he said, waving his hand.

"There're no ears to hear it here..."

The man who suddenly appeared was interrogating ladies in a voice as loud as certain nobleman....

This voice is Edward Noden!

This confirms my worries, the story will be further complicated.

It seemed that even though I and Elizabeth stayed still, the situation had moved on...