Chapter 377: not that simple

Pudong International Airport, an international transportation hub that has just been opened for a few years, is of the top scale even if you look at the world.

Some college students wearing uniform volunteer T-shirts came near the airport exit early in the morning.

"French people come here!"

A famous official commanded at the scene and said loudly: "In half an hour, the Europa Film Company's flight will land, so hurry up!"

Seven or eight students moved swiftly, apparently experiencing a certain big scene. With the cooperation of airport security personnel, they quickly approached the exit gate and assembled several sign boards with French and Chinese characters.

Although the film festival has only been held for the sixth time, it does not hinder the official determination to become an international event. Once there is strong support, the implementation of this side is so high that the whole world admires it.

In airports, stations, or other key departments and places, the officials have already greeted them, and the people below know that they are doing their best to promote the film festival, and they all try their best to cooperate.

The official of the organizing committee of the film festival was still a little worried, and told the group of people: "Although "Angel Loves the Beauty" was only shown at the film festival, only the production company and the producer of the crew returned with the team. , But you must pay attention. You must know that you are now the external window of the film festival!"

One of the older students immediately said: "Leaders can rest assured that this is not the first time we have received foreign guests."

The official nodded, then asked the leading student a few words, returned to the remaining group of students, and said: "How many English-speaking students can come here from the Drama Academy!"

"Hurry up!" A girl with short hair pulled a round-faced girl's arm: "Wanqian, it's up to us!"

The round-faced girl named Wanqian followed the girl to the front and listened carefully to the leader's instructions.

"You are all high-achieving students from the Drama Academy, and some of them have gone to the Southern California Film Academy for further studies." The official voice was loud and hard-working: "This time your job is very simple. Welcome guests from Hollywood, and then assist them to move in Hotel, understand?"

"Understood!" The four men and three women readily agreed.

Seven people also came near the exit.

The official wiped the sweat from his face and looked at the time. After a while, the leader would personally come to pick up the plane.

Several students got together to chat.

"Wanqian, have you heard?" The short-haired girl muttered, "It is said that the person we are going to pick up this time is from Miramax, and the leader is Harvey Weinstein, a Hollywood gold medal producer."

A male student studying abroad at the Southern California Film Academy answered: "Harvey Weinstein is the most famous Oscar promoter in Hollywood. With his help, is it easy to win an Oscar performance award."

Many things are always rumored to be false, and then in the original rumored version, they are infinitely expanded.

For example, Harvey Weinstein's ability to operate Oscars, such as big stars and first-line directors are just pawns in the hands of CAA...

Wan Qian had never been to the United States and didn't know much about the situation. She was puzzled: "Isn't the result of the Oscar winning vote produced by thousands of judges? Can one person have such a big influence?"

The boy who had stayed in school couldn’t help laughing: “Wanqian, Harvey Weinstein’s influence is greater than expected. Let’s put it this way, if we can get his appreciation, becoming a star will be minutes Thing."

Although Wan Qian is still a freshman in the drama school, she has her own analytical skills. Judging from today's reception, Harvey Weinstein should be a big figure in Hollywood, but her classmates are absolutely exaggerated.

Minutes? The investment in a movie in Hollywood is so high, like actors or other things, will make a decision on the forehead?

Suddenly, a slightly messy footstep sounded from the entrance of another passage, and people here turned their heads to look, only to see many high-nosed foreigners walking out of the terminal building.

"Which country is this from?" The short-haired girl looked at one of the black-haired middle-aged people: "That is the vice chairman of the organizing committee. It must be a big man who can meet him personally?"

With sharp eyes, Wan Qian saw the English on the suitcases pushed by some people, and wondered: "Relativity Entertainment? Embassy Pictures? Very strange."

The girl with short hair quickly said: "I know. Qianqian, did you forget? The "Bourne Shadow" we watched together last year was issued by Embassy Pictures.

"It's also from Hollywood." Wan Qian thought of it immediately.

The student in the lead was more informed, and said at this time: "By the way, I looked at the schedule today. The team of Hollywood Relativity Entertainment came by a private business jet, and Vice Chairman Chen would pick it up. It should be them."

Everyone on this side looked over there, and it was not difficult to tell that the leader of the team was a very young Yankee.

He was about twenty-three or four years old, tall and handsome, and at first glance dazzling like a top Hollywood star.

The girl with short hair asked the man studying abroad: "Do you know that tall handsome guy?"

