After getting Miss Ulysses a change of clothes and taking her home, I was sitting in my darkened room with a glass rabbit in my arms, feeling depressed.

I knew that Elizabeth was trying to avoid Miss Ulysses, and that if she has no choice but to encounter her, she will choose the most amicable way to settle the matter. And it is because she trusts me that she entrusted Miss Ulysses to me.

I am trusted by Elizabeth.

She is not jealous of …….

“Aaaaah ~~~~”

I roll around on the bed.

I turned off the light because I didn’t want to be seen by the portraits of Elizabeth that adorns my room. The smiling Elizabeth looks down at me with the expression of the Virgin Mary who forgives everything, but I don’t think she’s happy to be forgiven today.

But Elizabeth gave me a matching rabbit. That’s right, bunny. …… Soudayo~! Elizabeth likes me somehow, right?


Yeah, it’s a bummer.

Harold and Raphael wondered why I was so happy just receiving a glass rabbit from her, but I think that if you spend half of your life engaged to someone you have a crush on, it’s normal for things to get a little complicated.

No, but being depressed won’t help me move forward. I’m going to solve this case brilliantly and win Elizabeth’s favorability and the distance like a fiancée in the school.


I clenched my fists and stood up. I turned on the lights and looked up at Elizabeth’s portrait.

“Liza, I’m going to be the man you deserve–”

Knock, knock.

“Your Highness, I have an urgent visitor.

You must come right now.”

Just as I was about to get it on, Harold called me over, and because I was surprised, I made the mistake of replying. What the hell was I supposed to say when he called out to me?

But Harold didn’t say anything.

His voice continued to be sharp, as if he couldn’t be bothered with such a thing.

It seems that Lord Domenic had found a clue.


In the hall, Lord Domenic and Raphael were standing opposite me and Harold.

Next to Lord Domenic, who was bowing with his muscular body as usual, Raphael was also bowing outwardly.

“I am happy to inform you, Your Highness, that we have found a wizard who has been given the charm of “Enchantment”. We know that the magic circle was carved by him.”

As soon as he returned to his posture, Lord Domenic immediately began to speak without any need for unnecessary preamble.

“The man is currently under house arrest with his sister at the order of the Duke of Druids. Perhaps he was threatened and forced to cooperate.”(Dominic)

“I thank you for your efforts. If we can protect them, it will be the best proof that the Duchess of Druids is involved in this matter.”(Vincent)

It was not so strange for the Dukes to surround themselves with wizards. But it is a different story if they locked up his sister together and didn’t let them out.

“I will offer my father a reduced sentence in exchange for his testimony. Perhaps they will have to live under the supervision of the state from now on.”

“Yes, that will be unavoidable.”

“They are still alive, right?”

“Yes. I had the person who infiltrated the Duke’s household confirm it. They didn’t have the guts to keep their mouths shut.”

Or, was it an insurance policy in case the magic stone comes to light? He seemed to make a great plan.

If the Duke of Druids took the wizard’s sister hostage and had the wizard testify that it was the Norden family’s instructions, Lord Zachary, who also had the purchase record, we wouldn’t be able to prove his innocence.

They have value. They should not be harmed to make a name for themselves that they were protecting him.

“I also heard from Miss Ulysses that a man who looked like Lars had given her the magic stone. Now Miss Ulysses doesn’t suspect me ……, but the question is whether she will testify honestly in court.”(Vincent)

I shrugged my shoulders.

I don’t think she’s going to be very shy about testifying when she had told me that it was given to her by someone.

The only thing I could think of is that the school was not a good place for testifying.

I don’t know how to solve this mess. ……

“I’m going to send out the troops. Protect the wizard and his sister, and threaten Lars into giving it all up.”(Vincent)

“I think that is too personal, Your Highness. You don’t have any troops that can move directly against him yet. You should wait until you become King and take command of the Royal Army and the Kingsguard.”(Harold)

Harold said with a cool look on his face.

He was trying to euphemistically encourage the “wait until you’re older, little boy” speech.

“I know, I know. I was joking.”(Vincent)

“I didn’t realize that. I apologize for my lack of sense of humor.”(Harold)

This time, the incitement was more or less direct.

“If we were to capture Lars and Miss Ulysses now, it would further pique the interest of the students who are so absorbed in “Otoshi.”

I forced the conversation back to a serious tone.

Even if Miss Ulysses was captured and even Lars, who seemed to have nothing to do with it, was captured too, it was obvious that no matter how much we explain the situation, the rumors would continue to spread on their own.

“And if possible, we would like to keep the existence of a magical stone with the charm of enchantment under wraps.

He was right. That thing is too dangerous.”

Lord Domenic nodded at my words.

The first-class forbidden spells should not even be mentioned in people’s memories. It would be most peaceful if people think that the forbidden spells are impossible to use and that they are just one of the words learned in a magic class.

Lars must only be trying ostensibly for the crime of inciting Miss Ulysses and causing chaos, but his father’s motive was far greater than him.

The only thing they could use for that purpose was the coming-of-age ceremony coming up in a month.

Lars would also attend the party, as requested.

Now that I’ve come this far, I’ll let Lars witness the scenario I’ve set up.

“The coming-of-age party is a month from now. I’ll settle the matter there.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

At my words, the three men put their hands on their chests and bowed their heads.