Chapter 279: Hot to explosion

The heavy engine roar sounded, and the fans gathered in front of the Emirates Rock Theater quickly turned their heads and looked into the distance. An old pickup truck bumped up and gradually revealed its figure from the night. The paint on the pickup truck was mottled, and part of the car body showed rust. There are no baffles on both sides of the car, but **** barbed wires are wrapped around, so that people can easily see what is being pulled on the car.

At first glance they are all tools, picks, spades, shovel, hacksaw, big wrench, tire breaker, extra large vise...

Looking again, these tools were densely covered with dark red patches, like solidified human blood.

Seeing this, and then carefully looking at the rust color on the pickup truck, it makes people suspect that it is not rust at all, but the color of dried human blood.

The dilapidated pickup truck shuddered, passing directly through the road where the fans gathered, and stopped under the steps in front of the Emirates Stone Theater.

The harsh brakes rang, and the old pickup truck shook for a while, and seemed to fall apart at any time.

At this time, the fans saw the tools on the car clearly, as if there was a smell of blood rushing over their faces, some could no longer bear it, and screamed with excitement in fear.

The screams were wave after wave, and the atmosphere of the scene was completely mobilized.

The door of the pickup truck opened, and someone came down from above. The scream instantly rose another level, and some people even backed away in fear.

The person who came down looked weird, with obvious deformities on his face, and a huge scar. Holding a rusty short knife in his hand, he opened the door of the rear carriage and pulled down a young girl in a white tight-fitting shirt.

The girl's hair was dirty, the top of the compassionate shirt was white and black, and some places were still stained with blood. Her hands were tied in front of her, and her only clean face was full of panic.

On the other hand, a fat deformed man drove down a young man. The young man's leg seemed to have been injured, and his jeans were torn in a large area, covered with blood.


The two freaks pressed their prey and walked onto the short red carpet under the steps of the Chiefs Rock Theater.

The screams at the scene became louder.

Movie fans naturally know that these are all fakes, they are all pretended to be actors, and they can't help but scream in excitement and fear.

The calls that gathered together were so high that they seemed to penetrate the sky of Los Angeles.

Cruelty, deformity, abuse, blood, nausea, violence...

These have been fully displayed from cars, weirdos and prey.

The media reporters were all excited about this special red carpet ceremony. They picked up the camera in their hands and took photos almost frantically, and countless films were murdered.

Soon, another open truck drove up. The car seemed to have experienced a serious collision. The headlights were half off and there were blood stains on it.

Another freak was carried on the red carpet with prey, and the injured prey looked like animals waiting to be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse.

The atmosphere at the premiere scene has already fallen into enthusiasm. Countless horror film fans are so fascinated by the scene they saw with their own eyes, and they wish they were one of them.

"This premiere is so cool."

"Damn, the premiere alone scared me to pee."

"The feature film is definitely more terrifying than this!"

"The organizers of this premiere are too good at playing, so exciting!"

"This is the premiere of the horror movie!"

"This premiere alone is worth the price!"

Movie fans are all excited and can't help themselves. The American horror film lovers of these media, don't they like these large scales?

The freaks and prey who entered the interview area were all surrounded by media reporters. The flashing of the lights has never stopped, and countless problems will cause dizziness.

This kind of treatment has made the actors who were quite criticized before start to get excited. This is completely the media treatment that big stars can enjoy!

The atmosphere of the premiere is so hot that it may explode at any time.

Of course, amidst the excitement, some old-fashioned people can't bear it.

Hurst, an old reporter from the Los Angeles Times, shook his head and kept muttering: "What about morality? What about the bottom line? What about conscience? In broad daylight, is there any professional ethics in such a large-scale scene? For the sake of publicity, I really don’t even need my conscience!"

Now these people in Hollywood have no bottom line one by one, and they dare to use any propaganda means.

When he was young, if a film company dared to make such a mess at the premiere, not only would the media spray them to death, it is estimated that the FBI had already found him.

But now?

Hurst turned his head and looked around. Policemen in uniforms were helping to maintain order at the premiere...

This society is really getting degenerate.

Hollywood is simply the source of corruption.

"The level of topics triggered by publicity can be effectively transformed into attention."

In the lounge on the second floor of the Emirates Rock Theatre, Thomas, the director of the distribution department of the Embassy Cinemas, stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the atmosphere rising from the waves in front of the theater, and said: "The attention can directly bring the box office. To improve."

