30. Vincent and Elizabeth

Within a month of the coming-of-age ceremony party, the “Otohoshi” scandal was no longer on people’s lips.

Miss Serena, whose name was called by an enraged Lars, was apparently the center of attention for a while, but as she repeatedly responded like a frightened little animal, the ladies of the nobility began to read the atmosphere and leave her alone.

Count Norden and his servant Walter were not blamed for the incident, as it was a decoy to expose the misdeeds of the Duke de Druids.

The thrilled Count Norden is now finally working hard at his training, and Edward, who had been worried about his behavior for some time, is now accompanying his father and walking towards his own life.

The magic stone that had the “Enchantment” spell had the spell removed by Lord Domenic’s arrangement, and was placed in the treasury of the royal palace as a gift from Count Norden.

The love story between Elizabeth and I, which I had been receiving from Miss Serena, finally came to an end. We had just been talking and dating for the whole story, but when I proposed to Elizabeth and received her approval in the final scene, my tear gland collapsed. What a hopeful ending!

It gave me courage. It was a wonderful novel.


So now Vincent is with Elizabeth at the circus in the castle town.

It’s called a “sneak date”.

“Look at this, Vince. A tiger and an elephant are dancing!”

Elizabeth says excitedly, but in a hushed voice, avoiding her surroundings.

Since it’s a private date, it’s natural for her to use the honorific title “Your Highness”. But they are on a date so Vincent asked her to call him Vince. Since they are going out for a day, it would be too formal to call him Mr. Vincent. But he is still somehow distracted. He practiced about the date at the castle over and over again while blushing and repeating the word he would say to Elizabeth, but she, who is completely captivated by the circus and didn’t care about him anymore.

“Sounds like fun.”

“What a strange sight ……. Oh, Vince, there’s a man in the air!”

Every time something happens, Elizabeth calls his name and tells him about the thing excitedly. When he remembers Elizabeth’s cute expression during practice, and the synergy with Elizabeth’s smile now, it is enough to make him faint in happiness.

Even though Harold is not there, the seats in front of, behind, and to the left and right of them are, of course, their escorts. He shouldn’t …… be seen smiling, he can’t ………… be seen smiling, but he couldn’t help it. He is on a date with Elizabeth!

He is watching the show that would perform about 50 minutes and is sitting in the middle rows because he doesn’t want to miss it, but he really wants to watch Elizabeth all the time.

Elizabeth’s eyes are glued to the stage. Her cheeks, peeking out from her golden curls, are slightly tinted, and her amethyst eyes are sparkling in the dark. Elizabeth was cute as a child, but her expression is beautiful as she sometimes squints her eyes and sighs.

She is an angel after all. ……

In the end, they watched the show for three hours, but Vincent still didn’t mind because it was what Elizabeth wanted after all.

After watching the circus and Elizabeth at the same time, they walked along the main street of the Royal City. Elizabeth is very happy to see the place that she usually passes by in her carriage.

The boulevard is crowded with people and many souvenir shops catering to tourists.

As she peeks at the goods lined up in front of the stores, Elizabeth gasps in amazement.

“It’s Count Matthew Murrow!”

Elizabeth pointes to the statue of the upside-down rabbit that she had previously given to him. Oh, that’s what its name was, thought Vincent in his mind.

A coat of arms hangs on the door of the ornament store. Inside it is a laurel wreath surrounding a feathered rabbit. The crest of this apparent peace itself is …….

“Is it not the crest of your mother’s family?”(Vincent)

“Yes, it is. Count Matthew Mallow designed it before the Queen’s marriage and it became very popular. It is still popular as a good-luck charm.”(Elizabeth)

“Oh my, pens, notebooks, and paperweights! They have a lot of limited edition items at the main store. Let’s go, Vince.”(Elizabeth)

Elizabeth takes the surprised hand of Vincent and leads him into the store.

The warmth of her hand through her glove instantly takes his consciousness away.

Vincent has held her hand at the party the other day, but when Elizabeth held his hand, his heart was not at ease. It was jumping wildly like a horse galloping on a mountain path.

He is thinking of buying things with matching colour when Elizabeth calls out to him.

“Hmm? This is …….”

“Vince, I’m buying this one. What would you like to take?”

Just as he was about to come to some kind of conclusion, Elizabeth, with a big smile on her face, pulls him by the arm and shows him the things she bought. Vincent looks at the shopping basket in her hand which is full of knick-knacks.

All of them are two at a time, which means they are all couple items.

