“We’ve arrived.”

The carriage soon reached the second mansion.

Arsene got out of the carriage first and held out his hand to make it easier for me to get out.

“Hold it.” 

“Eung, thank you. Arsene.”

I grabbed Arsene’s hand and jumped lightly from the carriage.

In the center of the second mansion, servants were standing in line.

I held Arsene’s hand tightly and looked around with my eyes wide open.

“Wow, it’s the same as back then.”

I still vividly remember the Giles flower incident and repairing the ruined mansion.

Traces of repairs were left here and there.

“I’ve managed it thoroughly. Please come in. Lady, Young Master.”

The butler of the second mansion, Joshua, bowed politely.


I smiled brightly and called him.

Joshua smiled as if in response.

“It’s been a while. I’ve cleaned the room you’ll be staying in in advance.”

Arsene nodded.

“I’ll guide you myself.”

Arsene and I followed Joshua up the stairs of the mansion.

“The Young Master’s room is this way, and the Lady’s room is right next door.”

“Do we use it separately?”

“Yes, should we prepare the same room for you?”

“No, it’s all right.”

I shook my head.

Although it was a little awkward since it had been a long time since I slept in a different room from Arsene.

Arsene also nodded.

“You don’t have to go through the trouble.”

“Then please rest and I’ll prepare a meal.  If you have any inconvenience, please call me anytime.”

“Are we going to the festival after lunch?”

“Yes, the festival is in the afternoon. If you are eating, the Lord will arrive.”

Joshua said, checking the time on his watch. I nodded.

“Eung, thank you.” 

“Yes, please take a rest.” 

Joshua went down the stairs, leaving the two of us in the hallway.

Then, Arsene grabbed my wrist.


“Come here, Linsy.” 

Arsene quickly entered the room and sent out all the servants who were unpacking.



A familiar sound was heard, and shadows slowly gathered around Arsene’s palm.

And soon.


A shadow wolf smaller than usual appeared in the room.

Arsene looked like he was terrified that anyone would even see it.


“Shh, be quiet.”

Arsene waved his hand, and the shadow wolf spun around in place and slowly melted into my shadow.

I blinked.

“Ah, it’s done.”

“But why are you doing this in hiding?”

There must be no one who doesn’t know that Arsene’s power is a shadow. 

I wondered why he secretly attached the shadow wolf to me, avoiding the gaze of others.

“If they know what I put on you, there might be people who attack me. Taking advantage of my weakness.”

“Are you getting weak? You said you could call it right away.” 

“Of course I can call it. But those who don’t know about it, won’t they think I’ve become weak by handing over my power to you?”

Arsene was quite serious.

‘Other people probably don’t know that Arsene’s power is only commanding the shadow wolf anyway…’

Besides, even if they knew, at best they thought it was a shadow wolf like Kendrick.

They wouldn’t have known that Arsene’s shadow wolf had an ego.

I thought so, but I didn’t bother to tell Arsene.

“Anyway, ignore it if anyone talks to you.”

“Ignore it?” 

“Yeah, ignore it, just… It would be useless anyway.”


“If something happens, it will protect you, but… still.” 

Arsene grabbed me and explained word by word what to be careful about.

Like my guardian.

I calmly listened to Arsene’s words.

Because I don’t know why Arsene, Kendrick, and the servants of the Yeckhart mansion are so sensitive.

“…Anyway, did you listen to me?” 

“Eung, of course. And Arsene.”

I took a small necklace out of my pocket.

“What is this?”

Arsene asked curiously.

This necklace was a gift from Kendrick when I was about fourteen.

It was a pretty necklace with a pink crystal embedded in the middle.

And this necklace had a special ability.

‘I put my power in it.’

I was able to use my powers more freely now, and it was possible to a certain extent to put my powers into things.

In other words, it was a method of treating people by thinly extracting their abilities and absorbing them into objects.

When I first figured this out, Kendrick complimented me.

‘But Linsy, you shouldn’t talk about it anywhere.’


Kendrick sighed and said.

‘There are many dangerous people in the world. If they know your ability, there will definitely be people who want to abuse your power. Of course, Yeckhart will guard you, but it’s better to make sure that no one is targeting you.’

So Kendrick and I have kept it a secret between us.


‘Because Arsene said he would attach a shadow wolf to me.’

No matter how much Arsene could call, I knew what a great sacrifice it would be to part with him.

Therefore, I also put a necklace around Arsene’s neck.

It was a little flashy because it was a girl’s necklace, but it didn’t stand out if he tucked it into his shirt.

I looked around for a moment, and then whispered in Arsene’s ear.

“When you get hurt…break the necklace.” 

“The necklace?”

“Yes, it is a temporary measure, but your wound will heal.”

If he breaks the necklace, the powers stored inside will flow out.

So it could be a temporary treatment.

I was worried that Arsene might get hurt, so I prepared it for Arsene.

“If you have something like this…” 

“My power doesn’t work for me.”

Upon hearing my words, Arsene put on an expression of “Ah”.

“So keep it close. Got it? It’s precious, so don’t lose it, and don’t give it to anyone. Don’t even talk about the necklace.”

I held Arsene’s hand tightly, looked him in the eyes, and spoke clearly.

Arsene nodded.

“I got it, Linsy.”

“Eung, okay, good. Because of this, it seems like we just exchanged abilities, right?”

I held Arsene’s hand and smiled.

Arsene nodded as well.

Knock, knock.

Then, someone knocked on the door.

Arsene and I talked for a long time and then surprised.

Then I turned to the door.

“Come in—”

“Lady, Young Master. The meal is ready.”

A maid came in, bowed down, and said it with courtesy.

Arsene and I nodded at the same time.


The meal was over quickly.

The meals in the main mansion and food were excellent, but the clothes I was wearing were uncomfortable, so I couldn’t eat much food.

Arsene also realized that the food was not going well today.

Concerned, I asked Arsene.

“You, you’re not sick, right?” 

“Eung, I’m not sick.” 

“Can you tell me if you’re sick? Eung?”

“Because I’m not sick. Why are you looking at me like a sick child since yesterday?”


I saw that the spots on Arsene’s back had become clearer.

I couldn’t help but worry about Arsene’s health.

Perhaps Arsene knew that too, he sighed and said.

“If I’m sick, I’ll tell you right away, so don’t worry, Linsy. Do you understand?”

“Eung, okay.”

As we chatted, Kendrick made his way to the mansion on the edge.

All the servants came out to meet Kendrick.

“Are you here, Lord?” 

“Yeah, what about the kids?”

Perhaps Kendrick came in a hurry, his always tidy hair was slightly disheveled.


I walked down the stairs with Arsene and stood in front of Kendrick.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes? Yes, I just need to get my hair done again.”

“I’m done.”

“Yes, let’s get ready and go. I should have come sooner, but I’m a little late.”

Kendrick went to his room with the maids to get dressed and get ready for the festivities.

Arsene and I also went back to the room to get ready.

I didn’t have to change clothes because I wore them in the main mansion.

I only had to get my hair done a little messy because I had with Arsene.

Since Betty hadn’t arrived yet, the maids of the second mansion had my hair done. 

My slightly curly red hair was stretched out to the fullest, and half of it was tied back neatly.

They put glitter and flowers all over my hair and finished it off with a pretty hat.

“Lady, you are really, really pretty!”

“Seriously, of all the people coming to the festival today, the Lady must be the most beautiful.” 

I think I’ve heard this before,

Is it just my feeling?

But then.


I narrowed my brows when I saw a black mouse that disappeared quickly while sitting on a window frame.