According to Leohardt.

Marius and Miss Lisha met at a ball.

In order to overcome his shyness and embarrassment, Marius often attended balls concealing his true identity. He went to social gatherings where many of the lower nobility were present because he was afraid that some of the upper nobility might know him.

One night, Miss Lisha met the sick Lord Marius and took care of him without knowing his true identity. Marius later told Leohardt that it was the only time he did not feel any discomfort from meeting another person.

The two continued to meet and finally fell in love.

However, one is a Prince, and the other is a Baron’s daughter. So they could never openly announce their love.

Marius consulted with his trusted brother, Leohardt, to find the solution of the problem.

Leohardt, who had heard the story, half-way forcibly appointed Miss Lisha to be his companion while studying in our academy, and persuaded the King and Queen to study abroad.

“The battle for the heir to the throne is about to get rough, and I can’t leave a story that could cause a mess near my brother.”

Leohard folded his arms and said solemnly.

It is true that anyone in Marius’ situation would probably say something like, “I’m going to marry Miss Lisha and become a minister.” Even if he didn’t reveal his love affair with a Baron’s daughter, it would still be a reason for his political enemies to attack him. It is understandable that Marius would want to prevent that.

The only thing that surprised me was the way they stopped it.

“It would have been enough to keep Miss Lisha away from him for a reason. The fact that you brought her all the way to our country means ……”

Leohardt intends to protect Miss Liisha.

And if he wants to prove his love for Marius and help him take over the throne, he must make her a Queen.

But the outrageous thing is that he is trying to use Elizabeth for this purpose.

Elizabeth’s blue eyes twinkle as if to confirm my thoughts.

“I felt that she had the will to protect you, even at the cost of her own body. Besides, it would be better for my brother’s sake to take Elizabeth-sama with me than taking a noble daughter from somewhere else.”

……You, don’t think of my fiancee as a bodyguard and therapist ……

“I’ve told Miss Lisha. I’ve told her that her advancement or decline will depend on how well she does when she studies abroad.”

Oh… It was heavier than that.

Is that why Miss Lisha almost cried when requesting to join the saloon with Elizabeth?

“No matter who she accompanies, it is inevitable that elder brother will feel anxious for her safety. So the person standing next to her must have the same level of ability and political strength as the royal family.”

I glance next to me and see Elizabeth nodding in agreement. I’m sure she’s also thinking that Leohardt is right.

Miss Lisha might be in a position where she is unable to make a decision. She has to throw away her conventional wisdom and work hard at her studies to prove her worth.

It must be a thorny path that cannot be compared to what we are talking about, but she has accepted it. And she is working hard.

I am sure that her earnestness must have met Leohardt’s eyes as well. Otherwise, with his ‘Brother-con’ personality, he would have said something like, “I will banish the vixen who seduced my brother”.

“I see, you believe that Miss Lisha will overcome her ordeal.”

“Since she’s going to stand next to Brother instead of me, she’ll have to suffer first.”

I was trying to make it sound good, but you ruined it in two seconds. Are you a psychopath? The type who doesn’t feel remorse?

I want the study period to end as peacefully as possible, and I want him to go home without causing any troubles for me……

But Elizabeth suddenly opens her mouth.

“Leohardt-sama. Please let me help you. I will transform her into a fine lady.”

Standing tall and dignified, Elizabeth looks so beautiful that I fell in love with her again. I was moved to tears by the way she embodied the promise she had made.

I’m sure Leohardt knew this was coming, didn’t he? But there’s no way I can say it out loud.

I also feel sympathy for Miss Lisha and want to cooperate with her. If Elizabeth wants to take on the role of Miss Lisha’s educator, then so be it. It would be good for Marius.

The problem is that this is not the main issue yet either.

“Thank you. I knew Lady Elizabeth would say so.”

“We will do all we can to help Miss Lisha. So …… so it’s time to get to the heart of the matter.”(Vincent)

Why did he need to go out all the way to find a Queen in our country when he have left the succession struggle to his elder brother, by going to a neighboring country to study abroad? In addition, he also threw powder on the Crown Prince’s fiancée, Elizabeth.

……No, well, I think I know.

I mean, it’s the same thing Lars has tried to do in the past. A reenactment of “Otohoshi”. At that time, it was to pull Elizabeth and me down from our positions, but this time it’s to pull up Miss Lisha to the position of the Queen.

This time, it was to raise Miss Lisha, and show her to the nobles and people of the Kingdom of Orion as the “Star Maiden”.

And for that, we needed a “villainess”.

What would happen if Leohardt, who appears to be at odds with Sir Marius politically, brings Elizabeth back home? We already know that people are simpler than we imagined and are easily misled by rumors.

“I will not let you take Elizabeth.”

Leohard shrugs his shoulders when I turn my sharp, menacing gaze on him. In contrast, a fearless smile appeared on his mouth.

“The gears are already in motion without any way to stop. I’m sorry, but I had to drag you guys into this make.”

Oh, you were aware that you were wrong? Now that’s surprising.

Elizabeth is genuinely puzzled, not understanding the intent of the words, and I am surprised to hear Leohardt’s words of consideration for the other party.

In front of us, Leohardt tilts his head with a face so innocent that you could almost hear the sound effect of a “kyururu!*” running in the background. His blue hair sways freely, accentuating his cute face.

[T/N: I have no idea what this means. Maybe the author is trying to imply that he is so cute that people can hear cute noise in their ears just by looking at him?]

With a look that could only be described as sinister to me, Leohart opens his mouth again.

“The Marquis de Acteau is trying to kill me.”


“He is the one who is spreading rumours that I’m wildly indulging in women in a neighboring country. From Marquis Acteau’s point of view, I am a danger to the reputation of the country after I interfered with my brother’s succession to the throne.”

Wait, wait, wait, there is too much information to understand.

“….. are you afraid that your life is in danger? In our country, where you are studying abroad? In an environment where anything that happens is the responsibility of the royal family of my country?”

“Yes. That’s why I was initially thinking of getting down on my knees and beg to Elizabeth-sama for her agreement. I thought it would be quicker to solve this mess if I get her involved.”

He was about to go on the warpath again, but Harold restraints him with his hand.

I knew he was an evil psychopath.