“Okay, then I’ll help you buy them.”

“No, I’m buying it, so I’ll pay.”

“……, but that’s for me, right?”

Vincent asks, feeling seriously embarrassed if he was wrong, but Elizabeth simply nods her head.

“Yes, but I want to buy it.”

“Then let me give it to Riza as a gift. How about this?” Vincent suggested. After some negotiations, Elizabeth finally agrees to pay half the amount.

However, she says it is unfair that she is only paying for her own purchases, so they go to shopping again and bought two handkerchiefs embroidered with a bowing chameleon, which is the symbol of Marquis de Framboise.

Vincent couldn’t help but wonder why such a motif is so popular, but he didn’t know that it had been invented by the Queen, his mother. That’s what the royal garden looks like.

After paying the bill with mixed emotions, Vincent has completely forgotten about the question that had just crossed his mind.

By the time they left the ornament store, it was time for dinner.

For Elizabeth, who has a sweet tooth, Vincent had arranged for a sweet stall recommended by Miss Serena. Taking even a poisoner along would have meant too many guards, so Vincent had replaced the shopkeeper by a royal hand.

However, the taste is the same since they were sent as apprentices a week ago.

The store’s recommendation is a deep-fried doughnut on a skewer, topped with an abundance of whipped cream, and then topped with caramel.

Elizabeth’s eyes lit up at the sight of this sweet, sweet, calorie-dense concoction.

After having a snacks break, the next stop they go is to the cathedral gardens along the main street.

Although it is still winter, close to spring, and there are few visitors, the garden is well-maintained and the early blooming flowers look very beautiful. The last rays of the sun is shining beautifully on the brick cathedral.

With half of the knick-knacks they had just bought under their arms and a fried doughnut clutched in the other hand, they walked alongside to the bench.

Vincent, as gentlemanly as possible lays down his handkerchief on the bench to keep Elizabeth’s skirt clean. Elizabeth sits down on the bench with a smile and thank you.

“Then, let’s eat.”

Elizabeth bit into a fried doughnut with her mouth relaxed. Vincent follows suit and tajr a bite.

It’s sweet. But the texture is surprisingly gentle and it goes down the throat easily. The doughnut is crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, and the smooth cream and crispy caramel are in perfect harmony.

“Sweet and delicious.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

The deep-fried doughnut, which seemed to be a large portion, is absorbed into their stomachs in no time. The sugar soaked into their body after all the excitement.

“Thank you very much for the food.”

After finishing her meal, Elizabeth wrapped the skewer in paper and clasped her hands together.

Vincent’s heart skipped a beat.

That’s the end of today’s sneak date itinerary, this is Elizabeth thinks. Because I explained so.

But it’s not really so.

The main purpose of today’s visit is to…….


“Yes, Vince.”

When he nervously calls her name, Elizabeth immediately makes eye contact and smiled at him. Her smile is like a thousand flowers blooming, Vincent’s heart tightened in nervousness.

It was a fun day, the cathedral, the beautiful gardens, and her fiancées, everything was beautiful because she was with him.

The stage was set perfectly.

“Elizabeth, you are the best companion I have ever had. I want you to be with me forever.”

“Of course I will. I am the one who is always following your back.”

Elizabeth, who replies without hesitation, has no idea how much Vincent was and is in love with her. She has no idea that he wants to be with her all the time, that he wants her to like him too.

He wants her to know.

He wants her to know and be aware of it. He was happy to be next to Elizabeth just because he was her fiancée, but it was also sad. He became more aware of this after the recent incident.

The reason of her nonchalant attitude is because she knew that they would eventually get married. So, Vincent has decided to confess his feelings to her today.

“There is something I want you to know.”

“Yes, what is it?”

Vincent looks into Elizabeth’s eyes.

His eyes caught the pale purple orbs that were directed straight at him, he could feel his face turning red. But he knows, if he feels embarrassed now, he would lose. He has to make a face like “It’s because of the sunset, my face is not actually red”.

From her point of view, Vincent is a calm and reliable fiancée.

He is a cool guy, and if he says s

he likes her, it’s because they are fiancee.

When will he get the chance to use his best royal smile if not here and now?

“Elizabeth, I’d like you to know …….”

Come on, Vincent!

The practice of a thousand times in front of her portrait, now it’s time to show the results!

“You’re the o–”


I wonder if Vincent was able to convey his feelings to Elizabeth.

Mabe only Elizabeth, him, and God know. Oh, and the readers.

The end?