The director of the propaganda department David Villa snapped his fingers and said, "You are very accurate."

Thomas was a little worried, and asked: "Is this propaganda scale bigger?"

"Large scale? How could it be possible!" David Villa said: "This is a plasma horror film, and such propaganda scale is normal."

He pointed to the policeman who was helping to maintain order and said, "Look, the police have no objection."

"What about the media?" Thomas was never worried about the police.

David Villa laughed: "It's better to have the media attack us. How can we expand the topic without attacking?"

Thomas couldn't help shaking his head and said, "David, you broke down with Ronan."

David Villa raised his fingers and shook his fingers again and again: "This is not to learn badly, but to open up ideas and broaden your horizons. People like you who do orthodox cinema distribution will not understand that Ronan’s publicity plan While boldly seeking change, how targeted."

Thomas didn't know what to say for a while. From the beginning of the promotion of "Blair the Witch", he fully experienced the nearly decisive role of proper promotion and marketing for the success or failure of the film.

It seems that a reasonable promotion and marketing plan is more important than the quality of the film itself.

David Villa said at this time: "Following Ronan's strategy for the promotion of several films, I really benefited a lot. My past thinking was too rigid."

Ronan’s propaganda and marketing ideas can not only make a fuss on the living, but even the dead can play with it.

Just look at the hot box office results of "The Bourne".

In the other lounge, George Clint came out with Mary and walked through a long corridor towards the side door of the theater.

"The accounts are all done?" George asked.

Mary nodded slightly: "Don't worry, there will be no problem."

George sighed lightly and said: "The public production cost of this film is $20 million, and the box office is under pressure."

Mary smiled and said, "Don't put pressure on yourself."

The crew of "Fatal Corner" does not have a third-party guarantee. No one knows where a lot of production costs are spent than Mary and George. In the past six months or so, most of the expenses of the entire Shahai Entertainment have actually gone. It's all the accounts of the crew of "Fatal Turn".

Merely scrapped films and props, as well as items such as the loss of repeated shooting by the crew, there is too much room for accounting.

Mary knows very well that the actual production cost of this film is not even half of the $20 million public cost, and most of the investment of the crew comes from Arabs in Abu Dhabi.

George Clint looked around, saw no one else, lowered his voice and asked, "After this film, what if the Arab businessmen in Abu Dhabi want to withdraw their funds? Ronan said No?"

Mary nodded slightly and said, "Ronan said, if the people of Abu Dhabi want to withdraw their investment, let them withdraw it. Investment income is calculated strictly according to Hollywood rules, and we just deduct what we deserve. "

George replied and said: "There are several big projects, especially "Pirates of the Caribbean". The investment may be more than 120 million U.S. dollars, and there is a big gap in the funds of Shahai Entertainment."

Mary said confidently: "Ronan can solve it."

George nodded: "I also believe Ronan can solve it. If you can't borrow Arab chickens to lay eggs, you can always find chickens that lay eggs from other places."

He sighed: "It's a pity the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority."

Mary first nodded in agreement, and then shook her head: "The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is too ambitious, and also wants to play a game of borrowing chickens and eggs, and wants to use the theory of relativity entertainment to incubate Arab film companies. How can Ronan continue to cooperate with them? ?"

George said: "After all, we are not strong enough, otherwise the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority would not dare to plan like this."

Mary smiled: "We have developed very quickly."

"Yes, it's just like dreaming." George Clint couldn't help but said: "We almost resigned from Shahai Entertainment at the time, and luckily we didn't resign."

He turned his head to look at Mary: "Do you remember the last Jamie who left?"

"Remember Mary still remembers Ronan's staying with him.

"Jamie is now unemployed." George said: "Some time ago, I secretly came to the company to find me and wanted to come back, but Ronan refused."

Although Mary couldn't bear it, she still said, "Rejection should be done."

The two entered the theater and sat in the second row. There was a sound of footsteps. Suddenly, a group of freaks and the tortured were seated in the first row. Fortunately, the lights in the theater were bright enough, otherwise they would be surprised. .

These monsters and monsters look really scary.

George Clint said: "Next time I have a chance, I will also go to a horror movie to star in a monster."

This premiere is very interesting, really fun, but unfortunately it was all operated by the publishing company.

I hope this **** horror film can attract enough audiences.

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