"I don't know." The overseas student shook his head directly: "I have been back for two or three years, and I don't know much about this theory of relativity entertainment and embassy film industry."

At this time, a convoy drove up along the airport road and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Wan Qian was also a little surprised. Even in the country's largest city, it is not easy to see such a series of luxury cars today.

The leading student exclaimed: "Four Bentleys and four Maybach Zeppelins, it's a big deal!"

Thinking that this group of people came by private business jet, I couldn't help but be surprised.

For people of this age, a private jet plus eight top luxury cars can only exist in imagination.

I don't know why, everyone's expectations of Harvey Weinstein and Miramax and the group they are about to receive have quietly dropped by more than one level.

How can someone who comes by plane compare to a private plane?

Sometimes, the most superficial things will leave the most intuitive impression.

Ronan is a person who has experienced this age and knows the characteristics of some times. This is also a way to show his strength.

In fact, we need a wealthy partner here.

The convoy left the airport and came to the hotel where Ronan was staying. Ronan made a few words with the official in charge of the reception and entered his room.

Soon, Connie got a schedule.

"The official event starts the day after tomorrow." Connie handed the schedule to Ronan, and said simply: "First attend the opening ceremony of the film festival, then go to the trading area located in the International Convention and Exhibition Center, three days later to participate in the Hollywood Film Academy and International The Golden Jue Film Forum jointly organized by the Festival’s Organizing Committee."

Ronan nodded slightly. Since he came here, he didn't plan to be a salted fish. He also planned to participate in many public events to brush up on his presence.

Hollywood has gradually opened up the film market here. Although the 13% film share is not high, and even the 25% share after the re-signing of the WTO in the future does not seem to be a lot, the profit is actually The rate is fairly objective.

This is the share after removing various taxes and fees and the cost of publicity, which is almost pure profit.

Hollywood film companies are not fools. They are willing to open up the market here for only one reason-to be profitable.

Connie said again at this time: "Miss Lizao just called and wanted to come over and visit, and at the same time, on behalf of Director Zhang, asked when to meet."

Ronan thought for a while and said, "This is not in a hurry, the director Zhang will also participate in the Golden Jue Film Forum, right?"

Connie glanced at the information in her hand and said, "His name is on the list."

Ronan turned to ask, "Which other film company in Hollywood will come over?"

Connie said immediately: "Harvey Weinstein and Miramax's team arrived on a flight today. It is estimated that the flight has landed at the airport."

Ronan thought of some of the news he had received before, plus the memories of Harvey Weinstein and the director Zhang in his previous life, and said: "This is not that simple. You can make contact with each other first. Get the film first at the right price."

Although in this era, most filmmakers here can be proud of their films being released in North America or entering the international market, and even require a very low or even a penny agency fee for this, but they must not belittle anyone because of this. Producer and director who can become famous, which one is not an old fox?

When conditions permit, he will inevitably strive for the most favorable conditions for himself.

It is not difficult for Ronan to imagine that Director Zhang and the boss Zhang, who likes to wear white hats, want to make the two tigers fight for profit, right?

Hollywood money is not so profitable.

After resting in the room for a while, Connie came over to inform Ronan that the Yu Jiaolong came to visit in person.

This was not in Los Angeles, and the Yujiaolong was too smart. Ronan didn't plan to meet her in a private place. He made an appointment in the hotel lobby and took the elevator downstairs.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Ronan saw a familiar figure, and the other party also saw him.

"Hi, Ronan." Harvey Weinstein took the initiative to greet Ronan.

Ronan stepped forward to shook hands with Harvey Weinstein: "Hello, Harvey. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Harvey-Weinstein looked relaxed and asked: "Are you here to attend the film festival too?"

"Yes Ronan said casually: "Come and see, I wonder if I can find a few valuable films. "

While talking, he looked at the back, some young people in volunteer costumes were helping with luggage.

Harvey Weinstein pointed to the elevator: "Shall we go up first, and we will talk later?"

Ronan nodded: "Okay."

The two shook hands again and left.

The college students looked curiously in the direction where Ronan had left, with curious eyes.

Ronan met Yu Jiaolong in the hotel lobby and chatted with her for a while. Yu Jiaolong was fine. The visit was also a sense of presence. After all, she still wants to develop further in Hollywood and wants to make good friends with Ronan. people.

Not long after sending Yu Jiaolong away, Harvey Weinstein suddenly called and wanted to chat with Ronan. Ronan thought a little and agreed.