
I nodded.

‘I have something to tell you. That’s good.’

I had to tell Kendrick about the reddish light I saw last night when I was treating Arsene.

“Can we go down now?”

When I looked up at her and asked, Betty replied with a smile.

“Yes, since you ate breakfast, you might want to go now.”

As soon as Betty finished speaking, I went down the spiral staircase.

I saw Betty following me. Betty examined me with care not to let me fall.

I stood in front of Kendrick’s office and knocked on the huge door.

“Come in.”

I heard Kendrick’s voice from inside. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, and the huge door opened slightly.

Betty, who was standing behind me, helped me open the door easily.

“Thank you, Betty.”

“Don’t mention it.”

I stepped into the office. Kendrick, who was sitting in front of a wooden table and working, looked up.

“Come. Sit there, Linsy.”

Kendrick’s hair seemed a little disheveled today.


I carefully sat down on the sofa, watching Kendrick’s eyes.


‘…Am I mad?’

Kendrick’s expression hardened as he examined the papers.

I gulped and waited for Kendrick to come up to me.

A minute felt like an hour.

I flicked his leg, waiting for Kendrick to go through the papers.

‘Maybe he’s mad because of me.’

My ability made Arsene’s condition worse, so he might be angry.

Of course, I know Kendrick never got mad at me for anything like that, but—.

Arsene’s condition looked really serious this time, so there was nothing to say, even if he was angry with me.


Arsene was Kendrick’s only son and Yeckhart’s heir, so it was only natural that he be angry.

Of course, Mr. Hern keeps telling me that it’s okay because he doesn’t want me to worry, but—.

I’m not a fool.

I had been treating Arsene for three years while he was sick.

It means that I can guess whether Arsene is sick or fine even with my eyes closed.

But Arsene.

‘It didn’t look like things were getting better…’

Of course, it didn’t look worse than last night, but it didn’t look like it was getting any better from my point of view. 

I glanced at Kendrick.

Kendrick’s face was still hard.

‘…I can’t help it.’

Even if he’s angry with me, I should accept it humbly because it is definitely my fault.

I clenched my fists and nodded my head indistinctly.

‘If you hold me accountable for that, I’ll tell you that I was wrong and ask for forgiveness.’

At that time, Kendrick sorted out the papers he was reading and came and sat across from me.


Startled, I quickly turned my gaze to Kendrick.

“Yes? Yes!” 

“You’re surprised, are you okay?”

“I, I’m sorry about last night… Yes?” 

I lowered my head and apologized for hurting Arsene, then raised my head at Kendrick’s words.

“Hern said, you look very surprised.” 

Kendrick leaned toward me, stared at me, and soon got up.

And sat next to me familiarly.

“I’m asking if you’re okay. You must have been very surprised.”

“I’m… I’m all right.” 

I nodded bravely.

Of course. There’s nothing I’m not okay with. Arsene, who is sick, is taking the medicine so bravely.

When I said it in a rather confident voice, Kendrick smiled and stroked my hair.

“You don’t have to feel a burden or a sense of debt just because you couldn’t treat Arsene. You did your best. That’s fine.”


“Arsene will be fine soon. Because he is a strong child.”

Kendrick murmured once more that he was a soft, strong kid.

Somehow I felt emotional listening to that.

“By the way, I heard you found me as soon as you woke up.”

“Oh, yes, I have something to tell you…”

While nodding my head, I put my palms together and tried to use my ability.


Round light green spheres floated on top of my palms.

The reddish light, like yesterday, was invisible.

“I don’t see it today… When you were treating Arsene yesterday.”


I swallowed my saliva and took a deep breath before talking.

As expected, it was scary to talk about the ‘curse’ carelessly.

“A reddish light was briefly seen in the palm of my hand, and shortly after that, Arsene’s condition…”

“Arsene’s condition is?” 

“It got worse…” 

Kendrick grabbed my hand as I stuttered and looked down.

I stopped using powers. Kendrick held my hand and looked at me.

“So you must be surprised. It’s a red light…I haven’t heard of that yet, but it might have something to do with the color of your hair.”

“So I wonder if this is a curse…!” 


Kendrick sternly cut me off. I closed his mouth and nodded, looking up at Kendrick.

“I said, there is no curse. It doesn’t matter if there is. So this is not a matter for you to worry about.”


“Let’s find out. For the time being, it would be better to refrain from using your powers.” 

At that time.

There was a loud noise outside the door.

Kendrick and I stopped talking and turned our heads to look at the door at the same time.

Soon after, there was an urgent knock, and as if there was no time to ask Kendrick’s permission, the maid burst open the door and entered.

The maid had a fairly pale face.

“What is going on?”

Kendrick asked sharply, and the maid said urgently.

“Young Master, Young Master…!” 

Kendrick and I both got up from our seats before anyone said anything.



I ran ahead of Kendrick and ran to Arsene’s room.

Arsene was seen struggling with pain in bed.


The little baby wolf was writhing and howling in pain.

“A, Arsene! Are you okay?”

I quickly climbed onto Arsene’s bed and tried to give him a hug but soon stopped.

‘…Can my hand touch it?’

Kendrick, who quickly followed me, sat down on his knees and stroked Arsene’s hair.

“Arsene, are you okay? Hern!”

Hern, who was returning with a bowl full of medicine in his hands as if he had been preparing medicine in a hurry, hurriedly jumped in.

“Yes, my lord. Here it is.”

“Why is Arsene doing this?”

“I don’t know either. The condition suddenly worsened. For now, I keep injecting sedative medicine…”

Hern poured the medicine into his gaping mouth with a small silver spoon, breaking out in a cold sweat.


Arsene vomited more than half of the medicine that had entered his mouth. 

“Arsene, Arsene. Calm down, eung? Eating this will make it less painful….” 

I couldn’t hold or touch Arsene, just looking at Arsene restlessly, wondering if my hand would make Arsene’s condition worse.

At that time, Betty separated me from Arsene.

“My lady, you’d better go back to your room.”

“B, but Betty…” 

“Yes, Linsy. You’d better go back to your room.” 

I knew Arsene’s condition was serious, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.

I tried to tell them that I wanted to stay with Arsene a little longer because I didn’t want to be split up, but I kept my mouth shut.


Even if I was there, it wouldn’t help.

I couldn’t heal Arsene. Far from curing it, the reality is that I can’t even get close to it because I’m afraid I’ll harm it.

So I quietly nodded. Betty hugged me.

“Come on, let’s go back to your room.”


I could see Mr. Hern busily wiping Arsene’s body. 

Kendrick was looking at the little wolf with a confused expression.

Not only Kendrick but all the servants waiting in Arsene’s room had mixed faces.

I returned to the room we shared with Arsene in Betty’s arms.

Because my room is attached to Arsene’s room, and there was an order from Kendrick to rest in the room they shared.

“Lady, do you want me to be with you again today?”

Betty asked carefully.

I shook my head.

“Eung, no… I will be alone today. You can leave.” 

When I shook my head, Betty looked at me worriedly for a while, then nodded.

“Then call me later, Lady. I’ll be back at lunchtime.” 

Betty left, and I squatted on the bed, staring at my palms.

Why is my power able to heal everyone else?

Why can’t I use my power to heal the person I most desperately want to heal?

I remembered the lovely boy with gray hair who grinned at me in my mind.

I want to heal Arsene.

I buried my head in my lap. But then.

“…H, huh?”