Since the declaration of his search for a Queen, Leohardt’s surroundings have been gradually filled with nobles’ daughters.

Starting in the morning, between classes, during lunch breaks, and after school, the girls are always surrounding him. The ones who are willing to be Leohardt’s queen approach him decisively. But Leohardt dodges them without giving a definitive answer, while saying sweet words that make you want to ask him if he learned it from Raphael or if it was his own invented words.

Such behavior attracts the attention of noble sons too. They look at him with curiosity and jealousy.

Miss Lisha began to move separately from Leohardt, not following him like a duckling anymore. According to what I hear, she is studying quite hard, she even uses her breaks to study and review.

She has a good reputation among her teachers. She takes her lessons seriously, stares intently at the blackboard, and asks questions when she doesn’t understand something. She also seems to be getting along well with the other students.

Although she was brought here at the Prince’s whim, Miss Lisha’s attempts to improve herself are met with sympathy and admiration, albeit secretly.

This was also probably Leohardt’s intention.

Acting like a playboy in a neighboring country from the prying eyes of his brother, to reduce the power of the conflict and – perhaps most importantly – to distract the “enemy’s” attention to Miss Lisha from him.


“Good morning, Leohardt-sama.”

“Good morning, Leohardt-sama.”

“Good morning, Leohardt-sama.”

A chorus of ‘Good morning Leohardt-sama’ rings as soon Leohardt approaches.

“I understand he is looking for a prospective bride, but why is he visiting the saloon recently?”

“Maybe he came for Elizabeth-sama?”

“Maybe, but Elizabeth-sama already has His Royal Highness, Prince Vincent.”

“Yes! They are in so much love with each other, you know. I am afraid even if he chases Elizabeth-sama to the end of the world, he won’t succeed.”

“Yes, so I think it will be better if he marries me…”

“No, Prince Leohardt will marry me!”

After school, Elizabeth’s bodyguards will gather in a crowd as soon as Leohart shows up.

They pretend to fight among themselves, but the truth is, they are hiding Elizabeth by creating a wall of people in front of her while keeping her in the back. It’s an admirable job. Rather than supporting me, they seem to be desperate to protect Elizabeth from Leohardt because they don’t want Elizabeth to leave the country. As long as Leohardt stays away from her, they don’t care what methods they have to use, neither do I.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Leohardt-sama is here again.”

Miss Margaret whisperes yells to the ladies and the others quickly move away from Leohart. But this time, they gather around Elizabeth and start chatting.

Great, now I can’t see Elizabeth.

“Oh my, it’s time for the saloon. We’ll see you when we are done. Have a nice day, Your Highnesses.”

The daughters approach while making sure Elizabeth is standing inside the man-made, no, women-made circle they created. I can feel the pressure of their tight formation and bulging skirts pushing me away. Before I knew it, I was out of the way, almost plastered to the wall.

Next to me, Leohardt is still smiling.

“I’ve heard they don’t like me. But it seems they don’t like you either. …… or maybe they just like her.”

“It’s probably both.”

I mutter as I look inside the saloon where the ladies are busy chatting now.

In the back of the saloon room, Miss Lisha is reading her notes. Gradually her face clouds over and her brow furrows. Even from a distance, I can see that although she had taken notes, she apparently can not understand them.

One of the ladies peeks on her note, points at the description, and says something. Then Miss Lisha’s face turns thoughtful, and a smile, as if a flower is blooming, breaks out on her face once she understands the topic.

The girl who just helped her was also smiling.

I see, so this is the kind of heroine that “Otoboshi” was originally aiming for.

……Ah, I have a bad feeling about this.

I pull Leohardt with an indescribable feeling and go into the next room.

The room is smaller than the saloon room, and Harold has already arranged for some drinks and snacks. There are also sweets that Elizabeth seems to like.

“This is …….”(Leohardt)

“We have one from the neighboring country, too.”(Harold)

“Well done.”(Vincent)

Harold puts his hand on his chest and bows. Even if it’s just to score points with Miss Margaret, I’m happy to eat Elizabeth’s favorite food in a space not too far from her.

I can’t get too far away from Elizabeth, when I know that ‘someone’ is trying to steal her from me.

If I imagine hard, I may be able to see her while eating the sweets she likes. It’s called a virtual date.

“How about you, Harold? You can sit with me.”

I generously invited Harold, because I’m sure that he would also like to feel his fiancée’s presence and eat her sweets as much as I did, but Harold still stands still and shakes his head.

