The day has finally come.

The coming-of-age party at the Royal Academy is held around the end of the first year to celebrate the students’ sixteenth coming of age.

Although relatives are not allowed to attend due to the overly large scale of the event, all students attend, including second and third-year students also visit this event. This is the second most glamorous party after the entrance and graduation ceremonies.

In addition, there is another expectation for this year’s coming-of-age ceremony.

It is the realization of the climactic scene in “Otohoshi.”

The Crown Prince abandons his fiancee, who has repeatedly harassed his lover, and declares the protagonist as his official fiancee.

The white chalk hall, covered with polished marble and gleaming with a luxurious chandelier, is the scene of the climax of “Star Maiden”. Gathered there are the daughters and daughters-in-laws of the nobles, dressed in the most expensive outfits they can afford for today’s big day.

Their faces are filled with an excitement that could not be concealed. Normally, they will have to suppress it in the back of their minds, but on this extraordinary day, it slowly seeps out.

The students gathered in the hall are standing in a circle.

At the center of the circle, in the spot that is the center of attention from the surroundings, there is me, Miss Ulysses, and Elizabeth, who is standing opposite to me.

The space is set aside for the dance. I call out the names of Miss Ulysses and Elizabeth as I step out into the centre of the hall.

I glance around and a sigh almost left my mouth.

Aside from Lukes, who is blowing his nose with a complicated expression on his face, and Edward, whose eyes are shining as he leans forward in the front row of the circle, I could see that many other students are watching the event with excitement.

Are those who don’t move outwardly affected by the “Enchantment”?

Or are they unable to hide their mere curiosity?

I also catch a glimpse of Lars behind the crowd. He is talking to a fellow student next to him, making a face as if to say, “What on earth is going on?” He is really a good actor.

In this respect, Elizabeth, who is standing in the middle of my line of sight, is much less emotional.

She seems to sense something disturbing when she saw me and Ulysses cuddling together, but even so, she seems more puzzled than angry.

As for me, I have a cold expression plastered on my face but my heart is beating so fast inside me that I think it is going to brust any moment.

I’m not sure if it is me who told Ulysses to come over here, but she was the one who put her arm around me. It was she who put her arms around me! It wasn’t me!

I quickly let the scenario play out in my mind.

I take a breath and fill my stomach with air and confidence.

Then, in a voice that echoes through the hall, I say the line that everyone in the room has been expecting.

“I will not put up with your arrogant and vicious behavior anymore, Duchesse Elisabeth de Montlivre. I am breaking off my engagement to you!”

Thank God, I didn’t stutter !!!!

It was too hard to say the dialogue itself, so I could only imitate it in my brain, but I managed somehow.

Elizabeth is not angry. Of course, sadness does not appear on her face either.

“I don’t understand ……,” Elizabeth said.

“You do know what I mean. You would understand, if you would just admit what you’ve done to Ulysses.”

“I have done nothing.”

I know.

But, oddly enough, the response that Elizabeth would have given without any real effort is similar to the dialogue in the novel. The students watches with bated breath.

Elizabeth leans back and looks at me again.

Now, Elizabeth, I’m sure you’ll give me what I want, the lines I’ve been waiting for.

“I am at a loss to decide on my own what to say. His Majesty the King and my father are here.”

As I have expected, Elizabeth mentions her father’s name.

I have expected her to say that because of her love for her country and the importance she places on family ties.

“I have their permission,” I said. “I have their approval, including the fact that I am making this announcement here today.”

At this moment, Elizabeth’s expression, which had never wavered, freezes.

Her eyes widens, and I can see that she is almost staggering and shaking.

Elizabeth take her gaze away from me and looked at Miss Ulysses.


Elizabeth’s cheeks are bloodshot and her eyes are burning with anger.

For the first time, I see Elizabeth’s face with genuine anger.

Her lips are pursed in a straight line, and her face has completely hardened, although she masks most of the emotion, the depths of her eyes that are shining hotly speaks of her anger.

It is a beautiful, noble anger.

With this expression, I immediately knew Miss Ulysses and my part is done, and the story of “Otohoshi” has reached its climax.

“Freeze, Fixin’ the Mirror!”

I release the magic power that I had generated in advance.

It reflects in the hall and reaches all the students, binding the freedom of their bodies – except for me and Elizabeth, who had the blessing of “Return of evil magic”.

After the job is done, I reach over to Elizabeth who is staggering and hold her.

“I’m sorry for the hard part, Riza.”

“……, Your Highness Vince.”

It is a relief to hear the nickname I had requested for her to call me.

I look at her in guilt as I say, “I’m so sorry for your hardship, Riza.”

“Do not be sorry, Your Highness. You did what you had to do. And thank you very much.”

I grasp Elizabeth’s hand as she pulls her back and she tries to distance herself.

I have to let everyone here know that I have no intention of letting go of Elizabeth.

Especially Lars, who is frozen with a look of joy on his face.

“I will now return everyone’s freedom…”

As I said the words I had prepared, I check the scenario that is about to follow.

I’m not talking about the “Otohoshi” scenario, but my scenario.

People say I’m the perfect Crown Prince or something, but that can’t be true.

As you can see from the fact that I was a brat before I met Elizabeth, I had a bad character. I just hide it to be worthy of Elizabeth. In that respect, I can understand the feelings of the Crown Prince in “Otohoshi” who is desperately trying to improve himself for the sake of the person he loves.

The Crown Prince, who was blinded by the heroine’s love and abandoned his fiancée without regard for his position, would surely say, “I’ll never let anyone interfere with my love life.”

He would have said, “Those who interfere in the path of love will be dealt with accordingly.”