Chapter 316: 5 star customer

In an elegant and modern Western-style office, a Japanese man in a neat suit and leather shoes, neatly dressed and serious, is reporting work to the middle-aged man behind the desk.

"President Matsubara." Itazun Japanese was quite respectful: "I have made initial contact with people in the United States."

President Matsubara was a short man in his fifties, nodded and asked, "Yoshida, have you seen Ronan Anderson?"

Yoshida quickly replied: "No, the person I met was Scott Swift, the head of the Pacific Film Investment Foundation."

Songyuan was not surprised. According to the principle of reciprocal reception, if Ronan Anderson came forward, how could he, the vice president in charge of investment, personally receive him.

Ronan Anderson is also the owner of a film group company and two foundations.

"How was the contact?" Songyuan asked.

Yoshida replied very earnestly: "We have conducted preliminary intentional contacts. As Mr. Harmont said, the Pacific Film Fund is preparing to raise funds. They have signed investment agreements for five films with Shahai Entertainment, including two. One of the A-type major productions has obtained a third-party completion guarantee contract from the Allianz Firefighters Insurance Fund Company."

Matsubara has a certain understanding of Hollywood and is not surprised, and said: "This is the basic procedure of Hollywood film financing." He asked: "What about the completion rate of Shahai Entertainment's film?"

Yoshida said: "Currently 100% of the film! And the profit rate is scary." He glanced at Matsubara, and said: "However, the Pacific Film Foundation was founded last year and currently has no investment. The owner of the foundation is Ronan- Anderson, the owner of Shahai Entertainment is also Ronan Anderson."

"I know about this." After the initial contact between Songyuan and Harmont, he learned about it: "This is not uncommon in Hollywood. The owners of many film investment funds are often members of a certain film company. We invested in that year. The actual directors of the Yinping Fund are actually from major Hollywood companies."

Yoshida tentatively asked: "In this case, Hollywood has a lot of insider operations, and it's even more difficult to control..."

Matsubara was sitting in a **** and said softly, "This is what I worry about the most. We must guarantee our investment income."

Yoshida acted as a reminder and stopped talking, but waited for Matsubara to make a decision.

Songyuan thought for a while, and then said: "Hollywood film investment is not as simple as it seems. We have already paid tuition for our cooperation with the Silver Screen Foundation. This time we must be cautious. If there is no guarantee, I would rather invest in Wall Street. "

Yoshida echoed: "Yes! I will continue to contact them!" He suddenly thought of something and said: "We have provided a lot of information to the direction, if you need..."

Song Yuan nodded, "Send it to me."

Yoshida immediately replied: "Yes! Please wait a moment, I will go now."

Soon, Yoshida brought another staff member to send a large amount of documents and put them on the desk according to Matsubara's instructions.

Matsubara asked Yoshida to go out and wait, and took a look at the information carefully.

Among them are the relevant materials and legal documents of the Pacific Film Foundation, the top credit rating of Ronan Anderson, the owner of the foundation, a copy of the investment agreement signed by the foundation and Shahai Entertainment, and Shahai Entertainment and its production in the last three years The relevant information of the film, the long-term cooperation agreement between Shahai Entertainment and Allianz Group, the explanation of the five films of Shahai Entertainment that the foundation is preparing to invest, etc.

Matsubara has carefully read every document. If you look at the documents alone, the credit of Shahai Entertainment and the Pacific Foundation is not a problem at all.

Shahai Entertainment has previously cooperated with Arabs and Indians, and the information indicates that it is still cooperating. Those who invest in Shahai Entertainment have benefited a lot.

However, Songyuan is not confused by the above data. Movies are high-risk investments. Each movie is a new brand. Unlike other industries that have a strict reference system and quality standards, the uncertainty in the film production or production stage is even greater. Strong.

Moreover, there are many environmental factors that affect film revenue, and it is difficult to predict in advance because of changes in the market competition environment.

An excellent movie, if you encounter another excellent movie in the same period, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

The information of each movie is relatively closed, and there is no way to negotiate and queue up for release, which makes the changes in the entire market very unstable.

The investment risk of movie projects is very high, and it is difficult for investors to control the specific work after investment.

Of course, all investments are accompanied by high risks.

Songyuan thought of the analysis of the investment analysis team. The Hollywood first-line film industry is undergoing a transformation. In the future, there will be more and more A-type productions with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. Production companies will inevitably need large amounts of funds. This is an opportunity for investment institutions.

Where there is a need for funds, investors like them can see where the profits are.