“It’s not necessary, I’m not that great at it. So I will have to…… decline your offer.”

“I see.”

Maybe his imagination is bad because the Abakalovs are martial artists, so they don’t practice magic as much.

Now, the problem is Leohardt.

I set the macaroon in my right hand so that I could eat it at any time and look at Leohart.

“What the hell are you doing? You are disrupting the public morals of the school. You are making advances toward Elizabeth, as if you are desperate to make a bad name for yourself in the neighboring countries. Do you want to disgrace your family name, as well as the reputation and honour of the Kingdom of Orion, and also tarnish the honor of Lord Marius?”

“No way. You are my friend, my brother, and I are loyal to the country that will be yours in the future.”


I can’t help but stare at him with the eyes of ‘You are spouting nonsense’.

What is scary about him is this seemingly innocent line, which is the complete contradiction between what was expressed and what Leohardt said and did.

In other words, there are various troublesome plans behind the scenes made by him, and if I guess right, Elizabeth is the key person behind them.

“I am in love with Elizabeth. I want to take her to my country as my Princess Consort. Would that be all right?”

Leohardt gives me smiles, a gentle smile. His smile was fake and filled with artificial affection. I know it because I do it often.

If he wanted to provoke me, then he succeeded. Because I’m mad!

“I won’t let that happen.”

“Well, then, let’s discuss it. I think Lady Elizabeth will be happier in our country.”


I shouldn’t have shown him my angry look, but I did.

Without looking behind me, I can see Harold shaking his head.

Leohardt continues talking nonsense with a nonchalant look on his face.

“The other day, our country discovered a mine of condensed magic crystal. It is said that there will be no end to magic crystals in our country for the next 30 years.”

“…… what do you mean?”

“I can promise Lady Elizabeth a wealthy life. I can promise her a life much richer than you will ever have in the land you are about to rule.”


Do you think Elizabeth will change her mind for money?

I almost opened my mouth to say this when I realised that was not the case.

At least in terms of funds, the Kingdom of Orion has more to spare than our country. That means that there is a good chance that we can reduce the burden that Elizabeth will have to endure in the future.

Life is all about “enough is enough. There is no need to be full”*.

[T/N: It’s a proverb which may mean, Happiness lies in contentment. You shouldn’t expect too much and be happy with what you have.]

However, when I put Elizabeth’s happiness first, I, as the Crown Prince, cannot reach the standard of Leohardt in terms of funds.

If I ask her about it, she would say, “Money is not an issue, if we work together to improve the country, the results will naturally follow.” I’m confident she will say that.

But that’s not the case that makes me feel down, I feel defeated because I know I won’t be able to give her the luxury she deserves.


“Your Highness, Leohardt, if you don’t mind, may I say something. ……

As I was sulking, Harold stepped forward.

“I was wondering if you would allow me to ask something?”

“Yes, of course.”

Leohardt agrees with a chuckle. In response, Harold narrows his eyes and suddenly smiles.

Good job Harold. I’m cheering for you on the back!

The smile on Harold’s face is too scary, it’s the once-a-year smile of Harold the Ice Man.

It would be rude to return a blank expression since Leohardt is also smiling. Even though I knew his intention, I still felt defeated.

I smile at Harold and encourage him in my heart. But Harold just glanced at me and gave me no reaction, and then turned to Leohardt and started talking.

“Rumour has it that the novel “Otohoshi” was imported from our country to the Kingdom of Orion and is now pretty famous there. I heard that His Highness Marius and Miss Lisha are also very fond of that novel.”

“I see, as I have heard, the Abakalovs are extending their reach in various ways.”

Leohardt’s mouth twists into a grin.

“If my guess is true, the reason you are approaching Elizabeth is that it concerns Marius-sama.”(Vincent)

“If you know that, then there is no need for me to explain anything. I am sure that Lady Elizabeth will cooperate with me.”(Leohardt)

“That’s the problem, isn’t it?”(Vincent)

I raised my eyebrows when he told me that I had probably guessed everything by implication.

Guessing and hearing it from his own mouth are two very different things. Leohardt is also probably trying to figure out how many circumstances would make me nod my head.

Naturally, I would not agree to this without hesitation.

No matter how much Elizabeth said it would be a good idea, I won’t agree.

I can’t believe that he would turn Elizabeth, whom I protected, into a “villainess” again.