But the investment opportunities for long-term credit banks are not limited to this one. Even if they are placed in the US market, which the top of the company most wants to expand, there are other industries to choose from besides Hollywood.

Songyuan will not make a decision lightly. Even from the information alone, this opportunity seems very good.

The Pacific Foundation has already had five film appointments with Shahai Entertainment.

The owner of the foundation and the film company is the same person, which is a bad thing for investors, but finding a suitable entry point may not be a good thing.

The movie project also looks very reliable.

"Pirates of the Caribbean", a Hollywood category A project with a production budget of hundreds of millions of dollars; "Hurricane Rescue", a genre of secret agent action movies that is currently popular all over the world, and Liam Neeson, who has been nominated for an Oscar for best actor; "Summer in Jeans" is also a popular youth movie in Hollywood. The heroine is Anne Hathaway, who became famous this year...

The titles of the other two projects have not yet been determined, and they are tentatively horror films and another category A project.

Songyuan will read the data codes neatly and continue to consider: Because of Hollywood's relatively mature system, sometimes the risk of investing in foreign films is not higher than that of domestic films, and the benefits are not necessarily smaller than the latter.

He himself tends to go to Hollywood for a shortcut to making money.

However, based on the analysis of the actual situation, the food delivery boy will encounter many pitfalls in Hollywood.

Hollywood is by no means waiting for the island nation’s capital to be rescued. Prior to this, the capital of Germany, India, France and other countries had entered Hollywood, and the effect was not satisfactory.

For example, the original film cost was only 50 million U.S. dollars, and the island country had to accept a price of 100 million U.S. dollars to get in.

The cultural differences between the two parties have also led to the role of investment and it is difficult to participate in the core process, not to mention post-production.

For Hollywood, the island country is to some extent an investor and a source of funds.

Matsubara's head is very clear that even if he invests in Hollywood, his position is an investor, not a cooperator in the Hollywood film industry.

After thinking about it for a while, Matsubara pressed the intercom, called Yoshida in, pointed to the information on the desk, and said, "Send it to the audit department so that people can verify the authenticity of the information as soon as possible."

Yoshida responded quickly: "Yes! I'm going now."

Matsubara thought for a while, and then said: "You continue to maintain contact with the Pacific Foundation, and the reception level is raised to a potential partner. After the information is verified, you will contact them. I will have an interview with Ronan Anderson personally. Talk to them about this cooperation."

Yoshida took the materials picked out by Matsubara and said, "Yes!"

Needless to say, Matsubara, Yoshida can also see that the boss is very concerned about this potential partner.

At present, he is a direct basic person. Judging from the initial contact and the information he has read and the relevant information he has learned, this Pacific Fund is highly investable.

Even more reliable than those local film companies.

As for verifying these information, this is a necessary procedure, but Shahai Entertainment and Ronan Anderson are quite well-known in the Hollywood industry. If they dare to produce these detailed information, they must be able to withstand verification.

Yoshida estimated that there should be no problems with this Pacific Film Foundation based on Shahai Entertainment and Ronan Anderson.

Coupled with Matsubara's orders, he immediately raised the degree of attention by another level.

In just a few days, the audit department’s news reached Yoshida. After strict verification procedures, there was no problem with the data. With the relevant information collected before, the audit department directly gave the Pacific Foundation a five-star potential customer rating. .

This is the long-term credit bank’s highest quality potential customer score.

Five days after Ronan came to Tokyo, he received a message from the long-term credit bank of the island nation through Scott that the other party's senior staff with investment decision-making power wanted to meet with him to discuss the investment matters.

Scott has had four rounds of contact with the long-term credit bank of the island country From the contact situation, the long-term credit bank has a strong desire to invest in the United States. Hopefully, he is also quite interested in Hollywood film investment. .

However, the long-term credit bank has considerable doubts about how to protect investment income because of the last cooperation with the Yinping special film and television fund.

The island country’s film and television industry is well-developed. Whether it is a normal film industry or a film and television industry where countless outstanding artists can develop to such a degree, there must be many twists and turns.

And there is also Sony Columbia Pictures in Hollywood, and it is possible that some islanders generally understand some of Hollywood's cheating legal financial calculation methods.

That is very unfavorable to foreign investors.

It is normal for the island country’s long-term credit banks to have doubts. After all, the financing amount of the Pacific Film Fund is not a few million dollars or tens of millions of dollars. It is a huge amount of hundreds of millions of dollars!

This is the first phase of the Pacific Film Fund. Ronan's bottom line goal is to raise 200 million to 300 million US dollars.